[Home]Vice President of the United States of America

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Changed: 27c27
# [Chester Arthur]? (1881). Arthur succeeded to the presidency after Garfield was assassinated.
# Chester Arthur (1881). Arthur succeeded to the presidency after Garfield was assassinated.

Changed: 43,45c43,45
# Richard M. Nixon (1953-1961)
# [Lyndon B. Johnson]? (1961-1963)
# [Hubert H. Humphrey]? (1965-1969)
# Richard M. Nixon (1953-1961)
# Lyndon B. Johnson (1961-1963) Johnson succeeded to the presidency after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
# [Hubert Humphrey]? (1965-1969)

The Vice President of the United States of America becomes the President upon the death, resignation, or removal by impeachment of the former President. Should the Vice President be unable to assume the Presidency, next in line is the [Speaker of the House of Representatives]?, followed by the [President Pro Tempore]? of the United States Senate. (If none of these individuals is able to become president, succession proceeds through the Cabinet.)

Since the adoption of the 25th Amendment in 1967, "Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress." (Prior to that time, if the vice president died in office, resign, or succeeded to the presidency, the office of vice president remained vacant until the next presidential election.) Gerald Ford was the first vice president selected by this method, after the resignation of [Spiro Agnew]?; after succeeding to the presidency, Ford nominated [Nelson Rockefeller]? as vice president.

See United States Constitution.

  1. John Adams (1789-1797) Federalist
  2. Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801) Democratic-Republican
  3. [Aaron Burr]? (1801-1805)) Democratic-Republican
  4. George Clinton (1805-1813)
  5. Elbridge Gerry (1813-1814). Gerry died in office and at the time there was no provision for the appointment of a successor, so the Vice Presidency remained vacant until the next election and inauguration.
  6. [Daniel D. Tompkins]? (1817-1825)
  7. [John C. Calhoun]? (1825-1832). Calhoun resigned the vice presidency to take a seat in the Senate, having been chosen to fill a vacancy.
  8. Martin Van Buren (1833-1837)
  9. [Richard Johnson]? (1837-1841)
  10. John Tyler (1841). Tyler succeeded to the Presidency a month after inauguration as Vice President. There was no Vice President during the remainder of the term.
  11. [George M. Dallas]? (1845-1849)
  12. Millard Fillmore (1849-1850). Fillmore succeeded to the presidency after Zachary Taylor died in office.
  13. [William R. King]? (1853). Died in office.
  14. [John C. Breckenridge]? (1857-1861)
  15. Hannibal Hamlin (1861-1865)
  16. Andrew Johnson (1865). Johnson became president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
  17. [Schulyer Colfax]? (1869-1873)
  18. [Henry Wilson]? (1873-1875). Died in office.
  19. [William A. Wheeler]? (1877-1881.
  20. Chester Arthur (1881). Arthur succeeded to the presidency after Garfield was assassinated.
  21. [Thomas A. Hendrick]? (1885). Died in office.
  22. [Levi P. Morton]? (1889-1893).
  23. [Adlai E. Stevenson]? (1893-1897)
  24. [Garret A. Hobart]? (1897-1899). Died in office.
  25. Theodore Roosevelt (1901). Roosevelt succeeded to the presidency after William McKinley was assassinated.
  26. [Charles W. Fairbanks]? (1905-1909)
  27. [James S. Sherman]? (1909-1912). Died in office.
  28. Thomas R. Marshall (1913-1921)
  29. Calvin Coolidge (1921-1923). Coolidge succeeded to the presidency at the death of [Warren Harding]?.
  30. [Charles G. Dawes]? (1925-1929)
  31. [Charles Curtis]? (1929-1933)
  32. [John N. Garner]? (1933-1941)
  33. [Henry A. Wallace]? (1941-1945
  34. Harry Truman (1945). Truman succeeded to the presidency at the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  35. [Alben W. Barkley]? (1949-1953
  36. Richard M. Nixon (1953-1961)
  37. Lyndon B. Johnson (1961-1963) Johnson succeeded to the presidency after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  38. [Hubert Humphrey]? (1965-1969)
  39. [Spiro Agnew]? (1969-1973) Agnew resigned while under investigation for accepting bribes in his previous position as governor of Maryland.
  40. Gerald R. Ford (1973-1974) Appointed to replace Agnew, Ford succeeded to the presidency at the resignation of Richard Nixon.
  41. Nelson A. Rockefeller (1974-1977)
  42. [Walter Mondale]? (1977-1981)
  43. George Bush (1981-1989)
  44. J. Danforth Quayle (1989-1993)
  45. Albert Gore (1993-2001)
  46. Richard Cheney (2001-present)


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Last edited December 20, 2001 11:51 pm by RjLesch (diff)