[Home]Pope Benedict XI

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Changed: 1,4c1,2
Pope Benedict XI (1303-1304) succeeded the famous Boniface VII, but was unable to carry out his Ultramontane policy. He released Philip
the Fair of France from the excommunication laid upon him by Boniface, and practically ignored the bull Unam Sanctum. The
popes who immediately succeeded him were completely under the influence of the kings of France, and removed the Papal seat from Rome
to Avignon?
Benedict XI, pope (1303-1304), succeeded the famous Boniface VII, but was unable to carry out his Ultramontane policy. He released Philip the Fair of France from the excommunication laid upon him by Boniface, and practically ignored the bull Unam Sanctum. The
popes who immediately succeeded him were completely under the influence of the kings of France, and removed the Papal seat from Rome to Avignon?, sometimes known as the [Babylonian Captivity]?.

Changed: 7,9c5,6

text from the 9th edition (1880s) of an unnanmed encyclopedia - please update as necessary
:preceded by Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303)
:succeeded by Pope Clement V (1305-1314)

Benedict XI, pope (1303-1304), succeeded the famous Boniface VII, but was unable to carry out his Ultramontane policy. He released Philip the Fair of France from the excommunication laid upon him by Boniface, and practically ignored the bull Unam Sanctum. The popes who immediately succeeded him were completely under the influence of the kings of France, and removed the Papal seat from Rome to Avignon?, sometimes known as the [Babylonian Captivity]?.

preceded by Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303)
succeeded by Pope Clement V (1305-1314)

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Last edited September 19, 2001 6:27 am by MichaelTinkler (diff)