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Difference (from prior author revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 2c2
/OrrenBoyle meets with /JamesTaggart about the Mexican disaster. They can't believe /FranciscoDAnconia was swindled out of fifteen million dollars, and they assume he must know something they don't know. James Taggart tries to make an appointment with Francisco but he refuses to see him, because Francisco finds him boring.
/OrrenBoyle meets with James Taggart about the Mexican disaster. They can't believe Francisco d'Anconia was swindled out of fifteen million dollars, and they assume he must know something they don't know. James Taggart tries to make an appointment with Francisco but he refuses to see him, because Francisco finds him boring.

Changed: 5c5
James Taggart's office.
James Taggart's office.

Changed: 8,9c8,9
/FranciscoDAnconia - Mentioned.
Francisco d'Anconia - Mentioned.
James Taggart

Changed: 11c11
James Taggart's Secretary

/OrrenBoyle meets with James Taggart about the Mexican disaster. They can't believe Francisco d'Anconia was swindled out of fifteen million dollars, and they assume he must know something they don't know. James Taggart tries to make an appointment with Francisco but he refuses to see him, because Francisco finds him boring.

James Taggart's office.

 Francisco d'Anconia - Mentioned.
 James Taggart
 James Taggart's Secretary

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Last edited February 25, 2001 7:54 am by TimShell (diff)