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Hi! I put this here so it can be made a little better. I'm not trying to be rude about this. Let's make a few changes and put it back on the page.

You wrote: "the Energy is transdimensional". I don't understand what this means. Can you explain this any better? Thanks.

The transdimensional part was somebody else's revision, who edited my New Age portion If you check View Other Revisions back on the Angel page you will see the original context, and I was struggling to make the point, and had grammatical problems *G* The Energy this refers to is Spiritual, and it is not limited by the natural laws of Physics, but also exists mysteriously and simultaneously outside the 3-D world's matter, energy, space, and time--BF--

"BF": I think there is no such thing. If you want to put something like this on Wikipedia, please say "some people believe X." Don't just say, "X is true". Thank you.

hey leave my colors alone will ya ! I prefer green. :-)

Using the colors messes up some Web browsers, so some Wikipedians are removing the colors

New Age

Angels are also a part of New Age beliefs, where angels (known as Dakini in some New Age systems) are timeless, inorganic, immortal, inhuman beings who have existed with the Spiritual Energy's appearance as part of the One, not servants of God. Because the Energy is transdimensional, the behavior of angels has always been revelatory and mysterious. However, they respond to the state of spiritual energy within individuals, with the empathy that comes with their higher state of existence. Manifestations of angels in human form are explainable because can manifest in any form they choose.

What is the advertisement for an movie doing in here ? Please explain how this links at all to anything.

The familiar image of Buzz Lightyear helps the readers visualize how advanced technologies could be linked to attributes of angels by primitive people. e.g. Helmet as Halo, Flight suit as wings of angels, laser pistol as fire balls. Feel free to replace it with another familar icon that can provide the same visualization.

Phenomona beyond human knowledge were often interpreted as divine intervention. For example, in mythology, Thor was responsible for thunders and lightnings in the sky. Nowadays, we no longer take those supernatural beings seriously. Some day when we know enough, we may realize that some religions we believed in were just wrong interpretions due to our ignorance.

can those people be called atheists, since they believe in a being with all kinda' powers? --MichaelTinkler

I think they should be called atheist because they try to deny the existence of God by substituting him with a biological being - the alien.

This makes no sense -- should go to Patent nonsense?

Alien or New Age should deserve at least a subpage. They are belief of some people. In my opinion, the Christian belief of angels should be moved to a subpage too, or else this article become biased towards only one religion. Where is the NPOV here? Why is the New Age paragraph repeatedly removed? Is there freedom of religion in wikipedia? How can people be so closed mind that anything non-christian makes no sense. To the atheists, the Bible belongs to Patent nonsense too, but atheists respect your belief and won't call it nonsense in front of your face. Why can't Christians be more tolerant of different idea and people around them?

If you put '/Dakini?' inside the double brackets"[[]]" it creates a new subpage inside Angel.[In case anyone wants to sub sub sub page any of this =)]

I think all the Dakini stuff deserves its own page and I moved it there 04 October 2001.

"Many Old Testament chapters mention an "angry God" who sends his(her) angel to smite the enemies of the wandering tribes of Judah." I don't recall this. Refs?

I think the stuff about aliens belongs on an entirely different page altogether, as it is not a belief about angels specifically (Jahveh would not be an angel) but about extraterrestrials perhaps being responsible for all the stuff normally held to be divine. Chariots of the Gods comes to mind, but I'm sure a handful more people have bothered to develop all this stuff, so someone else should come up with a place to move it.

I think this argument makes no sense. Christians believe in more than just angels. By the same argument, the Christian belief should be removed from this article too because christian belief is not about angels specifically either. Why the belief that 'angels are aliens' has to be moved from an article about angels? I know, it is the same reason why the New Age belief must be moved too, it is simply because non-christian belief must be removed from wikipedia. I guess you know I am just trying to be sarcastic.

In the alien belief, Jahveh is not an angel, he is just another alien in power.

Christian beliefs on the divine in general should indeed go on other pages, and the article should link to them for more information. For instance, it would be inappropriate to have a long explanation of the great chain of being, but nothing would be wrong with mentioning that under that scheme angels occupy the position intermediate between man and God, and linking for more info. Same thing here - a quick note that angels have considered to be aliens with a link to more info would be best. If it's worth a subpage then it's worth a page. After all, you want to say the same thing on Jahveh, right?

My Grandfather claimed he saw Angels in the sky over the battlefield after one of the battles on the western front in World War 1. Apparently there was one particular battle where thousands of soldiers, from both sides, claimed to see this. Many who saw it were not particularly religious people. A few of the German soldiers apparently described them as Valkeries, though most said Angels. Does anyone have more definitive information? Do we think this is important enough to include on the page?
Yes, I think if the sightings were recorded, they should be mentioned here because they were believed to be angels. Perhaps they coincides with UFO sightings and future scholars may confirm angels are just aliens. Let not hide the information from the researcher.

How many contributors to this article have ever experienced angel(s)? It is a mystical experience that needs to be inserted in here some place, or I could add a cross-ref from New Age "The light beckons the curious moth." ~BF

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Last edited October 28, 2001 12:35 am by BF (diff)