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:* I know someone like that -- I have a friend called Antonio, whose middle name is Carlos, yet everyone calls him Carlos, not Antonio. Carlos is in fact his dad's name... He tells me the explanation in this case was that his father used to always call him Carlitos (spanish for "little carlos"), but school teachers mistook that for Carlos... -- Simon J Kissane

What do you mean by "blocked supply" and why did it cause a crisis? --rmhermen
Refusing to pass the budget, so the Government has no money to run. I wasn't quite sure what to call it, so I just used the term people always use when discussing Australian politics or constitutional law. -- Simon J Kissane
Americans usually just say budget crisis and we have had a few of those too. Of course we can't dissolve congress or boot the president for it. All we can do is complain. ---rmhermen

O.K., how DO you say his name? Guff? Goooch? --MichaelTinkler

*Goff. It's a rare name in Australia. I don't know of anyone else with this first name. It does occur as a surname, but not very frequently.

* It's not his first name - his first name was Edward. Gough is his middle name. Using one's middle name was a common habit in Australia for some reason (not sure why, or for how long). As middle names were frequently family names (still are, eg William Jefferson Clinton) people then began to be known by names which were otherwise used as surnames. Sidenote: Why am I such an expert on this topic? Because my own mother made the mistake of naming me after a famous australian historian [Manning Clark]?, only to find out that his real first name was William. Anyway I got stuck with "Manning" as a first name - ManningBartlett

* I know someone like that -- I have a friend called Antonio, whose middle name is Carlos, yet everyone calls him Carlos, not Antonio. Carlos is in fact his dad's name... He tells me the explanation in this case was that his father used to always call him Carlitos (spanish for "little carlos"), but school teachers mistook that for Carlos... -- Simon J Kissane

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Last edited September 25, 2001 1:17 pm by Simon J Kissane (diff)