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Also, to answer your question on sensitivity and mythology, I would indeed like to see more sensitivity when we all discuss articles on talk pages. As for the word myth, it is so often used in sentences like, "The idea that miracles occur is a myth." (meaning false, didn't happen) Or when gay rights activists discuss "myths" about homosexuality, they mean to list common beliefs that are false (and outrageously offensive, to them). It just seemed like such a loaded term . . . Ed Poor

Ben Baker is a Wikipedian interested in philosophy, science, and computers.

I've been working on wikipedia stuff since August 2001, I'm part of the second wave of the Slashdot crowd.


Hi Ben -- why are you un-HTML-ing? I use HTML tags all the time, partially because I'm more familiar with them, and partially because the How to Edit page offers them as a viable alternative...is there a real problem, or do you just not like them? JHK

Hm.. I guess it was reflexive. I see them as less accessible to the average person, but maybe I'm just being elitist. I will try to stop it. I am talking of the <b> <i> tags. I will still remove the 17 lines of tables just to put in the birth date and death date information of some people I've seen. I think that is excessive and hides the actual text in a lot of HTML.

Hi Ben - yes I'm another who replaces HTML code whenever I see it. I guess it's just a matter of taste, and I agree that reading the wiki code is a lot easier (usually) - cheers MMGB

Ben, I guess you'd be another I neglected to welcome, though I know you've been around for a while. So, welcome! --LMS
Welcome, Ben. Thanks for your input on Falsifiability. --Ed Poor

Also, to answer your question on sensitivity and mythology, I would indeed like to see more sensitivity when we all discuss articles on talk pages. As for the word myth, it is so often used in sentences like, "The idea that miracles occur is a myth." (meaning false, didn't happen) Or when gay rights activists discuss "myths" about homosexuality, they mean to list common beliefs that are false (and outrageously offensive, to them). It just seemed like such a loaded term . . . Ed Poor

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Last edited December 15, 2001 8:30 am by Ed Poor (diff)