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Difference (from prior minor revision) (major diff, author diff)

Added: 11a12

Added: 12a14

Changed: 14c16,19
Pharmacology (effects and mechanisms of action, including dangers due to behavioral change (as traffic accidents, aggressive beh. etc.))

Pharmacology (effects and mechanisms of action, including dangers due to behavioral change (as traffic accidents,
aggressive beh. etc.))

Added: 15a21

Added: 16a23

Added: 17a25

Changed: 19c27,28
-- DA

-- DA

It can be snorted, taken orally, or smoked (most common method).

Here (Europe) smoking isn't at all common, and snorting is usual. --Taw

In eastern Europe the most usual is injecting Methamphetamine. -- DA

I find it VERY problematic to speak about "positive", "neutral" and "negative" effects of anything (not only of a drug). This is NOT OBJECTIVE, not from the neutral point-of-view, as Wikipedia should be.

I think, it would be good to agree on some common scheme to describe drugs, which could include (please improve and move to a better location - under Drug or even Pharmacology ?):



(ev. Biology)

Pharmacology (effects and mechanisms of action, including dangers due to behavioral change (as traffic accidents, aggressive beh. etc.))

Toxicology (harmful effects by the drug itself)

Accepted medical applications

Sociology - including all the non-medical apps. (common use in different socienties - of course, the medical apps. are a part of this also)

Law (globally)

-- DA

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Last edited November 29, 2001 3:16 pm by 62.2.17.xxx (diff)