[Home]Homicidal organization

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A homicidal organization is an organization which kills people. Examples of homicidal organizations include:

* homicidal government
* homicidal cult
* army (during certain operations only)
* [homicidal criminal organization]?

The criteria for choosing whom to kill can also vary:

* ideocidal organization (according to views or beliefs)
* genocidal organization (according to ethnicity)
* [vendetta organization]? (according to prior acts)
* non-discriminating homicidal organization (just kill anyone)

Effective homicidal organizations are often structured around power relationships and feature strong ideology and conformism?.

Where does this concept come from? Does it exist in criminology or somewhere like that? Or is this just someones (somewhat idiosyncratic) attempt to organize things?... -- SJK
:it reads like one of the so-called 'concepts'. --MichaelTinkler
:Or like a piece from some intolerant group that demonizes government. -- Aristotle

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Last edited November 2, 2001 9:47 pm by Simon J Kissane (diff)