[Home]MAC address

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A 'Media Access Control address' or MAC address is a 48-bit identifier used to assign addresses in OSI Layer 2 networks. MAC addresses are assigned by the IEEE, and are used in the following network technologies:
A 'Media Access Control address' or MAC address is a 48-bit identifier used to assign addresses in some OSI Layer 2 networks. MAC addresses are assigned by the IEEE, and are used in the following network technologies:

Changed: 12c12
They are also closely related to NSAP addresses.
See also: NSAP address for another endpoint addressing scheme.

A 'Media Access Control address' or MAC address is a 48-bit identifier used to assign addresses in some OSI Layer 2 networks. MAC addresses are assigned by the IEEE, and are used in the following network technologies:

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Since the original designers of Ethernet had the foresight to use a 48 bit address space, there are potentially 248 or 281 million million possible MAC addresses. The IEEE hands out 24-bit OUI prefixes to organizations, effectively allocating blocks of 224 (around 16 million) MAC addresses at a time.

See also: NSAP address for another endpoint addressing scheme.

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Last edited December 6, 2001 1:10 am by The Anome (diff)