[Home]Buddhist philosophy/Talk

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([Nichiren Buddhism]?, [[Tendai Buddhism], [Nembutsu Buddhism]?).
:([Nichiren Buddhism]?, [[Tendai Buddhism], [Nembutsu Buddhism]?).

I just wanted to thank the anonymous person who wrote this excellent start of an article on Buddhist philosophy. --Larry Sanger

I think that something about philosophy of Zen and other non-traditional Buddhist sects should be written. Taw

Many philosophers of Zen would maintain that Zen is anti-philosophy. :-)

I would like to see something about commonly practiced forms of Buddhism, such as Nichiren? Buddhism, Tendai? and Nembutsu?. [bddougie]

([Nichiren Buddhism]?, [[Tendai Buddhism], [Nembutsu Buddhism]?).

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Last edited November 9, 2001 9:01 am by 200.191.188.xxx (diff)