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A bignum system in a computer or program allows internal representation of arbitrarily large integers or arbitrarily precise rational numbers, by storing numbers as digit lists which can grow using dynamically allocated memory. First implemented in MacLISP?, it is implemented in most modern lisps and in many other languages (Java, Ruby, Python). The VAX/VMS operating system offered bignum facilities as a collection of [string functions]?. The [GNU Multi-Precision Library]?
A bignum system in a computer or program allows internal representation of arbitrarily large integers or arbitrarily precise rational numbers, by storing numbers as digit lists which can grow using dynamically allocated memory. First implemented in MacLISP?, it is implemented in most modern lisps and in many other languages (Java, Ruby, Python). The VAX/VMS operating system offered bignum facilities as a collection of [string functions]?. The [GNU Multi-Precision Library]?

A bignum system in a computer or program allows internal representation of arbitrarily large integers or arbitrarily precise rational numbers, by storing numbers as digit lists which can grow using dynamically allocated memory. First implemented in MacLISP?, it is implemented in most modern lisps and in many other languages (Java, Ruby, Python). The VAX/VMS operating system offered bignum facilities as a collection of [string functions]?. The [GNU Multi-Precision Library]? is a free C library that offers bignum features. All [computer algebra]? systems contain bignum facilities.

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Last edited December 17, 2001 8:32 am by The ansible (diff)