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But notice that Isil, the Moon in Tolkien's Middle Earth, is male, while Anar, the Sun, is female

I like Tolkien as much as the next person, possibly more, but this does seem kind of out of place here. There are so many mythologies we're not even going to try and represent, why would we single Tolkien's out?

Light falling on the Earth from the Moon is called "inlunation".

Never heard of that, nor can it be found on the Web.

Nor it can. I had back-formed it from insolation. So had a friend of mine with whom I was having a conversation. Anyway, thanks for deleting it. --drj

The fact that the Moon seen from the earth appears to be exactly the same size as the Sun has been used by some people to suggest that life on Earth has been set up by some external agent.

Huh? Would you please elaborate?

Slapped wrists - I think this edit was mine, and yeah 'Some people' do include the below freaks searchers for the truth. I can't find any real evidence for it, either. [Dave McKee?]

Yeah, that's a new one on me. Do "some people" include Billy Joe and his cousin Ralph, UFO cults, or some more distinguished subsection of the population?
Yes, that idea is sheer lunacy. [BAD PUN]
Probably so, but someone wrote "This fact has been used by some people to suggest that life on Earth has been set up by some external agent," and if that's true, the article should say so only if it's some appreciable minority of the populace who thinks so--you know, a few wacko exobiologists, or something. --LMS
Hey- Billy Joe here -- <grin> Just because you don't think that the 'coincidence' is important doesn't mean other people don't. In fact, I would expect that if I did a survey in the right environment, that most people would consider the fact that you don't believe it is a sign that an external agent (ie: God) created the earth and all that is in it as a sign that you are close-minded and generally lacking in 'common sense'. That is not to try to be judgemental or derogatory, but the folks that feel this way have as much ability to draw their conclusions from nature as you do.
Billy Joe, if you would please answer my question, I would be happier. --LMS
But notice that Isil, the Moon in Tolkien's Middle Earth, is male, while Anar, the Sun, is female

I like Tolkien as much as the next person, possibly more, but this does seem kind of out of place here. There are so many mythologies we're not even going to try and represent, why would we single Tolkien's out?

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Last edited September 24, 2001 8:01 am by Josh Grosse (diff)