[Home]Dialectical materialism

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The philosophical basis of Marxism is dialectical materialism, an outgrowth of Hegel's dialectic. It uses the concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis to explain growth and development, analogizing from nature to human society.
The philosophical basis of communism is dialectical materialism, an outgrowth of Hegel's dialectic. It uses the concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis to explain growth and development, analogizing from nature to human society.

Changed: 3c3
Some critics claim that dialectical materialism contains inherent contradictions.
See: historical materialism, Marxism

The philosophical basis of communism is dialectical materialism, an outgrowth of Hegel's dialectic. It uses the concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis to explain growth and development, analogizing from nature to human society.

See: historical materialism, Marxism

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Last edited December 15, 2001 8:16 am by Ed Poor (diff)