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Changed: 2c2,3
beginning in 1965. See http://www.multicians.org/ for lots of detail.
beginning in 1965.

Changed: 6,8c7,11
Multics was especially interesting for lacking a clear distinction between files and memory. All files were treated as virtual memory; to read or write to them one simply mapped them into ones [address space]?. (In Unix terminology, it was as if every file was mmaped.) The disadvantage of this was that the size of segments on the GE 645 was limited to 1 megabyte, and therefore extra code had to be used to work on files larger than
this. (In the days before huge bit-map? graphics, this limit
was rarely encountered.)
Multics was especially interesting for lacking a clear distinction between files and memory.
All files were treated as virtual memory; to read or write to them, an application simply mapped it into the [address space]?.
(In POSIX terminology, it was as if every file was mmap()ed.)
The disadvantage of this was that the size of segments on the GE 645 was limited to 1 megabyte, and therefore extra code had to be used to work on files larger than this.
(In the days before huge bitmap graphics, this limit was rarely encountered.)

Changed: 10c13,14
Bell Labs pulled out of the project in 1969. Some of the people who had worked on it there went on to create Unix, and Unix shows evidence of Multics in some areas, especially the naming of commands.
Bell Labs pulled out of the project in 1969.
Some of the people who had worked on it there went on to create the UNIX system, and the UNIX system shows the influence of Multics in some areas, especially the naming of commands.

Changed: 15,19c19,26
universities, industry, and government sites. The French
university system had quite a few in the early 1980s. After
Honywell stopped supporting Multics, users migrated to other
systems including Unix. The last Multics machine was shut
down on Halloween 2000.
universities, industry, and government sites.
The French university system had quite a few in the early 1980s.
After Honeywell stopped supporting Multics, users migrated to other
systems including the UNIX system.
The last Multics machine was shut down on October 31, 2000.

See also:

An experimental Operating System developed initially by a cooperative project between MIT, Bell Labs, and General Electric, beginning in 1965.

Multics was developed initially for the [GE 645]? mainframe, a 36-bit system. It was the first operating system written in a high level language; PL/I was used.

Multics was especially interesting for lacking a clear distinction between files and memory. All files were treated as virtual memory; to read or write to them, an application simply mapped it into the [address space]?. (In POSIX terminology, it was as if every file was mmap()ed.) The disadvantage of this was that the size of segments on the GE 645 was limited to 1 megabyte, and therefore extra code had to be used to work on files larger than this. (In the days before huge bitmap graphics, this limit was rarely encountered.)

Bell Labs pulled out of the project in 1969. Some of the people who had worked on it there went on to create the UNIX system, and the UNIX system shows the influence of Multics in some areas, especially the naming of commands.

Honeywell? bought GE's computer division, released a better hardware base, and continued system development until 1985. About 80 multi-million-dollar sites were installed, at universities, industry, and government sites. The French university system had quite a few in the early 1980s. After Honeywell stopped supporting Multics, users migrated to other systems including the UNIX system. The last Multics machine was shut down on October 31, 2000.

See also:


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Last edited October 2, 2001 1:56 am by Damian Yerrick (diff)