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Alured of Berkeley --
Alured of Beverley --

Ala? -- ALA (from Lat. ala, a wing), a word used technically by analogy with its meaning of "wing." In physiology, ( 7 lines )

Alabama -- ALABAMA, a southern state of the American Union, situated between 84 deg. 51' and 88 deg. 31' W. long. and about 30 deg. 13' and ( 1082 lines )

Alabama River -- ALABAMA RIVER, a river of Alabama, U.S.A., formed by the Tallapoosa and Coosa rivers, which unite about 6 m. above ( 34 lines )

[William Alabaster]? -- ALABASTER, or ARBLASTIER, WILLIAM (1567--1640), English Latin poet and scholar, was born at Hadleigh, Suffolk, in ( 71 lines )

Alabaster -- ALABASTER, or ARBLASTIER, WILLIAM (1567--1640), English Latin poet and scholar, was born at Hadleigh, Suffolk, in ( 71 lines )

[Marguerite Marie Alacoque]? -- ALACOQUE, or AL COQ, MARGUERITE MARIE (1647--1690), French nun and mystic, was born at Lauthecourt, a village in ( 47 lines )

Alagoas? -- ALAGOAS, a maritime state of Brazil, bounded N. and W. by the state of Pernambuco, S. and W. by the state of Sergipe, and E. by ( 28 lines )

Alain De Lille -- ALAIN DE LILLE [Alanus de Insulis] (c. 1128-1202), French theologian and poet, was born, probably at ( 55 lines )

Alais? -- ALAIS, a town of southern France, capital of an arrondissement in the department of Gard, 25 m. N.N.W. of ( 28 lines )

Alajuela? -- ALAJUELA, the capital of the province of Alajuela, in Costa Rica, Central America, on the`transcontinental railway, 15 ( 17 lines )

Alamanni -- ALAMANNI, or ALLEMANNI, a German tribe, first mentioned by Dio Cassius, under the year 213. They apparently dwelt in ( 31 lines )

Luigi Alamanni -- ALAMANNI, or ALEMANNI, LUIGI (1405-1556), Italian statesman and poet, was born at Florence. His father was a ( 46 lines )

Alameagh? -- ALAMEAGH, or ALUMBAGH, the name of a large park 01 walled enclosure, containing a palace, a mosque and other buildings, ( 9 lines )

Alameda? -- ALAMEDA, a residential city of Alameda county, California, U.S.A., on an artificial island about 5 m. long and 1 m. ( 22 lines )

[Baltasar Alamos De Barrientos]? -- ALAMOS DE BARRIENTOS, BALTASAR (1555-1640), Spanish scholar, was born at Medina del Campo in 1555. His friendship ( 15 lines )

Aland Islands -- ALAND ISLANDS, an archipelago at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia, about 25 m. from the coast of Sweden, and 15 from ( 64 lines )

Alani? -- ALANI (Gr. 'Alanoi,'Alaunoi; Chinese 'O-lan-na; since the 9th century A.D. they have been called As, Russ. ( 18 lines )

Hernando De Alancon -- ALANCON, HERNANDO DE, Spanish navigator of the 16th century, is known only in connexion with the expedition to the coast of ( 18 lines )

[Juan Ruiz De Alarcon]? -- ALARCON, JUAN RUIZ DE (1518?-1639), Spanish dramatist, was born about 1581 at Tlacho (Mexico), where his father was ( 25 lines )

[Pedro Antonio De Alarcon]? -- ALARCON, PEDRO ANTONIO DE (1833-1891), Spanish writer, was born on the 10th of March 1833 at Guadix. He graduated at ( 69 lines )

[Jean Delphin Alard]? -- ALARD, JEAN DELPHIN (1815-1888), French violinist and teacher, was born at Bayonne on the 8th of May 1815. From 1827 he was ( 12 lines )

Alaric -- ALARIC (Ala-reiks, "All-ruler"), (c. 370-410), Gothic conqueror, the first Teutonic leader who stood as a conqueror ( 245 lines )

Alaric II -- ALARIC II. (d. 507), eighth king of the Goths in Spain, succeeded his father Euric or Evaric in 485. His dominions ( 23 lines )

Ala-shehr? -- ALA-SHEHR (anc. Philadelphia), a town of Asia Minor, in the Aidin vilayet, situated in the valley of the Kuzu Chai ( 27 lines )

Alaska -- ALASKA, formerly called RUSSIAN AMERICA, a district of the United States of America, occupying the extreme ( 512 lines )

Arbitration -- ARBITRATION.) The value of the fur seals taken from 1868 to 1902 was estimated at $35,000,000 and that of other furs at ( 263 lines )

Arbitration -- ARBITRATION.) The value of the fur seals taken from 1868 to 1902 was estimated at $35,000,000 and that of other furs at ( 263 lines )

Alassio? -- ALASSIO, a town of Liguria, Italy, on the N.W. coast of the Gulf of Genoa, in the province of Genoa, 57 ( 9 lines )

Alastor? -- ALASTOR, in Greek mythology, the spirit of revenge, which prompts the members of a family to commit fresh crimes to obtain ( 9 lines )

Ala-tau? -- ALA-TAU ("Variegated Mountains"), the name of six mountain ranges in Asiatic Russia. Three of these are in the ( 20 lines )

[Alaunus Alauna]? -- ALAUNA, ALAUNUS, the Celtic names of two rivers, etc., in Roman Britain. Hence the modern Allan Water, river Alyn, etc. ( 3 lines )

[Don Miguel Ricardo De Alava]? -- ALAVA, DON MIGUEL RICARDO DE (1770-1841), Spanish general and statesman, was born at Vittoria in 1770. He served first ( 51 lines )

Alava? -- ALAVA, DON MIGUEL RICARDO DE (1770-1841), Spanish general and statesman, was born at Vittoria in 1770. He served first ( 51 lines )

alb? -- ALB (Lat. alba, from albus, white), a liturgical vestment of the Catholic Church. It is a sack-like tunic of white ( 108 lines )

Alba? -- ALBA, a town and episcopal see of Piedmont, Italy, on the river Tanaro, in the province of Cuneo. From the town of ( 76 lines )

Albacete? -- ALBACETE, an inland province of south-eastern Spain, formed in 1833 out of the northern half of Murcia, and bounded on the ( 57 lines )

Albacete? -- ALBACETE, an inland province of south-eastern Spain, formed in 1833 out of the northern half of Murcia, and bounded on the ( 57 lines )

[Alba Fucens]? -- ALBA FUCENS (mod. Albe), an ancient Italian town occupying a lofty situation (3347 ft.) at the foot of the Monte Velino, 4 ( 56 lines )

[Alba Longa]? -- ALBA LONGA, an ancient city of Latium, situated on the western edge of the Albanus Lacus, about 12 m. S.E. of ( 72 lines )

[Albani Francesco]? -- ALBANI, or ALBANO, FRANCESCO (1578-1660), Italian painter, was born at Bologna. His father was a silk merchant, ( 37 lines )

Albania -- ALBANIA, the ancient name of a district in the eastern Caucasus, consisting, according to Strabo (xi. 4. 1-8), of the ( 37 lines )

[Albanus Lacus]? -- ALBANUS LACUS (mod. Lago di Albano), a lake about 12 m. S.E. of Rome. It is generally considered to have been ( 16 lines )

[Albanus Mons]? -- ALBANUS MONS (mod. Monte Cavo, from an early city of the name of Cabum? 1), the highest point of the volcanic ( 27 lines )

[Dukes of Albany]? -- ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was formerly given to those parts of Scotland to the north of the ( 223 lines )

[Louise Maximilienne Caroline of Albany]? -- ALBANY, LOUISE MAXIMILIENNE CAROLINE, COUNTESS OF (1752-1824), eldest daughter of Prince Gustavus Adolphus of ( 57 lines )

Albany? -- ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was formerly given to those parts of Scotland to the north of the ( 458 lines )

Albany? -- ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was formerly given to those parts of Scotland to the north of the ( 458 lines )

Albany? -- ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was formerly given to those parts of Scotland to the north of the ( 458 lines )

Albany? -- ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was formerly given to those parts of Scotland to the north of the ( 458 lines )

Albategnius -- ALBATEGNIUS (c. 850--929), an Arab prince and astronomer, correctly designated Mahommed ben Gebir al Batani, his surname ( 25 lines )

Albatross -- ALBATROSS (from the Port. Alcatraz, a pelican), the name of a genus of aquatic birds (Diomedea), closely allied to the ( 41 lines )

Albay? -- ALBAY, a city and the capital of the province of Albay, Luzon, Philippine Islands, near an inlet on the W. shore ( 24 lines )

Albedo -- ALBEDO (from Lat. albus, white), "whiteness," a word used principally in astronomy for the degree ( 5 lines )

[Earls And Dukes of Albemarle]? -- ALBEMARLE, EARLS AND DUKES OF. The name Albemarle, which now forms the title of the earldom held by the English ( 115 lines )

[Arnold Joost Van Keppel]? -- ARNOLD JOOST VAN KEPPEL, 1st earl of Albemarle, and lord of Voorst in Gelderland (c. 1670-1718), son of Oswald van Keppel ( 75 lines )

Albenga? -- ALBENGA, a town and episcopal see of Liguria, Italy, on the N.W. coast of the Gulf of Genoa, in the province of ( 25 lines )

Giulio Alberoni -- ALBERONI, GIULIO (1664-1752), Spanish--Italian cardinal and statesman, was born near Piacenza, probably at the village ( 74 lines )

[Albert the Warlike]? -- ALBERT (1522-1557), prince of Bayreuth, surnamed THE WARLIKE, and also ALCIBIADES, was a son of Casimir, prince of Bayreuth, ( 50 lines )

Albert I of Brandenburg -- ALBERT I. (c. 1100-1170), margrave of Brandenburg, surnamed THE BEAR, was the only son of Otto the Rich, count of ( 46 lines )

Albert III of Brandenburg -- ALBERT III. (1414--1486), elector of Brandenburg, surnamed ( 1 lines )

Francis Charles Augustus Albert -- ALBERT (FRANCIS CHARLES AUGUSTUS ALBERT EMMANUEL) (1819-1861), prince-consort of England, was born at Bosenau on the 26th ( 161 lines )

Albert I of Hapsburg -- ALBERT I. (c. 1250-1308), German king, and duke of Austria, eldest son of King Rudolph I., the founder of the greatness ( 69 lines )

Albert II of Hapsburg -- ALBERT II. (1397-1439), German king, king of Bohemia and Hungary, and (as Albert V.) duke of Austria, was born on the ( 23 lines )

Albert of Mainz -- ALBERT (1490-1545), elector and archbishop of Mainz, and archbishop of Magdeburg, was the younger son of John Cicero, ( 51 lines )

Albert of Prussia -- ALBERT (1490-1568), Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, and first duke of Prussia, was the third son of Frederick of ( 106 lines )

Albert III of Saxony -- ALBERT III. ( 1443-1500), duke of Saxony, surnamed ANIMOSUS or THE COURAGEOUS, younger son of Frederick II., the Mild, ( 43 lines )

Frederick Augustus Albert -- ALBERT, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, king of Saxony (18281902), was born on the 23rd of April 1828, being the eldest son of Prince ( 62 lines )

[Albert the Degenerate]? -- ALBERT, surnamed THE DEGENERATE (c. 1240-1314), landgrave of Thuringia, was the eldest son of Henry III., ( 21 lines )

[Friedrich Rudolf Albrecht]? -- ALBERT (FRIEDRICH RUDOLF ALBRECHT), ARCHDUKE (1817-1895), Austrian field-marshal, was the eldest son of the archduke Charles ( 111 lines )

[Madame Albert]? -- ALBERT, MADAME (c. 1805-1846), French actress, whose maiden name was Theresc Vernet, was born of a family of ( 15 lines )

[Albert of Aix]? -- ALBERT OF AIX (fl. c. A.D. 1100), historian of the first crusade, was born during the later part of the 11th century, ( 31 lines )

Alberta -- ALBERTA, a province of western Canada, established in 1905. Area 260,000 sq. m. It is bounded S. by the United ( 348 lines )

[Albert Edward Nyanza]? -- ALBERT EDWARD NYANZA, a lake of Central Africa, the southern of the two western reservoirs of the Nile. It lies ( 87 lines )

Domenico Alberti -- ALBERTI, DOMENICO (c. 1710-1740), Italian musician, is known in musical history as the writer of dozens of sonatas ( 12 lines )

Leone Battista Alrerti -- ALRERTI, LEONE BATTISTA (1404-1472), Italian painter, poet, philosopher, musician and architect, was born in ( 30 lines )

Mariotto Albertineili -- ALBERTINEILI, MARIOTTO (1474-1515), Italian painter, was born in Florence, and was a fellow-pupil and partner ( 6 lines )

Alrertite? -- ALRERTITE, a variety of asphalt found in Albert county, New Brunswick. It is of jet-black colour and brilliant pitch-like ( 14 lines )

[Albert Lea]? -- ALBERT LEA, a citynnd the county-seatof Freeborn county, Minnesota, U.S.A., about 97 m. S. of St Paul. Pop. (1890) 3305; ( 28 lines )

[Albert Nyanza]? -- ALBERT NYANZA, a lake of Central Africa, the northern of the two western reservoirs of the Nile, lying in the western ( 148 lines )

Albertus Magnus -- ALBERTUS MAGNUS (ALBERT OF COLOGNE.? 1206-1280), count of Bollstadt, scholastic philosopher, was born of the noble ( 82 lines )

Erasmus Alberus -- ALBERUS, ERASMUS (c. 1500-1553), German humanist, reformer and poet, was a native of the village of Sprendlingen near ( 38 lines )

[James Albery]? -- ALBERY, JAMES (1838--1889), English dramatist, was born in London on the 4th of May 1838. On leaving school he entered ( 15 lines )

Albi? -- ALBI, a city of south-western France, capital of the department of Tarn, 48 m. N. E. of Toulouse, on a branch ( 45 lines )

Albian? -- ALBIAN (Fr. Albion, from Alba = Aube in France), in geology the term proposed in 1842 by A. d'Orbigny for that ( 27 lines )

Albigenses -- ALBIGENSES, the usual designation of the heretics---and more especially the Catharist heretics--of the south of ( 138 lines )

Albino? -- ALBINO, a biological term (Lat. albus, white), in the usual acceptation, for a pigmentless individual of a normally pigmented ( 694 lines )

Tomasso Albinoni -- ALBINONI, TOMASSO (c. 1674--c. 1745), Italian musician, was born at Venice. He was a prolific composer of operas ( 7 lines )

[Albinovanus Pedo]? -- ALBINOVANUS PEDO, Roman poet, flourished during the Augustan age. He wrote a Theseis, referred to in a letter from his ( 29 lines )

[Rernhard Siegfried Albinus]? -- ALBINUS (originally WEISS), RERNHARD SIEGFRIED (1697-1770), German anatomist, was born on the 24th of February ( 24 lines )

Albion -- ALBION (in Ptolemy 'Alouion; Lat. Albion, Pliny 4.16[30],102), the most ancient name of the British Islands, ( 38 lines )

[Albion Michigan]? -- ALBION, a city of Calhoun county, Michigan, U.S.A., on the Kalamazoo river, 21 m. W. of Jackson. Pop. (1890) 3763; ( 28 lines )

[Albion New York]? -- ALBION, a village and the county-seat of Orleans county, New York, U.S.A., about 30 m. W.N.W. of Rochester. Pop. (1890) ( 19 lines )

Albite? -- ALBITE, a mineral of the felspar group, belonging to the division of the plagioclases (q.v..) It is a sodium and ( 49 lines )

Alboin -- ALBOIN (d. 572 or 573), king of the Lombards, and conqueror of Italy, succeeded his father Audoin about 565. The ( 30 lines )

Marietta Alboni -- ALBONI, MARIETTA (1823-1894), Italian opera-singer, was born at Cesena, Romagna, and was trained in music at Bologna, ( 16 lines )

Gil Alvarez De Albornoz -- ALBORNOZ, GIL ALVAREZ DE, Spanish cardinal, was born at Cuenca early in the 14th Century. He was the son of Gil Alvarez ( 43 lines )

Johann Georg Albrechtsberger -- ALBRECHTSBERGER, JOHANN GEORG (1736-1809), Austrian musician, was born at Kloster-Neuburg, near Vienna, on the 3rd ( 30 lines )

Albret? -- ALBRET. The lordship (seigneurie) of Albret (Labrit, Lebret), situated in the Landes, gave its name to one of ( 33 lines )

[Jacob Albright]? -- ALBRIGHT, JACOB (1759-1808), American clergyman, was born near Pottstown, Pennsylvania, on the 1st of May ( 16 lines )

[La Albuera]? -- ALBUERA, or ALBUHERA, LA, a small village of Spain, in the province of Badajoz, 13 m. S.E. of the town of that ( 7 lines )

[Albufera De Valencia]? -- ALBUFERA DE VALENCIA, a lagoon, 7 m. S. of Valencia in Spain, about 12 m. in length and 4 in breadth, 12 ft. being ( 14 lines )

[Albulae Aquae]? -- ALBULAE AQUAE, a group of springs, 4 m. W. of Tibur, the water of which is bluish, strongly impregnated with sulphur and ( 12 lines )

[Albula Pass]? -- ALBULA PASS, now the principal route from the N. to the Upper Engadine in the Swiss Canton of the Grisons. It was already ( 19 lines )

Album? -- ALBUM (Lat. albus, white), in ancient Rome, a board chalked or painted white, on which decrees, edicts and other ( 14 lines )

Albumazar? -- ALBUMAZAR, more properly ABU-MAASCHAR (805-885), Arab astronomer, was born at Balkh, flourished at Bagdad, ( 14 lines )

Albumin? -- ALBUMIN, or ALBUMEN (Lat. albus, white), an organic substance typical of a group of bodies (albumins or ( 345 lines )

Albuminuria? -- ALBUMINURIA (Physiological or Functional), a term indicating the presence of albumin in the urine. This may depend on ( 32 lines )

Alphonso D Albuquerque -- ALBUQUERQUE, ALPHONSO D, (in Old Port. AFFONSO D'ALBOQUERQUE) (1453-1515), surnamed THE GREAT, and ( 94 lines )

Albuquerque -- ALBUQUERQUE, ALPHONSO D, (in Old Port. AFFONSO D'ALBOQUERQUE) (1453-1515), surnamed THE GREAT, and ( 94 lines )

Alburnum? -- ALBURNUM (sapwood), the outermost and youngest part of the wood of a tree, through which the sap rises. It is distinguished ( 4 lines )

Albury? -- ALBURY, a town in Goulburn county, New South Wales, Australia, 386 m. by rail W.S.W. of Sydney. Pop. (1901) 5821. It stands ( 13 lines )

Alcaeus -- ALCAEUS (ALKAIOS), Greek lyric poet, an older contemporary of Sappho, was a native of Mytilene in Lesbos and flourished ( 28 lines )

Alcaics? -- ALCAICS, in ancient poetry, a name given to several kinds of verse, from Alcaeus, their reputed inventor. The first ( 38 lines )

Alcala? -- ALCALA (Moorish al Kala, the "Fortress" or "Castle"), the name of thirteen Spanish towns, all founded or named by the ( 25 lines )

[Alcala De Henares]? -- ALCALA DE HENARES, a town of Spain, in the province of Madrid, 17 m. E.N.E. of Madrid, on the river Henares, and ( 42 lines )

Alcalde? -- ALCALDE (from the Arab. al-quadi, the "Cadi" or "judge,'), the title in Spanish for officials of somewhat ( 13 lines )

Alcamenes -- ALCAMENES, a Greek sculptor of Lemnos and Athens. He was a younger contemporary of Pheidias and noted for the delicacy ( 17 lines )

Alcamo? -- ALCAMO, a town of Sicily, in the province of Trapani, 24 m. W.S.W. of Palermo direct (51 1/2 m. by rail). Pop. (1881) ( 10 lines )

[Alcantara Brazil]? -- ALCANTARA, a small seaport of Brazil, in the state of Maranhao, on the W. shore of the bay of Sao Marcos, 16 m. from the city of ( 5 lines )

[Alcantara Spain]? -- ALCANTARA, a town of western Spain, in the province of Caceres, situated on a rocky height on the left bank of the ( 30 lines )

Alcavala? -- ALCAVALA (Spanish, from Arab. al-quabalah, "tax," quabula, "to receive"; cf. Fr. gabelle), a duty ( 18 lines )

[Alcazar De San Juan]? -- ALCAZAR DE SAN JUAN, or ALCAZAR, a town of Spain, in the province of Ciudad Real, in the plain of La Mancha, at ( 25 lines )

[Frederick Beauchamp Paget Seymour Alcester]? -- ALCESTER, FREDERICK BEAUCHAMP PAGET SEYMOUR, BARON (1821-1895), British admiral, son of Colonel Sir Horace ( 35 lines )

Alcester? -- ALCESTER, FREDERICK BEAUCHAMP PAGET SEYMOUR, BARON (1821-1895), British admiral, son of Colonel Sir Horace ( 35 lines )

Alcestis? -- ALCESTIS (ALKESTIS), in Greek legend the daughter of Pelias and Anaxibia, and wife of Admetus, king of Pherae in ( 11 lines )

Alchemy -- ALCHEMY. In the narrow sense of the word, alchemy is the pretended art of making gold and silver, or transmuting the ( 484 lines )

[Andrea Alciati]? -- ALCIATI, ANDREA (1492-1550), Italian jurist, was born at Alzano, near Milan, on the 12th of January 1492. He displayed ( 13 lines )

Alcibiades? -- ALCIBIADES (c. 450-404 B.C.), Athenian general and politician, was born at Athens. He was the son of Cleinias and ( 106 lines )

Alcidamas -- ALCIDAMAS, of Elaea, in Aeolis, Greek sophist and rhetorician, flourished in the 4th century B.C. He was the pupil and ( 32 lines )

Alcinous? -- ALCINOUS (ALKINOOS), in ancient Greek legend, king of the fabulous Phaeacians, in the island of Scheria, was the ( 12 lines )

Alcinous? -- ALCINOUS (ALKINOOS), in ancient Greek legend, king of the fabulous Phaeacians, in the island of Scheria, was the ( 12 lines )

[Pietro Alcyonius Alcionio]? -- ALCIONIO, PIETRO, or PETRUS ALCYONIUS (c. 1487-1527), Italian classical scholar, was born at Venice. After having ( 21 lines )

Alciphron? -- ALCIPHRON, Greek rhetorician, was probably a contemporary of Lucian (2nd century A.D..) He was the author of a collection ( 16 lines )

Alcira? -- ALCIRA, a town of eastern Spain, in the province of Valencia; on the left bank of the river Jucar, and on the Valencia- ( 9 lines )

Alcmaeon? -- ALCMAEON, of Argos, in Greek legend, was the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle. When his father set out with the expedition ( 31 lines )

Alcmaeonidae? -- ALCMAEONIDAE, a noble Athenian family, claiming descent from Alcmaeon, the great-grandson of Nestor, who emigrated ( 33 lines )

Alcman? -- ALCMAN, or ALCMAEON (the former being the Doric form of the name), the founder of Doric lyric poetry, to whom ( 22 lines )

Alcmene -- ALCMENE, in ancient Greek mythology, the daughter of Electryon, king of Mycenae, and wife of Amphitryon. She ( 9 lines )

Alcobaca? -- ALCOBACA, a town of Portugal, in the district of Leiria, formerly included in the province of Estremadura, on the Alcoa ( 23 lines )

[John Alcock]? -- ALCOCK, JOHN (c. 1430-1500), English divine, was born at Beverley in Yorkshire and educated at Cambridge. In 1461 he was ( 27 lines )

[Sir Rutherford Alcock]? -- ALCOCK, SIR RUTHERFORD (1809-1897), British consul and diplomatist, was the son of Dr Thomas Alcock, who practised ( 44 lines )

[Marianna Alcoforado]? -- ALCOFORADO, MARIANNA (1640-1723), Portuguese authoress, writer of the Letters of a Portuguese Nun, was the daughter ( 77 lines )

Alcohol -- ALCOHOL, in Commerce, the name generally given to "spirits of wine"; in systematic organic chemistry it has a wider ( 315 lines )

Alcohols? -- ALCOHOLS, in organic chemistry, a class of compounds which may be considered as derived from hydrocarbons by the replacement of ( 189 lines )

Amos Bronson Alcott -- ALCOTT, AMOS BRONSON (1799-1888), American educationalist and writer, born on Spindle Hill, in the town of Wolcott, ( 85 lines )

Louisa May Alcott -- ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-1888), American author, was the daughter of Amos Bronson Alcott, and though of New England ( 54 lines )

Alcove? -- ALCOVE (through the Span. alcova, from the Arab. al-, the, and quobbah, a vault), an architectural term for a recess in ( 4 lines )

Alcoy? -- ALCOY, a town of south-eastern Spain, in the province of Alicante, on the small river Serpis, and at the terminus of a ( 27 lines )

Alcuin -- ALCUIN (ALCHUINE), a celebrated ecclesiastic and man of learning in the 8th century, who liked to be called by the ( 83 lines )

Alcyone? -- ALCYONE, or HALCYONE, in Greek mythology, daughter of Aeolus and wife of Ceyx. For their presumption in calling ( 16 lines )

Aldabra? -- ALDABRA, the collective name of a group of islands in the Indian Ocean, forming part of the British colony of ( 86 lines )

Aldborough? -- ALDBOROUGH, a village in the Ripon parliamentary division of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, 16 m. W.N.W. of ( 16 lines )

Aldeburgh? -- ALDEBURGH [ALDBOROUGH], a market town and municipal borough in the Eye parliamentary division of Suffolk, England, ( 49 lines )

[Aldegrever Heinrich]? -- ALDEGREVER, or ALDEGRAF, HEINRICH (1502-1558), German painter and engraver, was born at Paderborn, from which he ( 15 lines )

Aldehydes? -- ALDEHYDES, a class of chemical compounds of the general formula R.CHO (R = an alkyl or an aryl group). The name is ( 286 lines )

John Alden -- ALDEN, JOHN (1599?-1687), one of the "Pilgrims" who in 1620 emigrated to America on the "Mayflower" and founded ( 20 lines )

Alder -- ALDER, a genus of plants (Alnus) belonging to the order Betulaceae, the best-known of which is the common alder (A. ( 32 lines )

Alderfly -- ALDER-FLY, the name given to neuropterous insects of the family Sialidae, related to the ant-lions, with long filamentous ( 14 lines )

Alderman? -- ALDERMAN (from A.-S. ealdorman, compounded of the comparative degree of the adjective eald, old, and man), ( 63 lines )

Alderney? -- ALDERNEY (Fr. Aurigny), one of the Channel Islands, the northernmost of the principal members of the group, belonging to ( 64 lines )

Aldershot? -- ALDERSHOT, an urban district in the Basingstoke parliamentary division of Hampshire, England, 34 m. S.W. by W. of London, ( 95 lines )

Aldhelm -- ALDHELM (c. 640-709), bishop of Sherborne, English scholar, was born before the middle of the 7th century. He ( 116 lines )

Aldine Press -- ALDINE PRESS, the printing office started by Aldus Manutius at the end of the 15th century in Venice, from which were issued ( 6 lines )

Giovanni Aldini -- ALDINI, GIOVANNI (1762--1834), Italian physicist, born at Bologna on the 10th of April 1762, was a brother of the ( 17 lines )

Aldred -- ALDRED, or EALDRED (d. 1069), English ecclesiastic, became abbot of Tavistock about 1027, in 1044 was made ( 57 lines )

[Henry Aldrich]? -- ALDRICH, HENRY (1647-1710), English theologian and philosopher, was born in 1647 at Westminster, and was educated at the ( 40 lines )

[Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich]? -- ALDRICH, NELSON WILMARTH (1841- ), American politician, was born at Foster, Rhode Island, on the 6th of November ( 15 lines )

[Thomas Bailey Aldrich]? -- ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (1836-1907), American author, was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the 11th of November ( 63 lines )

[Johann Aldringer]? -- ALDRINGER (ALTRINGER, ALDRINGEN), JOHANN, COUNT VON (1588-1634), Austrian soldier, was born at Diedenhofen ( 41 lines )

[Ulissi Aldrovandi]? -- ALDROVANDI, ULISSI (1522-1605), Italian naturalist, was, born of noble parentage at Bologna on the 11th of September ( 51 lines )

Ale -- ALE, an old word for a fermented liquor obtained chiefly from malt. In England "ale" is nowadays practically synonymous ( 66 lines )

Girolamo Aleandro -- ALEANDRO, GIROLAMO (HIERONYMUS ALEANDER) (1480- 1542), Italian cardinal, was born at Motta, near Venice, on the 13th of February ( 52 lines )

[Count Aleardi]? -- ALEARDI, ALEARDO, COUNT (1812-1878), Italian poet, was born at Verona on the 4th of November 1812, and thus soon ( 21 lines )

Ale-conner? -- ALE-CONNER, an officer appointed yearly at the court-leet of ancient English manors for the assize of ale and ale-measures. ( 13 lines )

[Alecsandri Vasile]? -- ALECSANDRI, or ALEXANDRI, VASILE (1821-1890), Rumanian lyric poet, was born at Bacau in Moldavia on the 21st of July ( 33 lines )

Louis Aleman -- ALEMAN, LOUIS (c. 1390-1450), French cardinal, was born of a noble family at the castle of Arbent near Bugey about the ( 23 lines )

[Mateo Aleman]? -- ALEMAN, MATEO (1547-1609?), Spanish novelist and man of letters, was born at Seville in 1547. He graduated at Seville ( 30 lines )

[Dean Le Rond Alembert]? -- ALEMBERT, DEAN LE ROND D' (1717-1783), French mathematician and philosopher, was born at Paris in November 1717. He was a ( 181 lines )

Alembic? -- ALEMBIC (Arab. al, definite article, anbiq, a still; cognate to the Gr. ambix, a cup), an apparatus for ( 13 lines )

Alemtejo? -- ALEMTEJO (i.e. "Beyond the Tagus"), an ancient province of central and southern Portugal; bounded on the N. by Beira, E. by ( 56 lines )

[Counts And Dukes of Alencon]? -- ALENCON, COUNTS AND DUKES OF. The first line of the counts of Alencon was founded by Yves, lord of Bellesme, who in the ( 35 lines )

Alencon? -- ALENCON, COUNTS AND DUKES OF. The first line of the counts of Alencon was founded by Yves, lord of Bellesme, who in the ( 35 lines )

Giulio Alenio -- ALENIO, GIULIO (1582-1649), Italian Jesuit missionary, was born at Brescia. He entered the Society of Jesus and was sent ( 19 lines )

Aleppo? -- ALEPPO (native Haleb.) (1) A vilayet of Asiatic Turkey, comprising N. Syria and N.W. Mesopotamia, with an extension N. ( 179 lines )

[Alexander Ales]? -- ALES (ALESIUS), ALEXANDER (1500-1565), Scottish divine of the school of Augsburg, whose family name was ALANE, ( 79 lines )

Alesia? -- ALESIA, the ancient name for a hill in central France, now Alise-Ste-Reine (department Cote d'Or), where in 52 B.C. ( 9 lines )

[Alessandro Alessandri]? -- ALESSANDRI, ALESSANDRO (ALEXANDER AB ALEXANDRO) (1461-1523), Italian jurist, was born at Naples about the year 1461. ( 18 lines )

Alessandria? -- ALESSANDRIA, a city and episcopal see of Piedmont, Italy, capital of a province which bears its name, situated on the ( 31 lines )

Galeazzo Alessi -- ALESSI, GALEAZZO (1512-1572), Italian architect, was born at Perugia, and was probably a pupil of Caporali. He was an ( 11 lines )

Alethiology? -- ALETHIOLOGY (from the Gr. aletheia, truth), an uncommon expression for the doctrine of truth, used by Sir ( 5 lines )

Aletrium? -- ALETRIUM (mod. Alatri), a town of the Hernici, about 6 m. due N. of Frusino, Italy, mentioned in 306 B.C. for its ( 48 lines )

Aleurites? -- ALEURITES (Gr. aleuritus, pertaining to aleuron, ground meal, from alein, to grind), a genus of trees belonging ( 14 lines )

Aleutian Islands -- ALEUTIAN ISLANDS (possibly from Chukchi aliat, "island"), a chain of small islands situated in the Northern Pacific ( 140 lines )

Alexander of Battenberg -- ALEXANDER (ALEXANDER OF BATTENBERG) (1857-1893), first prince of Bulgaria, was the second son of Prince Alexander ( 113 lines )

Alexander I of Epirus -- ALEXANDER I., king of Epirus about 342 B.C., brother of Olympias the mother of Alexander the Great, and son-in-law ( 16 lines )

Alexander II of Epirus -- ALEXANDER II., king of Epirus, succeeded his father Pyrrhus, 272 B.C. He attacked Antigonus Gonatas and conquered the ( 12 lines )

Alexander the Great -- ALEXANDER III., known as THE GREAT1 (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedon, was the son of Philip II. of Macedon, and ( 1039 lines )

Alexander of Pherae -- ALEXANDER, tagus or despot of Pherae in Thessaly, ruled from 369 to 358 B.C. His tyranny caused the Aleuadae of ( 18 lines )

Alexander of Poland -- ALEXANDER (1461-1506), king of Poland and grand- duke of Lithuania, fourth son of Casimir IV., king of Poland, was ( 38 lines )

Pope Alexander I -- ( 0 lines )

Pope Alexander II -- ALEXANDER II. (Anselmo Baggio), pope from 1061 to 1073, was a native of Milan. As bishop of Lucca he had been an energetic ( 16 lines )

Pope Alexander III -- ALEXANDER III. (Orlando Bandinelli), pope from 1159 to 1181, was a Siennese, and as a teacher of canon law in Bologna ( 47 lines )

Pope Alexander IV -- ALEXANDER IV. (Rinaldo), pope from 1254 to 1261, was, like Innocent III. and Gregory IX., a member of the family of the ( 24 lines )

Pope Alexander V -- ALEXANDER V. (Peter Philarges), pope 1409-1410, was born in Crete of unknown parents and entered the order of St ( 38 lines )

Pope Alexander VI -- ALEXANDER VI. (Rodrigo Borgia) (1431-1503), pope from 1492 to his death, is the most memorable of the corrupt and secular ( 407 lines )

Pope Alexander VII -- ALEXANDER VII. (Fabio Chigi), pope from 1655 to 1667, was born at Siena on the 13th of February 1599. He was successively ( 25 lines )

Pope Alexander VIII -- ALEXANDER VIII. (Pietro Ottoboni), pope from 1689 to 1691, was born in 1610 of a noble Venetian family, was created ( 14 lines )

Russian Tsar Alexander I -- ALEXANDER I. (ALEKSANDER PAVLOVICH) (1777-1825), emperor of Russia, son of the grand-duke Paul Petrovich, afterwards ( 510 lines )

Russian Tsar Alexander II -- ALEXANDER II. (1818-1881), emperor of Russia, eldest son of Nicholas I., was born on the 29th of April 1818. ( 311 lines )

Russian Tsar Alexander III -- ALEXANDER III. (1845-1894), emperor of Russia, second son of Alexander II., was born on the 10th of March 1845. ( 187 lines )

Alexander I of Scotland -- ALEXANDER I. (c. 1078-1124), king of Scotland, was the fourth son of Malcolm Canmore by his wife (St) Margaret, grand-niece ( 20 lines )

Alexander II of Scotland -- ALEXANDER II. (1198-1249), king of Scotland, son of William the Lion and Ermengarde of Beaumont, was born at Haddington ( 35 lines )

Alexander III of Scotland -- ALEXANDER III. (1241-1285), king of Scotland, son of Alexander II. by his second wife Mary de Coucy, was born in ( 44 lines )

Alexander Obrenovich -- ALEXANDER (ALEXANDER OBRENOVICH) (1876-1903), king of Servia, was born on the 14th of August 1876. On the 6th of ( 60 lines )

Alexander of Greece -- ALEXANDER, son of Numenius, Greek rhetorician, flourished in the first half of the second century A.D. In addition to ( 12 lines )

[Archibald Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD (1772-1851), American Presbyterian divine, was born, of Scottish-Irish descent, in that part ( 35 lines )

[Francis Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, FRANCIS (1800-1881), American portrait- painter, was born in Windham county, Connecticut, in February 1800. ( 11 lines )

[George Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, GEORGE (1858- ), English actor, whose family name was Samson, was born in Reading on the 19th of June 1858, ( 27 lines )

[Sir James Edward Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, SIR JAMES EDWARD (1803-1885), British soldier and traveller, was born on the 16th of October 1803. He joined ( 25 lines )

[John White Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, JOHN WHITE (1856- ), American painter, was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, on the 7th of October ( 17 lines )

[Joseph Addison Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, JOSEPH ADDISON (1809-1860), American biblical scholar, the third son of Archibald Alexander, was born in ( 54 lines )

[William Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, WILLIAM (1824- ), Protestant archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland, was born at Londonderry ( 17 lines )

[William Lindsay Alexander]? -- ALEXANDER, WILLIAM LINDSAY (1808-1884), Scottish divine, was born at Leith on the 24th of August 1808. He was educated ( 46 lines )

Alexander Aetolus -- ALEXANDER AETOLUS, of Pleuron in Aetolia, Greek poet and man of letters, the only representative of Aetolian poetry, ( 15 lines )

Alexander Balas -- ALEXANDER BALAS (i.e. "lord"), ruler of the Greek kingdom of Syria 150-146 B.C., was a native of Smyrna of humble ( 18 lines )

Alexander Cornelius -- ALEXANDER CORNELIUS, Greek grammarian, surnamed POLYHISTOR from his great learning, born at Miletus or Myndus in ( 13 lines )

Alexander Jannaeus -- ALEXANDER JANNAEUS, king of the Jews, succeeded his brother Aristobulus in 103 B.C. and died in 76 B.C. His first act ( 6 lines )

[Saint Alexander Nevsky]? -- ALEXANDER NEVSKY, SAINT (1220-1263), grand-duke of Vladimir, was the second son of the grand-duke Yaroslav. His childhood ( 57 lines )

Alexander of Aphrodisias -- ALEXANDER OF APHRODISIAS, pupil of Aristocles of Messene, the most celebrated of the Greek commentators on the writings of ( 40 lines )


[Alexander of Tralles]? -- ALEXANDER OP TRALLES (ALEXANDER TRALLIANUS), Greek physician, born at Tralles in Lydia, lived probably about the ( 8 lines )

Alexander Severus -- ALEXANDER SEVERUS (MARCUS AURELIUS SEVERUS ALEXAXDER) (208-235), Roman emperor from A.D. 222 to 235, was born ( 64 lines )

[Alexander the Paphlagonian]? -- ALEXANDER THE PAPHLAGONIAN, a celebrated impostor and worker of false oracles, was born at Abonouteichos (see INEBOLI) ( 57 lines )

Alexanders? -- ALEXANDERS (botanical name, Smyrnium Olusatrum, natural order Umbelliferae), a stout herbaceous plant with a ( 15 lines )

Alexandersbad? -- ALEXANDERSBAD, a watering-place of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria, romantically situated in the Fichtelgebirge, ( 10 lines )

[Noel Alexandre]? -- ALEXANDRE, NOEL (NATALIS ALEXANDER) (1639-1724), French theologian and ecclesiastical historian, was born at Rouen ( 48 lines )

Alexandretta? -- ALEXANDRETTA, or ISKANDERUN (med. Scanderoon), a town of N. Syria, situated in the N.E. angle of the Levantine ( 37 lines )

Alexandria -- ALEXANDRIA (Arab. Iskenderia), a city and chief seaport of Egypt, and for over a thousand years from its foundation ( 668 lines )

Alexandria -- ALEXANDRIA (Arab. Iskenderia), a city and chief seaport of Egypt, and for over a thousand years from its foundation ( 668 lines )

Alexandria -- ALEXANDRIA (Arab. Iskenderia), a city and chief seaport of Egypt, and for over a thousand years from its foundation ( 668 lines )

Alexandria -- ALEXANDRIA (Arab. Iskenderia), a city and chief seaport of Egypt, and for over a thousand years from its foundation ( 668 lines )

Alexandria -- ALEXANDRIA (Arab. Iskenderia), a city and chief seaport of Egypt, and for over a thousand years from its foundation ( 668 lines )

Alexandria -- ALEXANDRIA (Arab. Iskenderia), a city and chief seaport of Egypt, and for over a thousand years from its foundation ( 668 lines )

[Alexandrian School]? -- ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL. Under this title are generally included certain strongly marked tendencies in literature, science and ( 266 lines )

[Alexandria Troas]? -- ALEXANDRIA TROAS (mod. Eski Stambul), an ancient Greek city of the Troad, situated on the west coast at nearly its middle ( 25 lines )

[Alexandrine Verse]? -- ALEXANDRINE VERSE, a name given to the leading measure in French poetry. It is the heroic French verse, used in epic ( 78 lines )

Alexandrists -- ALEXANDRISTS, the name given to those philosophers of the Renaissance, who, in the great controversy on the subject ( 22 lines )

Alexandrite -- ALEXANDRITE, a variety of chrysoberyl (q.v.) discovered in the Urals in 1833, on the day set apart for celebrating ( 20 lines )

Alexandropol? -- ALEXANDROPOL, or ALEXANDRAPOL. (Turk. Gumri), a Russian town and fortified camp in Transcaucasia, government ( 7 lines )

Alexandrovsk? -- ALEXANDROVSK. (1) A town of N. Russia, in the government of Archangel, on the harbour of Catherine (Ekaterininsk), ( 12 lines )

Alexis -- ALEXIS, Greek comic poet of the Middle Comedy, was born about 394 B.C. at Thurii and taken early to Athens, ( 9 lines )

[Willibald Alexis]? -- ALEXIS, WILLIBALD, the pseudonym of GEORG WILHELM HEINRICH HARING (1798--1871), German historical novelist. He was ( 68 lines )

Alexisbad? -- ALEXISBAD, a spa of Germany, in the duchy of Anhalt, lying under the Harz mountains, 1000 ft. above the sea, on the railway ( 8 lines )

Alexius I -- ALEXIUS I. (1048-1118), emperor of the East, was the third son of John Comnenus, nephew of Isaac Comnenus, emperor ( 59 lines )

Alexius II -- ALEXIUS II. (COMNENUS) (1167-1183), emperor of the East, was the son of Manuel Comnenus and Maria, daughter of ( 29 lines )

Alexius III -- ALEXIUS III. (ANGELUS), emperor of the East, was the second son of Andronicus Angelus, nephew of Alexius I. In ( 55 lines )

Alexius V -- ALEXIUS V., eastern Roman emperor, was proclaimed emperor on the 5th of February 1204, during the siege of Constantinople ( 13 lines )

Alexius Mikhailovich -- ALEXIUS MIKHAILOVICH (1624-1676), tsar of Muscovy, the son of Tsar Michael Romanov and Eudoxia Stryeshnevaya, was born ( 85 lines )

Alexius Petrovich -- ALEXIUS PETROVICH (1600-1718), Russian tsarevich, the sole surviving son of Peter I. and Eudoxia Lopukhina, was horn on the ( 183 lines )

[Domenico Alfani]? -- ALFANI, DOMENICO, italian painter, was born at Perugia towards the close of the 15th century. He was a contemporary ( 13 lines )

Alfeld? -- ALFELD, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Hanover, 10 m. W. of Hildesheim, on the river Leine and ( 8 lines )

[Vittorio Alfieri]? -- ALFIERI, VITTORIO, COUNT (1749-1803), Italian dramatist, was born on the 17th of January 1749 at Asti in Piedmont. He ( 265 lines )

[Henry Alford]? -- ALFORD, HENRY (1810-1871), English divine and scholar, was born in London on the 7th of October 1810. He came of ( 51 lines )

Alfred the Great -- ALFRED, or AELFRED, known as THE GREAT (848-? 900), king of England, was born in 848 at Wantage, and was the fourth ( 17 lines )

Alfred Ernest Albert -- ALFRED ERNEST ALBERT, duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and duke of Edinburgh (1844-1900), second son and fourth child of Queen ( 80 lines )

[Alfred New York]? -- ALFRED, a village in the township of Alfred, Allegany county, New York, U.S.A., about 75 m. S.W. of Buffalo. Pop. of the ( 33 lines )

Alfreton? -- ALFRETON, a market town in the mid-parliamentary division of Derbyshire, England, 14 m N. by E. of Derby, on the Midland ( 12 lines )

Alfuros? -- ALFUROS (ALFURES, HORAFORAS), a term of no ethnological value applied by the Malays to all the uncivilized non- Mahommedan ( 7 lines )

Algae -- ALGAE. The Latin word alga seems to have been the equivalent of the English word "seaweed" and probably stood for any or all ( 2164 lines )

Alessandro Algardi -- ALGARDI, ALESSANDRO (1602-1654), Italian sculptor, was born at Bologna in 1602. While he was attending the school of the ( 47 lines )

[Powder of Algaroth]? -- ALGAROTH, POWDER OF, a basic chloride of antimony. It was known to Basil Valentine, and was used medicinally by the ( 14 lines )

Francesco Algarotti -- ALGAROTTI, FRANCESCO, COUNT (1712-1764), Italian philosopher and writer on art, was born on the 11th of December 1712 at ( 25 lines )

Algarve? -- ALGARVE, or ALGARVES, an ancient kingdom and province in the extreme S. of Portugal, corresponding with the modern ( 51 lines )

Algau? -- ALGAU, or ALLGAU, the name now given to a comparatively small district forming the south-western corner of Bavaria, ( 9 lines )

Algebra -- ALGEBRA (from the Arab. af-jebr wa'l-muqabala, transposition and removal [of terms of an equation], the name of a treatise by ( 783 lines )

Algeciras? -- ALGECIRAS, or ALGEZIRAS, a seaport of southern Spain in the province of Cadiz, 6 m. W. of Gibraltar, on the opposite side of ( 38 lines )

Alger of Liege -- ALGER OF LIEGE (d c. 1131), known also as ALGER OF CLUNY and ALGERUS MAGISTER, a learned French priest who ( 24 lines )

[Russell Alexander Alger]? -- ALGER, RUSSELL ALEXANDER (1836--1907), American soldier and politician, was born in Lafayette township, Medina county, ( 30 lines )

Algeria -- ALGERIA (Algerie), a country of North Africa belonging to France, bounded N. by the Mediterranean, W. by Morocco, ( 1650 lines )

Alghero? -- ALGHERO, a seaport and episcopal see on the W. coast of Sardinia, in the province of Sassari, 21 m. S.S.W. by rail ( 23 lines )

[Algidus Mons]? -- ALGIDUS MONS, a portion of the ridge forming the rim of the larger crater of the Alban volcano (see ALBANUS MONS) and more ( 11 lines )

Algiers -- ALGIERS (Fr. Alger, Arab. Jezair, i.e. The Islands), capital and largest city of Algeria, North Africa, seat of the ( 275 lines )

[Algoa Bay]? -- ALGOA BAY, a wide, shallow bay of South Africa, 436 m. E. from the Cape of Good Hope, bounded W. by Cape Recife, E. by Cape ( 13 lines )

Algol -- ALGOL, the Arabic name (signifying "the Demon") of b Persei, a star of the second magnitude, noticed by G. Montanari ( 98 lines )

Algonquin? -- ALGONQUIN, or ALGONKIN (a word formerly regarded as a French contraction of Algomequin, "those on the other ( 26 lines )

Alguazil? -- ALGUAZIL, a Spanish title often to be met in stories and plays, derived from the Arabic "visir" and the article, " ( 10 lines )

[Algum Tree]? -- ALGUM, or ALMUG TREE. The Hebrew words Algummim or Almuggim are translated Algum or Almug trees in the authorized ( 17 lines )

[Alhama De Granada]? -- ALHAMA DE GRANADA, a town of southern Spain, in the province of Granada, 24 m. S.W. of Granada. Pop. (1900) 7679. Alhama ( 28 lines )

The Alhambra -- ALHAMBRA, THE, an ancient palace and fortress of the Moorish monarchs of Granada, in southern Spain, occupying a hilly ( 258 lines )

Alhazen -- ALHAZEN (ABU ALI AL-HASAN IBN ALHASAN), Arabian mathematician of the 11th century, was born at Basra and died at Cairo in ( 34 lines )

Ali Ben Abu Talib -- ALI, in full, 'ALI BEN ABU TALIB (c. 600-661), the fourth of the caliphs or successors of Mahomet, was born at ( 83 lines )

[Ali Bey]? -- ALI, known as ALI BEY (1766-1818), the assumed name of DOMINGO BADIA Y LEBLICH, a Spanish traveller, born in ( 26 lines )

[Ali Pasha]? -- ALI, known as ALI PASHA (1741-1822),Turkish pasha of Iannina, surnamed Arslan, "the Lion," was born at Tepeleni, ( 193 lines )

Aliaga? -- ALIAGA, a town of the province of Nueva Ecija, Luzon, Philippine Islands, about 70 m. N. by W. of Manila. Pop. ( 9 lines )

Alias? -- ALIAS (Lat. for "at another time"), a term used to connect the different names of a person who has passed under ( 19 lines )

Alibi? -- ALIBI (Lat. for "elsewhere"), in law, the defence resorted to in criminal prosecutions, where the person charged alleges ( 6 lines )

Alicante -- ALICANTE, a province of south-eastern Spain; bounded on the N. by Valencia, W. by Albacete and Murcia, S. by ( 45 lines )

Alicante -- ALICANTE, a province of south-eastern Spain; bounded on the N. by Valencia, W. by Albacete and Murcia, S. by ( 45 lines )

[Alice Maud Mary]? -- ALICE MAUD MARY, GRAND-DUCHESS OF HESSE-DARMSTADT (1843-1878), second daughter and third child of Queen ( 70 lines )

Alidade? -- ALIDADE (from the Arab.), the movable index of a graduated arc, used in the measurement of angles. The word is used ( 5 lines )

Alien -- ALIEN (Lat. alienus), the technical term applied by British constitutional law to anyone who does not enjoy the ( 189 lines )

Alienation? -- ALIENATION (from Lat. alienus, belonging to another), the act or fact of being estranged, set apart or separated. In ( 8 lines )

Alien-houses? -- ALIEN-HOUSES, religious houses in England belonging to foreign ecclesiastics, or under their control. They generally ( 10 lines )

Alienist? -- ALIENIST (Lat. alienus, that which belongs to another, i.e. is external to one's self), one who specializes ( 5 lines )

Aligarh? -- ALIGARH, a city and district of British India in the Meerut division of the United Provinces. The city, also known as ( 37 lines )

Alignment? -- ALIGNMENT (from Fr. a and ligne, the Lat. linea, a line), a setting in line, generally straight, or the way ( 9 lines )

Aliment? -- ALIMENT (from Lat. aliment-um, from alere to nourish), a synonym for "food," literally or metaphorically. ( 3 lines )

Alimony? -- ALIMONY (q.v..) Aliment, in Scots law, is the sum paid or allowance given in respect of the reciprocal obligation ( 97 lines )

[Alimentary Canal]? -- ALIMENTARY CANAL, in anatomy. The alimentary canal, strictly speaking, is the whole digestive tract from the mouth to the ( 252 lines )

[And Glandular Tissues]? -- AND GLANDULAR TISSUES.) External to this is the basement membrane, outside which is a layer of retiform tissue, and ( 678 lines )

Alimony? -- ALIMONY (q.v..) Aliment, in Scots law, is the sum paid or allowance given in respect of the reciprocal obligation ( 97 lines )

[Oscar Josef Alin]? -- ALIN, OSCAR JOSEF (1846--1900), Swedish historian and politician, was born at Falun on the 22nd of December 1846. ( 25 lines )

Alipur? -- ALIPUR, a suburb of Calcutta, containing Belvedere House, the official residence of the lieutenant-governor of ( 9 lines )

Aliquot? -- ALIQUOT (a Lat. word meaning "some," "so many"), a term generally occurring in the phrase "aliquot ( 5 lines )

Alirajpur? -- ALIRAJPUR, a native state of India, under the Bhopawar agency in Central India. It lies in Malwa, near the frontier of ( 10 lines )

Alismaceae? -- ALISMACEAE (from the Gr. alisma, a water-plant mentioned by Dioscorides), in botany, a natural order of monocotyledons belonging ( 52 lines )

[Archibald Alison]? -- ALISON, ARCHIBALD (1757-1839), Scottish author, son of Patrick Alison, provost of Edinburgh, was born on the 13th of ( 19 lines )

Aesthetics -- AESTHETICS, a branch of study variously defined as the philosophy or science of the beautiful, of taste or of the fine arts. ( 2303 lines )

Aliwal? -- ALIWAL, a village of British India, in the Ludhiana district of the Punjab, situated on the left bank of the Sutlej, and ( 12 lines )

[Aliwal North]? -- ALIWAL NORTH, a town of South Africa, on the south bank of the Orange River, 4300 ft. above the sea, and 282 m. by ( 32 lines )


( 154 lines )

Alkahest? -- ALKAHEST (a pseudo-Arabic word believed to have been invented by Paracelsus), a liquid, much sought after by the alchemists, having ( 5 lines )

Alkali -- ALKALI, an Arabic term originally applied to the ashes of plants, from which by lixiviation carbonate of soda was obtained ( 31 lines )

[Alkali Manufacture]? -- ALKALI MANUFACTURE. The word "alkali" denotes both soda and potash, but by "alkali manufacture" we understand merely ( 1373 lines )

[Alkaline Earths]? -- ALKALINE EARTHS. The so-called alkaline earth-metals are the elements beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and ( 29 lines )

Alkaloid -- ALKALOID, in chemistry, a term originally applied to any organic base, i.e. a nitrogenous substance which forms ( 65 lines )

[Charles Henri Valentin Morhange Alkan]? -- ALKAN, CHARLES HENRI VALENTIN MORHANGE (1813-1888), French musical composer, was born and died in Paris. Alkan was his ( 13 lines )

Alkanet? -- ALKANET (dim. from Span. alcana, Arab. al-hena = henna, Egyptian privet, or Lawsonia inermis), a plant, Alkanna or ( 8 lines )

Alkmaar? -- ALKMAAR, a town in the province of North Holland, kingdom of Holland, 24 1/2 m. by rail N.N.W. of Amsterdam, connected by ( 51 lines )

Leone Allacci -- ALLACCI, LEONE [LEO ALLATIUS] (1586-1669), Greek scholar and theologian, was born in the island or Chios. His early ( 43 lines )

Allah -- ALLAH, the Arabic name used by Moslems of all nationalities for the one true God. It is compounded of al, the definite ( 8 lines )

Allahabad? -- ALLAHABAD, a city of British India, the capital of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, giving its name to a district and a ( 84 lines )

Allamanda? -- ALLAMANDA, named after J. N. S. Allamand (1713-1787), of Leiden, a genus of shrubby, evergreen climbers, belonging ( 10 lines )

[David Allan]? -- ALLAN, DAVID (1744-1796), Scottish historical painter, was born at Alloa. On leaving Foulis's academy of painting ( 25 lines )

[Sir Hugh Allan]? -- ALLAN, SIR HUGH (1810-1882), Canadian financier, was born on the 29th of September 1810, at Saltcoats, Ayrshire, ( 19 lines )

[Sir William Allan]? -- ALLAN, SIR WILLIAM (1782-1850), Scottish painter, was born at Edinburgh, and at an early age entered as a pupil in the School ( 63 lines )

[Louise Rosalie Alhan-Despreaux]? -- ALHAN-DESPREAUX, LOUISE ROSALIE (1810-1856), French actress, was "discovered" by Talma at Brussels in 1820, when ( 55 lines )

Alleghany? -- ALLEGHANY, or THE ALLEGHANIES (a spelling now more common than Allegheny), a name formerly used of all the Appalachian ( 16 lines )

Allegheny? -- ALLEGHENY, formerly a city of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., on the N. bank of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers. ( 90 lines )

Allegiance -- ALLEGIANCE (Mid. Eng. ligeaunce; med. Lat. ligeantia, etc.; the al- was probably added through confusion with ( 22 lines )

Alien -- ALIEN (Lat. alienus), the technical term applied by British constitutional law to anyone who does not enjoy the ( 189 lines )

Allegory -- ALLEGORY (allos, other, and agoreuein, to speak), a figurative representation conveying a meaning other than and in ( 27 lines )

Gregorio Allegri -- ALLEGRI, GREGORIO, Italian priest and musical composer, probably of the Correggio family, was born at Rome either ( 41 lines )

Allegro? -- ALLEGRO (an Italian word, meaning "cheerful," as in Milton's poem), a term in music to indicate quick or lively time, coming ( 6 lines )

[Joseph Alleine]? -- ALLEINE, JOSEPH (1634-1668), English Nonconformist divine, belonged to a family originally settled in Suffolk. As early ( 61 lines )

[Richard Alleine]? -- ALLEINE, RICHARD (1611-1681), English Puritan divine, was born at Ditcheat, Somerset, where his father was rector. He ( 45 lines )

Allemande? -- ALLEMANDE (Fr. for danse allemande, or German dance), a name for two kinds of dance, one a German national dance, ( 10 lines )

Ethan Allen -- ALLEN, ETHAN (1739--1789), American soldier, was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, on the 10th of January 1739. He ( 86 lines )

[Grant Allen]? -- ALLEN, GRANT [CHARLES GRANT BLAIRFINDIE], (1848--1899), English author, son of a clergyman of Irish descent, was born ( 26 lines )

[James Lane Allen]? -- ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1850- ), American novelist, was born near Lexington, Rentucky, on the 21st of December 1850. He graduated ( 20 lines )

[John Allen]? -- ALLEN, JOHN (1476--1534), English divine, after studying at both Oxford and Cambridge, was sent by Archbishop Warham ( 14 lines )

[Allen Thomas]? -- ALLEN, or ALLEYN, THOMAS (1542-1632), English mathematician, was born at Uttoxeter in Staffordshire on the 21st of December ( 31 lines )

William Allen -- ALLEN, WILLIAM (1532-1594), English cardinal, born at Rossall, Lancashire, went in 1547 to Oriel College, ( 155 lines )

[William Francis Allen]? -- ALLEN, WILLIAM FRANCIS (1830-1889), American classical scholar, was born at Northborough, Massachusetts, on the 5th ( 12 lines )

[Bog of Allen]? -- ALLEN, BOG OF, the name given to a congeries of morasses in Kildare, King's County, Queen's County and Westmeath, ( 13 lines )

Allenstein? -- ALLENSTEIN, a garrison town of Germany, in the province of East Prussia, on the river Alle, 100 m. by rail N.E. from ( 7 lines )

Allentown? -- ALLENTOWN, a city and the county-seat of Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., on the Lehigh river, about 62 m. N.N.W. of ( 45 lines )

Alleppi? -- ALLEPPI, or AULAPALAY, a seaport of southern India, in the state of Travancore, 33 m. south of Cochin, situated on a strip ( 14 lines )

[Richard Allestree]? -- ALLESTREE, or ALLESTRY, RICHARD (1619.-1681), royalist divine and provost of Eton College, son of Robert Allestree, ( 80 lines )

Alley? -- ALLEY (from the Fr: allee, a walk), a narrow passageway between two buildings available only for foot passengers or ( 6 lines )

[Edward Alleyn]? -- ALLEYN, EDWARD (1566-1626), English actor and founder of Dulwich College, was born in London on the 1st of September ( 73 lines )

[All Fours]? -- ALL FOURS, a card game (known also in America as Seven Up, Old Sledge or High-Low-Jack) usually played by two ( 29 lines )

Allia? -- ALLIA (mod. Fosso Bettinia), a small tributary of the river Tiber, joining it on the left (east) bank, about 11 ( 11 lines )

Alliance? -- ALLIANCE, a city of Stark county, Ohio, U. S. A., on the Mahoning river, about 57 m. S.E. of Cleveland, about 1080 ( 23 lines )

Alliance? -- ALLIANCE, a city of Stark county, Ohio, U. S. A., on the Mahoning river, about 57 m. S.E. of Cleveland, about 1080 ( 23 lines )

[Alliaria Officinalis]? -- ALLIARIA OFFICINALIS, also known botanically as Sisymbrium Alliaria, and popularly as garlic-mustard, Jack-by-the-hedge, or ( 8 lines )

[Samuel Austin Allibone]? -- ALLIBONE, SAMUEL AUSTIN (1816-1889), American author and bibliographer, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the ( 22 lines )

Allier? -- ALLIER (anc. Elaver), a river of central France flowing into the Loire. It rises in the department of Lozere, among ( 18 lines )

Allier? -- ALLIER (anc. Elaver), a river of central France flowing into the Loire. It rises in the department of Lozere, among ( 18 lines )

[Thomas William Allies]? -- ALLIES, THOMAS WILLIAM (1813-1903), English historical writer, was born at Midsomer Norton, near Bristol, on the ( 23 lines )

Allifae? -- ALLIFAE (mod. Alife), a town of the Samnites, 15 m. N.W. of Telesia, and 17 m. E.N.E. of Teanum. The ( 8 lines )

Alligator -- ALLIGATOR (Spanish el lagarto, "the lizard"), an animal so closely allied to the crocodile that some naturalists ( 30 lines )

[William Allingham]? -- ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM (1824-1889), Irish man of letters and poet, was born at Ballyshannon, Donegal, on the 19th of ( 26 lines )

William Boyd Allison -- ALLISON, WILLIAM BOYD (1829-1908), American legislator, was born at Perry, Ohio, on the 2nd of March 1829. Educated at ( 25 lines )

Alliteration? -- ALLITERATION (from Lat. ad, to, and littera, letter), the commencing of two or more words, in close juxtaposition, with ( 114 lines )

Allium? -- ALLIUM (Lat. for "garlic"), a genus of plants, natural order Liliaceae, with about 250 species (seven of which occur in ( 15 lines )

Pierre Allix -- ALLIX, PIERRE (1641-1717), French Protestant divine, was born at Alencon. He was pastor first at St Agobile in Champagne, and ( 19 lines )

[George James Allman]? -- ALLMAN, GEORGE JAMES (1812-!898), British biologist, was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1812, and received his early education at ( 27 lines )

Alloa? -- ALLOA, a municipal and police burgh and seaport of Clackmannanshire, Scotland. It is situated on the north ( 53 lines )

Allobroges? -- ALLOBROGES (in Gr. usually 'Allobriges), a Celtic tribe in the north of Gallia Narbonensis, inhabiting the low ground ( 30 lines )

Allocatur? -- ALLOCATUR (from med. Lat. allocatur, it is allowed), in law, a certificate given by a taxing master, at the ( 4 lines )

Allocution? -- ALLOCUTION (Lat. allocutio, an address), a name given to the formal addresses made by the pope to the College of Cardinals ( 7 lines )

Allodium? -- ALLODIUM, or ALODIUM, a legal term for lands which are the absolute property of their owner, and not subject to ( 11 lines )

Allomerous? -- ALLOMEROUS (Gr. allos, other meros, part), the quality of bodies (e.g. mineral) by virtue of which they can change ( 4 lines )

[Henry Allon]? -- ALLON, HENRY (1818-1892), English Nonconformist divine, was born on the 13th of October 1818 at Welton near Hull in ( 52 lines )

Allonge? -- ALLONGE (from Fr. alloinger, to draw out), a slip of paper affixed to a negotiable instrument, as a bill of ( 12 lines )

Allophane? -- ALLOPHANE, one of the few minerals known only in the amorphous state. It is a glassy substance, usually occurring as ( 24 lines )

Alessandro Allori -- ALLORI, ALESSANDRO (1535--1607), Italian painter of the Florentine school, was brought up and trained in art by his uncle, ( 28 lines )

Allotment? -- ALLOTMENT from O. Fr. a and loter, to divide by lot), the act of allotting; a share or portion assigned. ( 6 lines )

[Allotments And Small Holdings]? -- ALLOTMENTS AND SMALL HOLDINGS. As the meaning of these terms in agricultural tenure varies in different localities, ( 637 lines )

Allotropy -- ALLOTROPY (Gr. allos, other, and tropos, manner), a name applied by J. J. Berzelius to the property possessed by certain ( 8 lines )

Allowance? -- ALLOWANCE (from "allow," derived through O. Fr. alouer from the two Lat. origins adlaudare, to praise, and allocare, ( 17 lines )


( 28 lines )

Alloxantin? -- ALLOXANTIN, C8H4N4O7.3H2O, a product obtained by the combination of alloxan and dialuric acid, probably possessing the constitution ( 25 lines )

Alloys -- ALLOYS (through the Fr. aloyer, from Lat. alligare, to combine), a term generally applied to the intimate mixtures ( 396 lines )

[Sir James Joseph Allport]? -- ALLPORT, SIR JAMES JOSEPH (1811-1892), English railway manager, born on the 27th of February 1811, was a son of William ( 39 lines )

[Samuel Allport]? -- ALLPORT, SAMUEL (1816-1897), English petrologist, brother of the above, was born in Birmingham on the 23rd of January ( 23 lines )

[All-round Athletics]? -- ALL-ROUND ATHLETICS. Specialization in athletic sports, although always existent, is to a great extent a modern ( 26 lines )

[Festival of All Saints]? -- ALL SAINTS, FESTIVAL OF (Festum omnium sanctorum), also formerly known as ALL HALLOWS, or HALLOWMAS, a feast of ( 33 lines )

All Souls Day -- ALL SOULS, DAY (Commemoratio omnium fidelimm defunctorum), the day set apart in the Roman Catholic Church for the commemoration ( 55 lines )

[Washington Allston]? -- ALLSTON, WASHINGTON (1770-1843), American historical painter and poet, was born on the 5th of November 1779 at Waccamaw, ( 47 lines )

Alluvion? -- ALLUVION (Lat. alluvio, washing against), a word taken from Roman law, in which it was one of the examples of ( 18 lines )

Alluvium? -- ALLUVIUM, soil or land deposited by running water. All streams, from the tiniest rill to the greatest river, are ( 49 lines )

[Allyl Alcohol]? -- ALLYL ALCOHOL, C3H5OH or CH2:CH.CH2OH, a compound which occurs in very small quantities in wood spirit. It may be ( 17 lines )

Alma? -- ALMA, a river of Russia, in the S.W. of the Crimea, entering the Black Sea 17 m. N. of Sevastopol. It gives its name ( 63 lines )

Almacantar? -- ALMACANTAR (from the Arabic for a sun-dial), an astronomical term for a small circle of the sphere parallel to the horizon; ( 7 lines )

Almacks? -- ALMACK'S, formerly the name of a famous London club and assembly rooms. The founder, known as William Almack, is ( 20 lines )

[Almaden Del Azogue]? -- ALMADEN, or ALMADEN DEL AZOGUE, a town of Spain, in the province of Ciudad Real; situated in mountainous country 55 ( 17 lines )

Diego De Almagro -- ALMAGRO, DIEGO DE (1475--1538), Spanish commander, the companion and rival of Pizarro (q.v.), was born at ( 9 lines )

Almanac? -- ALMANAC, a book or table containing a calendar of the days, weeks and months of the year, a register of ecclesiastical ( 180 lines )

Almandine? -- ALMANDINE, or ALMANDITE, a name applied to certain kinds of precious garnet, being apparently a corruption of alabandicus, ( 30 lines )

Almansa? -- ALMANSA, or ALMANZA, a town of eastern Spain, in the province of Albacete; 35 m. E.S.E. of Albacete, on the Madrid-Alicante ( 11 lines )

[Laurence Alma-tadema]? -- ALMA-TADEMA, SIR LAURENCE (LAURENS) (1836- ). British artist, was born on the 8th of .fanuary 1836, at Dronrijp, a ( 109 lines )

Alme? -- ALME or ALMAI (from alim, wise, learned), the name of a class of singing girls in Egypt who are present at festivals and ( 6 lines )

[Dom Francisco De Almeida]? -- ALMEIDA, DOM FRANCISCO DE (c. 1450-1510), the first viceroy of Portuguese India, was born at Lisbon about the ( 51 lines )

Almeida? -- ALMEIDA, DOM FRANCISCO DE (c. 1450-1510), the first viceroy of Portuguese India, was born at Lisbon about the ( 51 lines )

Almelo? -- ALMELO, a town in the province of Overysel, Holland, 12 m. by rail N.W. of Hengelo, at the junction of the Overysel and Aluielo ( 17 lines )

Almendralejo? -- ALMENDRALEJO, a town of western Spain, in the province of Badajoz; situated 27 m. E.S.E. of Badajoz, on the ( 13 lines )

Almeria? -- ALMERIA, a maritime province of southern Spain, formed in 1833, and comprehending the eastern territories of the ancient ( 57 lines )

Almeria? -- ALMERIA, a maritime province of southern Spain, formed in 1833, and comprehending the eastern territories of the ancient ( 57 lines )

Almery? -- ALMERY, AUMEBY, AUMBRIE, or AMBRY (from the medieval form almarium, cf. Lat. armarium, a place for keeping tools; ( 11 lines )

[Almodovar Del Campo]? -- ALMODOVAR DEL CAMPO, or ALMODOVAR, a town of Spain, in the province of Ciudad Real, 18 m. S.S.W. of Ciudad ( 12 lines )

Almogavares? -- ALMOGAVARES (from the Arab. Al-Mugavari, a scout), the name of a class of Spanish soldiers, well known during ( 40 lines )

Almohades -- ALMOHADES (properly Muwahhadis, i.e. "Unitarians," the name being corrupted through the Spanish), a Mahommedan ( 107 lines )

[John Almon]? -- ALMON, JOHN (1737-1805), English political pamphleteer and publisher, was born at Liverpool on the 17th of December ( 59 lines )

Almond -- ALMOND (from the O. Fr. almaiide or alemande, late Lat. amandola, derived through a form amingdola from the Gr. ( 87 lines )

Almoner? -- ALMONER (from Lat. eleemosynarius, through med. Lat. almosynarius, alnionarius, and Fr. almosnisr, almosnier, etc., ( 32 lines )

Almonry? -- ALMONRY (Lat. eleemosynarium, Fr. aumonorie, Ger. Almosenhaus), the name for the place or chamber where ( 13 lines )

Almora? -- ALMORA, a town and district of British India, the chief town and administrative headquarters of the Kumaon division ( 24 lines )

Almoravides -- ALMORAVIDES (properly Murabtis, the name being corrupted through the Spanish), a Berber horde from the Sahara ( 134 lines )

[Karl Jonas Ludwig Almqvist]? -- ALMQVIST, KARL JONAS LUDWIG (1793-1866), Swedish writer, was born at Stockholm in 1793. He became a student at Upsala, ( 49 lines )

Alms? -- ALMS, the giving of relief, and the relief given, whether in goods or money, to the poor, particularly applied to the ( 11 lines )

Almshouse? -- ALMSHOUSE, a house built and endowed by private charity for the residence of poor and usually aged people. The greater ( 6 lines )

Almuce? -- ALMUCE, or AMICE (O. Fr. aumuce, O. Eng. aumuce, amys, amess, etc., from late Lat. almucia, almucium, ( 61 lines )

Alnace? -- ALNACE, or AULNAGE (from Fr. aune, ell), the official supervision of the shape and quality of manufactured woollen ( 32 lines )

Alnwick? -- ALNWICK, a market-town and the county-town of Northumberland, England, in the Berwick-upon-Tweed parliamentary division, 309 ( 97 lines )

Aloe -- ALOE, a genus of plants belonging to the natural order Liliaceae, with about 90 species growing in the dry parts of ( 85 lines )

Aloidae? -- ALOIDAE, or ALOADAE, i.e. Otus and Ephialtes, in ancient Greek legend, the twin-sons of Poseidon by Iphimedeia, wife of ( 26 lines )

[Aloung PHoura Alompra]? -- ALOMPRA, ALOUNG P'HOURA (1711--1760), founder of the last Burmese dynasty, was born in 1711 at Motshobo, a small village ( 39 lines )

Alone? -- ALONE. This adjective or adverb requires no definition for its meaning of "by oneself" or "solitary"; but its etymological ( 7 lines )

Alora? -- ALORA, a town of southern Spain in the province of Malaga; 17 m. W.N.W. of Malaga, on the right bank of the river ( 11 lines )

Alost? -- ALOST (Flem. Aalst), a town of Belgium, in the province of East Flanders, situated on the left bank of the Dender; ( 28 lines )

Alp? -- ALP. To the Swiss dwellers in the plains the term "the Alps" (q.v.) signifies the high snowy mountains which they ( 159 lines )

Alpaca -- ALPACA, one of two domesticated breeds of South American camel-like ungulates, derived from the wild huanaco or ( 129 lines )

[Mahommed Ben Daud Alp Arslan]? -- ALP ARSLAN, or AXAN, MAHOMMED BEN DA'UD (1029-1072), the second sultan of the dynasty of Seljuk, in Persia, and ( 60 lines )

Alpena? -- ALPENA, a city and the county seat of Alpena county, Michigan, U.S.A., on Thunder Bay, a small arm of Lake Huron, at the ( 21 lines )

Alpenhorn -- ALPENHORN, ALPHORN, a musical instrument, consisting of a natural wooden horn of conical bore, having a cup-shaped ( 30 lines )

[Alpes Maritimes]? -- ALPES MARITIMES, a department in the S.E. of France, formed in 1860 out of the county of Nice, to which were added the ( 48 lines )

[Alpha And Omega]? -- ALPHA and OMEGA (A and O), the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, corresponding to the Aleph and Taw of the ( 10 lines )

Alphabet -- ALPHABET (see also WRITING.) By the word alphabet, derived from the Greek names for the first two letters--alpha and ( 1289 lines )

Saint Alphege -- ALPHEGE [AELFHEAH], SAINT (954-1023), archbishop of Canterbury, came of a noble family, but in early life gave up ( 21 lines )

Alpheus? -- ALPHEUS ('Alfeios; mod. Ruphia), the chief river of Peloponnesus. Strictly Ruphia is the modern name for the ancient ( 18 lines )

Alphonse I -- ALPHONSE I., COUNT OF TOULOUSE (1103-1148), son of Count Raymond IV. by his third wife, Elvira of Castile, was born ( 40 lines )

Alphonse of Toulouse -- ALPHONSE, COUNT OF TOULOUSE AND OF POITIERS (12201271), the son of Louis VIII., king of France, and brother of St ( 33 lines )

Alphonso I of Portugal -- ALPHONSO I. (Affonso Henriques), son of Henry of Burgundy, count of Portugal, and Teresa of ( 33 lines )

Alphonso II of Portugal -- ALPHONSO II., "the Fat," was born in 1185, and succeeded his father, Sancho I., in 1211. He was engaged in war with ( 11 lines )

Alphonso III of Portugal -- ALPHONSO III., son of Alphonso II., was born in 1210, and succeeded his brother, Sancho II., in 1248. ( 6 lines )

Alphonso IV of Portugal -- ALPHONSO IV. was born in 1290, and in 1325 succeeded his father, Dionis, whose death he had hastened by his intrigues and ( 13 lines )

Alphonso V of Portugal -- ALPHONSO V., "Africano," was born in 1432, and succeeded his father Edward in 1438. During his minority he was placed under ( 26 lines )

Alphonso VI of Portugal -- ALPHONSO VI., the second king of the house of Braganza, was born in 1643 and succeeded his father in 1656. In 1667 ( 8 lines )

Alphonso I of Spain -- ALPHONSO I. is said to have married Ormesinda, daughter of Pelavo, who was raised on the shield in Asturias as king ( 10 lines )

Alphonso II of Spain -- ALPHONSO II. (789-842), his reputed grandson, bears the name of "the Chaste." The Arab writers ( 11 lines )

Alphonso III of Spain -- ALPHONSO III. (866--914) surnamed "the Great." Of him also nothing is really known except the bare facts of his reign ( 6 lines )

Alphonso IV of Spain -- ALPHONSO IV. (924-931) has a faint personality. He resigned the crown to his brother ( 8 lines )

Alphonso V of Spain -- ALPHONSO V. (999-1028) to begin the work of reorganizing the Christian kingdom of ( 10 lines )

Alphonso VI of Spain -- ALPHONSO VI. (1065-1109) we come to a sovereign of strong personal character. Much romance has gathered round his ( 61 lines )

Alphonso VII of Spain -- ALPHONSO VII., "the Emperor" (1126-1157), is a dignified and somewhat enigmatical figure. A vague tradition had ( 27 lines )

Alphonso VIII of Spain -- ALPHONSO VIII. (1158-1214), king of Castile only, and grandson of Alphonso VII., is a great name in Spanish history, for he ( 24 lines )

Alphonso IX of Spain -- ALPHONSO IX. (1188--1230) of Leon, first cousin of Alphonso VIII. of Castile, and numbered next to him as being a junior ( 25 lines )

Alphonso X of Spain -- ALPHONSO X., El Sabio, or the learned (1252-1284), is perhaps the most interesting, though he was far from being ( 39 lines )

Alphonso XI of Spain -- ALPHONSO XI. (1312-1350) is variously known among Spanish kings as the Avenger or the Implacable, and as "he of the ( 20 lines )

Alphonso I of Aragon -- ALPHONSO I., king of Aragon, "the Battler," who married Urraca, daughter of Alphonso VI. (1104-1134), is sometimes ( 39 lines )

Alphonso II of Aragon -- ( 0 lines )

Alphonso III of Aragon -- ALPHONSO III. of Aragon (1285-1291), the insignificant son of the notable Peter III., succeeded to the Spanish and Provencal possessions of ( 8 lines )

Alphonso IV of Aragon -- ALPHONSO IV. of Aragon (1327-1336) was a weak man whose reign was insignificant. ( 3 lines )

Alphonso V of Aragon -- ALPHONSO V. of Aragon (1416-1458), surnamed the Magnanimous, who represented the ( 34 lines )

Alphonso XII of Spain -- ALPHONSO XII. (1857-1885), king of modern Spain, son of Isabella II. and Maria Fernando Francisco de Assisi, eldest ( 66 lines )

Alphonso XIII of Spain -- ALPHONSO XIII. (1886- ), king of Spain, son of Alphonso XII., was born, after his father's death, on the 17th of May ( 13 lines )

Alphonsus A Sancta Maria -- ALPHONSUS A SANCTA MARIA, or ALPHONSO DE CARTAGENA (1396-1456), Spanish historian, was born at Carthagena, and ( 13 lines )

Prospero Alpini -- ALPINI, PROSPERO (PROSPER ALPINUS), 1553-1617, Italian physician and botanist, was born at Marostica, in the republic ( 28 lines )

Alps -- ALPS, the collective name for one of the great mountain systems of Europe.

( 2490 lines )

Alpujarras? -- ALPUJARRAS or ALPUXARRAS, THE (Moorish al Busherat, "the grass-land"), a mountainous district of southern Spain, ( 39 lines )

Alquifou? -- ALQUIFOU (etymologically the same word as "alcohol"), a lead ore found in Cornwall, used by potters for its green glaze. ( 3 lines )

Alured of Beverley -- ALREDUS, ALURED or ALUREDUS, OF BEVERLEY, was sacristan of the church of Beverley in the first half of the ( 14 lines )

Alsace? -- ALSACE (Ger. Elsass), a former province of France, divided after the Revolution into the departments of Haut-Rhin and ( 142 lines )

Alsace-lorraine? -- ALSACE-LORRAINE (Ger. Elsass-Lothringen), a German imperial territory (since 1871), consisting of the former ( 136 lines )

Alsatia? -- ALSATIA (the old French province of Alsace), long a "debatable ground" between France and Germany, and ( 8 lines )

Alsen? -- ALSEN (Danish Als), an island in the Baltic, off the coast of Schleswig, in the Little Belt. It formerly ( 23 lines )

[Alsietinus Lacus]? -- ALSIETINUS LACUS (mod. Lago di Martignano), a small lake in southern Etruria, 15 m. due N.N.W. of Rome, in an extinct ( 13 lines )

Alsium? -- ALSIUM (mod. Palo), an ancient town of Etruria, 29 m. W. by N. of Rome by rail, on the Via Aurelia, by which ( 16 lines )

Vincent Alsop -- ALSOP, VINCENT (c. 1630- 1703), English Nonconformist divine, was of Northamptonshire origin and was educated at St ( 43 lines )

Johann Heinrich Alsted -- ALSTED, JOHANN HEINRICH (1588-1638), German Protestant divine. He was some time professor of philosophy and ( 8 lines )

Charles Alston -- ALSTON, CHARLES (1683-1760), Scottish botanist, was born at Eddlewood, near Hamilton, in 1683, and became lecturer ( 9 lines )

Alston? -- ALSTON, CHARLES (1683-1760), Scottish botanist, was born at Eddlewood, near Hamilton, in 1683, and became lecturer ( 9 lines )

[Jonas Alstromer]? -- ALSTROMER, JONAS (1685-1761), Swedish industrial re-former, was born at Alingsas in Vestergotland, on the 7th of January ( 33 lines )

Altai? -- ALTAI (in Mongolian Altain-ula, the "Mountains of Gold"), a term used in Asiatic geography with Various significations. ( 233 lines )

Altamura? -- ALTAMURA, a town of Apulia, Italy, in the province of Bari, 28 m. S.S.W. of the town of that name, and 56 m. ( 14 lines )

Altar? -- ALTAR (Lat. altare, from altus, high; some ancient etymological guesses are recorded by St Isidore of Seville in ( 533 lines )

Altdorf? -- ALTDORF, the capital of the Swiss canton of Uri. It is built at a height of 1516 ft. above sea-level, a little ( 30 lines )

Albrecht Altdorfer -- ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT (N 1480-1538), German painter and engraver, was born at Regensburg (Ratisbon), where in 1505 he ( 16 lines )

[Charles Alten]? -- ALTEN, SIR CHARLES [Karl] (1764-1840), Hanoverian and British soldier, son of Baron Alten, a member of an old ( 35 lines )

Altena? -- ALTENA, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Westphalia, on the river Lenne, 38 m. S.S.E. from Dortmund. Pop. (1900) ( 10 lines )

Altenburg? -- ALTENBURG, a town of Germany, capital of the duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, situated near the river Pleisse, 23 m. S. ( 27 lines )

Altenstein? -- ALTENSTEIN, a castle upon a rocky mountain in Saxe- Meiningen, on the south-western slope of the Thuringerwald, ( 14 lines )

Alternation? -- ALTERNATION (from Lat. aiternare, to do by turns), strictly, the process of "alternating"' i.e. of two things following ( 13 lines )

Althaea? -- ALTHAEA, in classical legend, daughter of Thestius, king of Aetolia, wife of Oeneus, king of Calydon, and mother of Meleager (q.v..) ( 3 lines )

[Johann Heinrich Alting]? -- ALTING, JOHANN HEINRICH (1583--1644), German divine, was born at Emden, where his father, Menso Alting ( 1541-1612), was ( 29 lines )

Altinum? -- ALTINUM (mod. Altino), an ancient town of Venetia, 12 m. S.E. of Tarvisium (Treviso), on the edge of the ( 22 lines )

Altitude? -- ALTITUDE (Lat. altitudo, from altus, high), height or eminence, and particularly the height above the ground or above ( 11 lines )

Altmuhl? -- ALTMUHL, a river of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria. It is an important left bank tributary of the Danube, ( 10 lines )

Alto? -- ALTO (Ital. for "high',), a musical term applied to the highest adult male voice or counter-tenor, ( 4 lines )

Alton? -- ALTON, a market-town in the Fareham parliamentary division of Hampshire, England, 46 1/2 m. S.W. of London by the London ( 13 lines )

Alton? -- ALTON, a market-town in the Fareham parliamentary division of Hampshire, England, 46 1/2 m. S.W. of London by the London ( 13 lines )

Altona? -- ALTONA, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Schleswig-Holstein, on the right bank of the Elbe immediately ( 75 lines )

Altoona? -- ALTOONA, a city of Blair county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., about 117 m. E. by N. of Pittsburg. Pop. (1890) 30,337; ( 47 lines )

Alto-relievo? -- ALTO-RELIEVO (Ital. for "high relief"), the term applied to sculpture that projects from the plane to which it is ( 14 lines )

Altotting? -- ALTOTTING, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria, On the Morren, not far from its junction with the Inn, ( 10 lines )

Altranstadt? -- ALTRANSTADT, a village of Germany, in Prussian Saxony near Merseburg (q.v.), with (1900) 813 inhabitants. Altranstadt ( 13 lines )

Altrincham? -- ALTRINCHAM, or ALTRINOHAM (and so pronounced), a market-town, in the Altrincham padiamentary division of Cheshire England, 8 ( 36 lines )

Altruism -- ALTRUISM (Fr. autrui, from Lat. alter, the other of two), a philosophical term used in ethics for that theory of ( 49 lines )

Altwasser? -- ALTWASSER, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Silesia, 43 m. by rail S.W. from Breslau, and 3 m. N. from ( 5 lines )

Altyn-tagh-taoh? -- ALTYN-TAGH, or ASTYN-TAOH, one of the chief constituent ranges of the Kuen-lun (q.v.) in Central Asia, separating ( 4 lines )

Alum? -- ALUM, in chemistry, a term given to the crystallized double sulphates of the typical formula M2SO4.M2111.(SO4)324H2O, ( 189 lines )

Aluminium -- ALUMINIUM (symbol Al; atomic weight 27.0), a metallic chemical element. Although never met with in the free ( 860 lines )

Alunite? -- ALUNITE, or ALUMSTONE, a mineral first observed in the 15th century at Tolfa, near Rome, where it is mined for the ( 23 lines )

Alur? -- ALUR (Lur, Luri, Lurem), a Negro people of the Nile valley, living on the north-west coast of Albert Nyanza. They are akin ( 4 lines )

Alure? -- ALURE (O. Fr., from aller, to walk), an architectural term for an alley, passage, the water-way or flat gutter behind a parapet, ( 5 lines )

[Fernando Alvarex De Toledo Alva]? -- ALVA, or ALBA, FERNANDO ALVAREX DE TOLEDO, DUKE OF, (1508-1583), Spanish soldier, descended from one of the ( 119 lines )

Alva? -- ALVA, or ALBA, FERNANDO ALVAREX DE TOLEDO, DUKE OF, (1508-1583), Spanish soldier, descended from one of the ( 133 lines )

Pedro De Alvarado -- ALVARADO, PEDRO DE (1495-1541), one of the Spanish leaders in the discovery and conquest of America, was born at Badajoz ( 23 lines )

Francisco Alvarez -- ALVAREZ, FRANCISCO (c. 1465-1541?), Portuguese missionary and explorer, was born at Coimbra. He was a chaplain- ( 26 lines )

[Don Jose Alvarez]? -- ALVAREZ, DON JOSE (1768-1827), Spanish sculptor, was born at Priego, in the province of Cordova, in 1768. His full ( 28 lines )

[Don Manuel Alvarez]? -- ALVAREZ, DON MANUEL (1727--1797), Spanish sculptor, was born at Salamanca. He followed classical models so closely that he was ( 5 lines )

[Max Alvary]? -- ALVARY, MAX (1858-1898), German singer, was born at Dusseldorf. Gifted with a fine tenor voice and handsome ( 8 lines )

Alveary? -- ALVEARY (from the Lat. alvearium), a beehive; used, like apiarium in the same sense, figuratively for a collection of ( 6 lines )

[Constantin Von Alvensleben]? -- ALVENSLEBEN, CONSTANTIN VON (1809-1892), Prussian general, was born on the 26th of August 1809 at Eichenbarleben in ( 84 lines )

Alveolate? -- ALVEOLATE (from Lat. alveolus), honeycombed, a word used technically in biology, etc., to mean pitted like a honeycomb. ( 3 lines )

[Richard Everard Webster Alverstone]? -- ALVERSTONE, RICHARD EVERARD WEBSTER, IST BARON (1842- ), lord chief justice of England, was born on the 22nd ( 34 lines )

Alwar? -- ALWAR, or ULWAR, a native state of India in the Rajputana agency. It is bounded on the E. by the state of Bharatpur ( 57 lines )

Alyattes -- ALYATTES, king of Lydia (609-560 B.C.), the real founder of the Lydian empire, was the son of Sadyattes, of the house ( 25 lines )

Alypius? -- ALYPIUS, a Greek writer on music whose works, with those of six others, were collected and published with a commentary and ( 9 lines )

Alypius of Antioch -- ALYPIUS OF ANTIOCH, a geographer of the 4th century, who was sent by the emperor Julian into Britain as first prefect, ( 9 lines )

Alytes? -- ALYTES, the midwife toad, first discovered by P. Demours in 1741, on the border of a small pond in the Jardin des Plantes, ( 53 lines )

Alzey? -- ALZEY, a town of Germany, in the grand duchy of Hesse- Darmstadt, 18 m. S. of Mainz by rail. Pop. (1900) 6893. ( 14 lines )

[Johann Baptist Alzog]? -- ALZOG, JOHANN BAPTIST (1808-1878), German theologian, was born at Ohlau, in Silesia, on the 29th of June 1808. ( 33 lines )

[Amadis De Gaula]? -- AMADIS DE GAULA. This famous romance of chivalry survives only in a Castilian text, but it is claimed by Portugal as ( 111 lines )

Amadou? -- AMADOU, a soft tough substance used as tinder, derived

 from Polyporus fomentarius, a fungus belonging to the 
( 10 lines )

Amakusa? -- AMAKUSA, an island belonging to Japan, 26 1/2 m. long and 13 1/2 in extreme width, situated about 32 deg. 20' N., and 130 deg. E. ( 13 lines )

Amal? -- AMAL, the name of the noblest family among the Ostrogoths, and that from which nearly all their kings were chosen. ( 3 lines )

Amalaric -- AMALARIC (d. 531), king of the Visigoths, son of Alaric II., was a child when his father fell in battle against Clovis, ( 14 lines )

Amalasuntha -- AMALASUNTHA or AMALASUENTHA, queen of the Ostrogoths (d. 535), daughter of Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, was ( 30 lines )

Amalekites? -- AMALEKITES, an ancient tribe, or collection of tribes, in the south and south-east of Palestine, often mentioned ( 59 lines )

Amalfi? -- AMALFI, a town and archiepiscopal see of Campania, Italy, in the province of Salerno, from the town of which name it is ( 30 lines )

Amalgam? -- AMALGAM, the name applied to alloys which contain mercury. It is said by Andreas Libavius to be a corruption of ( 24 lines )

Amalric -- AMALRIC, the name of two kings of Jerusalem. AMALRIC I., king from 1162 to 1174, was the son of Fulk of Jerusalem, and ( 72 lines )

Amalric of Bena -- AMALRIC (Fr. AMAURY) OF BENA (d.c. 1204-1207), French theologian, was born in the latter part of the 12th century ( 39 lines )

Amalteo? -- AMALTEO, the name of an Italian family belonging to Oderzo, Treviso, several members of which were distinguished in ( 12 lines )

[Pomponio Amalteo]? -- AMALTEO, POMPONIO (1505-1584), Italian painter of the Venetian school, was born at San Vito in Friuli. He was a pupil and ( 7 lines )

Amaltheia -- AMALTHEIA, in Greek mythology, the foster-mother of Zeus. She is sometimes represented as the goat which suckled ( 25 lines )

Amana? -- AMANA, a township in Iowa county, Iowa, U.S.A., 19 m. S.W. (by rail) of Cedar Rapids. Pop. (1900) 1748; (1910) ( 61 lines )

Amanita? -- AMANITA. The amanitas include some of the most showy representatives of the Agaricineae or mushroom order of fungi ( 30 lines )

Amanuensis? -- AMANUENSIS (a Latin word, derived from the phrase servus a manu, slave of the hand, a secretary), one who writes, ( 4 lines )

Amapala? -- AMAPALA, the only port on the Pacific coast of Honduras, on the northern shore of Tigre island, in the Bay of Fonseca (q.v.); ( 17 lines )

Amaranth -- AMARANTH, or AMARANG (from the Gr. amarantos, unwithering), a name chiefly used in poetry, and applied to ( 44 lines )

Amarapura? -- AMARAPURA ("the city of the gods"), formerly the capital of the Burmese kingdom, now a suburb of Mandalay, Burma, ( 33 lines )

Amarar? -- AMARAR, a tribe of African "Arabs" inhabiting the mountainous country on the west side of the Red Sea from ( 18 lines )

Amara Sinha -- AMARA SINHA (c. A.D. 375), Sanskrit grammarian and poet, of whose personal history hardly anything is known. He is said ( 20 lines )

[Michele Amari]? -- AMARI, MICHELE (1806-1889), Italian orientalist and patriot, was born at Palermo. From his earliest youth he imbibed ( 93 lines )

Amaryllis -- AMARYLLIS (the name of a girl in classical pastoral poetry), in botany, a genus of the natural order Amaryllidaceae, containing ( 12 lines )

Amasia? -- AMASIA (anc. Amasia), the chief town of a sanjak in the Sivas vilayet of Asia Minor and an important trade centre ( 36 lines )

Amasis? -- AMASIS, or AMOSIS (the Greek forms of the Egyptian name Ahmase, Ahmosi, "the moon is born," often written Aahmes or ( 4 lines )

Amasis I -- AMASIS I., the founder of the XVIIIth dynasty, is famous for his successful wars against the Hyksos princes who still ruled in ( 4 lines )

Amasis II -- AMASIS II. was the last great ruler of Egypt before the Persian conquest, 570-526 B.C. Most of our information ( 49 lines )

Amateur -- AMATEUR (Lat. amator, lover), a person who takes part in any art, craft, game or sport for the sake of the pleasure afforded ( 123 lines )

Amathus -- AMATHUS, an ancient city of Cyprus, on the S. coast, about 24 m. W. of Larnaka and 6 m. E. of Limassol, among sandy ( 49 lines )

Amati -- AMATI, the name of a family of Italian violin-makers, who flourished at Cremona from about 1550 to 1692. According ( 13 lines )

Amatitlan? -- AMATITLAN, or SAN JUAN DE AMATITLAN, the capital of a department bearing the same name in Guatemala, on Lake ( 19 lines )

Amaurosis? -- AMAUROSIS (Gr. for "blinding,"), a term for "deprivation of sight," limited chiefly to those forms of defect or loss of vision ( 4 lines )

Amazon -- AMAZON, the great river of South America. Before the conquest of South America, the Rio de las Amazonas had no ( 912 lines )

Amazonas? -- AMAZONAS, the extreme north-western and largest state of Brazil, bounded N. by Colombia and Venezuela, E. by the state ( 49 lines )

Amazonas? -- AMAZONAS, the extreme north-western and largest state of Brazil, bounded N. by Colombia and Venezuela, E. by the state ( 49 lines )

Amazonas? -- AMAZONAS, the extreme north-western and largest state of Brazil, bounded N. by Colombia and Venezuela, E. by the state ( 49 lines )

Amazons -- AMAZONS, an ancient legendary nation of female warriors. They were said to have lived in Pontus near the shore of the ( 140 lines )

Amazonite -- AMAZON-STONE, or AMAZONITE, a green variety of microcline- felspar. The name is taken from that of the river Amazon, ( 21 lines )

Ambarvalia? -- AMBARVALIA, an annual festival of the ancient Romans, occurring in May, usually on the 29th, the object of which ( 21 lines )

Ambassador? -- AMBASSADOR (also EMBASSADOR, the form sometimes still used in America; from the Fr. ambassadeur, with which compare ( 119 lines )

Amrato? -- AMRATO, or ASIENTO DE AMBATO, an inland town of Ecuador, capital of the province of Tunguragua, 80 m. S. of Quito by ( 17 lines )

Ambato? -- AMBATO is also the name of a range of mountains in northern Argentina, being a spur of the Sierra de Aconquija ( 4 lines )

Amber -- AMBER, a ruined city of India, the ancient capital of Jaipur state in the Rajputana agency. The name of Amber is first ( 31 lines )

Amber -- AMBER, a ruined city of India, the ancient capital of Jaipur state in the Rajputana agency. The name of Amber is first ( 31 lines )

Amberg? -- AMBERG, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria, formerly the capital of the Upper Palatinate, situated ( 17 lines )

Ambergris -- AMBERGRIS (Ambra grisea, Ambre gris, or grey amber), a solid, fatty, inflammable substance of a dull grey or ( 39 lines )

Ambert? -- AMBERT, a town of central France, capital of an arrondissement of the department of Puy-de-Dome, on the ( 10 lines )

Ambient -- AMBIENT (from Lat. ambi, on both sides, and ire, to go), surrounding; a word implying a moving rather than a stationary ( 6 lines )

Ambigu? -- AMBIGU, a French game of cards, composed of the characteristic elements of whist, bouillotte and piquet. A whist pack with ( 34 lines )

Ambiguity -- AMBIGUITY (Fr. ambiguite, med. Lat. ambiguitas, from Lat. ambiguus, doubtful; ambi, both ways, agere, to ( 31 lines )

Ambiorix -- AMBIORIX, prince of Eburones, a tribe of Belgian Gaul. Although Caesar (q.v.) had freed him from paying tribute ( 13 lines )

Ambleside? -- AMBLESIDE, a market-town in the Appleby parliamentary division of Westmorland, England, a mile from the head of ( 28 lines )

Amblygonite? -- AMBLYGONITE, a mineral usually found as cleavable or columnar, and compact masses; it is translucent and has a vitreous ( 29 lines )

Amblypoda? -- AMBLYPODA, a suborder of primitive ungulate mammals, taking its name from the short and stumpy feet, which were furnished ( 59 lines )

Ambo? -- AMBO, or AMBON (Gr. ambon, from anabainein, to walk up, the reading-desk of early Basilican churches, ( 76 lines )

[Georges Amboise]? -- AMBOISE, GEORGES D', (1460-1510), French cardinal and minister of state, belonged to a noble family possessed of considerable ( 66 lines )

Amboise? -- AMBOISE, GEORGES D', (1460-1510), French cardinal and minister of state, belonged to a noble family possessed of considerable ( 66 lines )

Amboyna? -- AMBOYNA (Dutch Ambon), the name of a residency, its chief town, and the island on which the town is situated, in the Dutch East Indies. ( 90 lines )

Ambracia -- AMBRACIA (more correctly AMPRACIA), an ancient Corinthian colony, situated about 7 m. from the Ambracian Gulf, on a ( 30 lines )

Ambriz? -- AMBRIZ, a West African seaport belonging to Portugal, at the mouth of the Loje River, in 7 deg. 50' S., 13 deg. E., some 70 ( 9 lines )

August Wilhelm Ambros -- AMBROS, AUGUST WILHELM (1816-1876), Austrian composer and historian of music, was born at Mauth near Prague. His ( 19 lines )

Ambrose -- AMBROSE (fl. 1190), Norman poet, and chronicler of the Third Crusade, author of a work called L'Estoire de la ( 108 lines )

[Saint Ambrose]? -- AMBROSE, SAINT (c. 340-307), bishop of Milan, one of the most eminent fathers of the church in the 4th century, was ( 213 lines )

[Andrey Sertis-Kamenskiy Ambrose]? -- AMBROSE (ANDREY SERTIS-KAMENSKIY) (1708-1771), archbishop of Moscow, was born at Nezhine in the government of Chernigov, ( 23 lines )

Autpert Ambrose -- AMBROSE (AMBROISE), AUTPERT (d. 778), French Benedictine monk. He became abbe of St Vincent on the Volturno "in ( 14 lines )

Isaac Ambrose -- AMBROSE, ISAAC (1604-1663/4), English Puritan divine, was the son of Richard Ambrose, vicar of Ormskirk, and was ( 36 lines )

Ambrose the Camaldulian -- AMBROSE THE CAMALDULIAN, the common name of AMBROGIO TRAVERSARI (1386-1439), French ecclesiastic, born near ( 39 lines )

Ambrosia -- AMBROSIA, in ancient mythology, sometimes the food, sometimes the drink of the gods. The word has generally been ( 33 lines )

Ambrosians -- AMBROSIANS, the name given to several religious brotherhoods which at various times since the 14th century have sprung ( 36 lines )

Ambrosiaster -- AMBROSIASTER. A commentary on St Paul's epistles, "brief in words but weighty in matter," and valuable for the ( 31 lines )

[Bartolomeo Ambrosini]? -- AMBROSINI, BARTOLOMEO (1588-1657), Italian naturalist, was born and died at Bologna. He was a pupil of Aldrovandi, ( 15 lines )

Ambrosius Aurelianus -- AMBROSIUS AURELIANUS, leader of the Britons against the Saxons in the 5th century, was, according to the legends ( 15 lines )

Ambulance? -- AMBULANCE (from the Fr. ambulance, formerly hopital ambulant, derived from the Lat. ambulare, to move about), ( 486 lines )

Ambulatory? -- AMBULATORY (Med. Lat. ambulatorium, a place for walking, from ambulare, to walk), the covered passage round a cloister; ( 5 lines )

Ambush -- AMBUSH (older form, "embush," O. Fr. embusche, from the Ital. imboscata, in and bosco, a wood), ( 5 lines )

[Amedeo Ferdinando Maria Di Savoia]? -- AMEDEO FERDINANDO MARIA DI SAVOIA, duke of Aosta (1845-1890), third son of Victor Emmanuel II., king of Italy, and of Adelaide, ( 41 lines )

Amelie-les-bains? -- AMELIE-LES-BAINS, a watering-place of south-western France, in the department of Pyrenees-Orientales, at the ( 12 lines )

[Abraham Nicolas Amelot De La Houssaye]? -- AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAYE, ABRAHAM NICOLAS (1634-1706), French historian and publicist, was born at Orleans in February ( 30 lines )

Amen? -- AMEN, a Hebrew word, of which the root meaning is "stability," generally adopted in Christian worship as a ( 29 lines )

Amendment? -- AMENDMENT (through the O. Pr. amender, to correct, from bat. mendum, a fault), an improvement, correction or alteration ( 17 lines )

Amentiferae? -- AMENTIFERAE, or AMENTACEAE, a name which has been used to include in one class several natural orders of plants which ( 11 lines )

Amercement? -- AMERCEMENT, or AMERCIAMENT (derived, through the Fr. a merci, from Lat. merces, pay), in English law, an ( 24 lines )

Ameria? -- AMERIA (mod. Amelia), a city of Umbria, situated about 65 m. N. of Rome on the Via Amerina (which approached it from the S. ( 20 lines )

America -- AMERICA. I. Physical Geography. -- The accidental use of a single name, America, for the pair of continents that ( 751 lines )

Ambrican? -- AMBRICAN. Whether with Payne it is assumed that in some remote time a speechless anthropoid passed over a land ( 208 lines )

Algonquin? -- ALGONQUIN, or ALGONKIN (a word formerly regarded as a French contraction of Algomequin, "those on the other ( 26 lines )

[America Islands]? -- AMERICA ISLANDS, a name given to Christmas, Fanning, Palmyra and attendant islets, belonging to Great Britain, in the ( 12 lines )

American Civil War -- AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (1861-1865). 1. The Civil War between the northern and southern sections of the United States, which ( 1468 lines )

[American Law]? -- AMERICAN LAW. The laws of the various states and territories of the United States rest at bottom on the same foundation ( 551 lines )

[American Literature]? -- AMERICAN LITERATURE.

( 1746 lines )

[American War of Independence]? -- AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE (1775-1781). This war, by which the United States definitely separated themselves from ( 842 lines )

Americus? -- AMERICUS, a city and the county-seat of Sumter county, Georgia, U.S.A., about 71 m. S.S.W. of Macon. Pop. (1880) ( 15 lines )

Amersfoort? -- AMERSFOORT, a town in the province of Utrecht, Holland, on the navigable Eem, and a junction station 14 m. by rail N.E. ( 19 lines )

Amersham? -- AMERSHAM, a market town in the Wycombe parliamentary division of Buckinghamshire, England, 24 m. W.N.W. of ( 40 lines )

[Fisher Ames]? -- AMES, FISHER (1758-1808), American statesman, orator and political writer, son of Nathaniel Ames, a physician, ( 42 lines )

[Joseph Ames]? -- AMES, JOSEPH (1689-1759), English author, was born at Yarmouth on the 23rd of January 1689. He wrote an account of printing ( 25 lines )

[Oakes Ames]? -- AMES, OAKES (1804-1873), American manufacturer, capitalist and politician, was born in Easton, Massachusetts, on the 10th ( 32 lines )

Ames? -- AMES, FISHER (1758-1808), American statesman, orator and political writer, son of Nathaniel Ames, a physician, ( 198 lines )

William Ames -- AMES, WILLIAM (1576-1633), English Puritan divine, better known, especially in Europe, as Amesius, was born of ( 122 lines )

Ames? -- AMES, FISHER (1758-1808), American statesman, orator and political writer, son of Nathaniel Ames, a physician, ( 198 lines )

Amesbury? -- AMESBURY, a small town in the Wilton parliamentary division of Wiltshire, England, 8 m. N. of Salisbury, on the London ( 43 lines )

Amesbury? -- AMESBURY, a small town in the Wilton parliamentary division of Wiltshire, England, 8 m. N. of Salisbury, on the London ( 43 lines )

Amethyst -- AMETHYST, a violet or purple variety of quartz used as an ornamental stone. The name is generally said to be derived from the Gr. ( 58 lines )

Amhara? -- AMHARA, the central province of Abyssinia. The chief town, Gondar (q.v.), by which name the province is also known, was ( 7 lines )

[Jeffrey Amherst]? -- AMHERST, JEFFREY AMHERST, BARON (1717-1797), British soldier, was the son of Jeffrey Amherst of Riverhead, Kent, ( 46 lines )

[William Pitt Amherst]? -- AMHERST, WILLIAM PITT AMHERST, EARL (1773-1857), governor- general of India, was the nephew of Jeffrey, ( 38 lines )

Amherst? -- AMHERST, JEFFREY AMHERST, BARON (1717-1797), British soldier, was the son of Jeffrey Amherst of Riverhead, Kent, ( 81 lines )

Amherst? -- AMHERST, JEFFREY AMHERST, BARON (1717-1797), British soldier, was the son of Jeffrey Amherst of Riverhead, Kent, ( 81 lines )

Amherst? -- AMHERST, JEFFREY AMHERST, BARON (1717-1797), British soldier, was the son of Jeffrey Amherst of Riverhead, Kent, ( 81 lines )

[Nicholas Amhurst]? -- AMHURST, NICHOLAS (1697-1742), English poet and political writer, was born at Marden, Kent, on the 16th of October ( 48 lines )

Amianthus? -- AMIANTHUS, a corruption of amiantus (Gr. amiautos, undefiled), a name applied to the finer kinds of asbestos (q.v.), in ( 13 lines )

[Amicable Numbers]? -- AMICABLE NUMBERS, two numbers so related that the sum of the factors of the one is equal to the other, unity being ( 19 lines )

Amice? -- AMICE (earlier forms: amyt, amys, O. Fr. amit, Lat. amictus, from amicire, to throw or wrap round, the change ( 84 lines )

[Giovanni Battista Amici]? -- AMICI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA (1786-1863), Italian astronomer and microscopist, was born on the 25th of March 1786 at Modena. ( 16 lines )

[Edmondo De Amicis]? -- AMICIS, EDMONDO DE (1846-1908), Italian writer, was born at Oneglia, in Liguria, on the 21st of October 1846. After some ( 32 lines )

[Amicus Curiae]? -- AMICUS CURIAE (Lat. for "a friend of the court"), a term used primarily in law, signifying a person (usually a member of the ( 8 lines )

Amidines? -- AMIDINES, in organic chemistry, the name given to compounds of general formula R.C:(NH).NH2, which may be considered as ( 83 lines )

[Henri Frederic Amiel]? -- AMIEL, HENRI FREDERIC (1821-1881), Swiss philosopher and critic, was born at Geneva on the 27th of September ( 29 lines )

Amiens? -- AMIENS, a city of northern France, capital of the department of Somme, on the left bank of the Somme, 81 ( 96 lines )

Amines? -- AMINES, in chemistry, derivatives of ammonia in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by alkyl or aryl ( 326 lines )

Jean Joseph Marie Amiot -- AMIOT, JEAN JOSEPH MARIE (1718-1793), French Jesuit missionary, was born at Toulon in February 1718. He entered the Society ( 22 lines )

Amir -- AMIR, or AMEER (an Arabic word meaning "commander," from the root amr, "commanding"), a title common in the ( 35 lines )

[Amis Et Amiles]? -- AMIS ET AMILES, the title of an old French romance based on a widespread legend of friendship and sacrifice. In its ( 77 lines )

Amiternum? -- AMITERNUM, an ancient town of the Sabines, situated about 5 m. N. of Aquila, in the broad valley of the Aternus, from ( 21 lines )

Amlwch? -- AMLWCH (llwch = "lake"), a market town of Anglesey, North Wales, situated on slightly rising ground on the N. coast of the ( 32 lines )

[Johann Conrad Amman]? -- AMMAN, JOHANN CONRAD (1669-c. 1730), Swiss physician, was born at Schaffhausen in 1669. After graduating at Basel ( 16 lines )

[Jost Amman]? -- AMMAN, JOST (1539-1591), Swiss artist, celebrated chiefly for his engravings on wood, was born at Zurich. Of his ( 23 lines )

[Paul Amman]? -- AMMAN, PAUL (1634-1691), German physician and botanist, was born at Breslau in 1634. In 1662 he received the degree of ( 15 lines )

Bartolomeo Ammanati -- AMMANATI, BARTOLOMEO (1511-1592), Florentine architect and sculptor. He studied under Bandinelli and Jacopo Sansovino, ( 15 lines )

Marcellinus Ammianus -- AMMIANUS, MARCELLINUS, the last Roman historian of importance, was born about A.D. 325-330 at Antioch; the ( 71 lines )

[Scipione Ammirato]? -- AMMIRATO, SCIPIONE (1531-1601), Italian historian, born at Lecce, in the kingdom of Naples. His father, intending him ( 16 lines )

Ammon -- AMMON, the Graecized name of an Egyptian deity, in the native language Amun, connected by the priests with a root ( 116 lines )

[Christoph Friedrich Von Ammon]? -- AMMON, CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON (1766-1850), German theological writer and preacher, was born at Baireuth. He studied at ( 30 lines )

Ammonia -- AMMONIA (NH3). Salts of ammonia have been known from very early times; thus the term Hammoniacus sal appears in the ( 310 lines )

[Ammoniacum Ammoniac]? -- AMMONIACUM, or GUM AMMONIAC, a gum-resin exuded from the stem of a perennial herb (Dorema ammoniacum), natural order ( 28 lines )

Ammonites -- AMMONITES, or the "children of Ammon," a people of east Palestine who, like the Moabites, traced their origin to ( 106 lines )

[Ammonius Grammaticus]? -- AMMONIUS GRAMMATICUS, the supposed author of a treatise entitled Peri omoion kai dialoron lfxeon (On the ( 15 lines )

Ammonius Hermiae -- AMMONIUS HERMIAE (5th century A.D.), Greek philosopher, the son of Hermias or Hermeias, a fellow-pupil of ( 29 lines )

Ammonius Saccas -- AMMONIUS SACCAS (3rd century A.D.), Greek philosopher of Alexandria, often called the founder of the neo-Platonic ( 42 lines )

Ammunition? -- AMMUNITION, a military term (derived, through the French, from Lat. munire, to provide), for consumable stores used ( 1330 lines )

Amnesty? -- AMNESTY (from the Gr. amnestia, oblivion), an act of grace by which the supreme power in a state restores those ( 25 lines )

Amoeba -- AMOEBA, the Greek equivalent of the name "Amibe" given by Bery St Vincent to the Proteus animalcule of earlier ( 83 lines )

Amol? -- AMOL, or AMUL, a town of Persia, in the province of Mazandaran, 23 m. W. of Barfurush, in 36 deg. 28' N. Lat. and ( 13 lines )

[Guillaume Amontons]? -- AMONTONS, GUILLAUME (1663-1705), French experimental philosopher, the son of an advocate who had left his native ( 33 lines )

Amorites -- AMORITES, the name given by the Israelites to the earlier inhabitants of Palestine. They are regarded as a powerful ( 45 lines )

Amorphism? -- AMORPHISM (from a, privative, and morfe, form), a term used in chemistry and mineralogy to denote the ( 6 lines )

Eusebius Amort -- AMORT, EUSEBIUS (1692--1775), German Catholic theologian, was born at Bibermuhle, near Tolz, in Upper Bavaria, on ( 28 lines )

Amortization? -- AMORTIZATION (derived through the French from Lat. ad, and mortem, to death), literally an extinction or doing ( 8 lines )

[Thomas Amory]? -- AMORY, THOMAS (c. 1691-1788), British author, was born about 1601, his father being the secretary for the forfeited ( 10 lines )

Amos -- AMOS, in the Bible, an Israelitish prophet of the 8th century B.C. He was a native of Tekoa, i.e. as most ( 127 lines )

[Sheldon Amos]? -- AMOS, SHELDON (1835-1886), English jurist, was educated at Clare College, Cambridge, and was called to the bar ( 27 lines )

Amoy? -- AMOY, a city and treaty-port in the province of Fuh-kien, China, situated on the slope of a hill, on the south coast ( 34 lines )

Lucius Ampelius -- AMPELIUS, LUCIUS, possibly a tutor or schoolmaster, and author of an extremely concise summary--a kind of index--of ( 38 lines )

Ampelopsis? -- AMPELOPSIS (from Gr. ampelos, vine, and opsis, appearance, as it resembles the grape-vine in habit), a genus of the ( 14 lines )

Andre Marie Ampere -- AMPERE, ANDRE MARIE (1775-1836), French physicist, was born at Polemieux, near Lyons, on the 22nd of January ( 65 lines )

Jean Jacques Ampere -- AMPERE, JEAN JACQUES (1800-1864), French philologist and man of letters, only son of Andre Marie Ampere, was born at ( 27 lines )

Ammeter -- AMPEREMETER, or AMMETER, an instrument for the measurement of electric currents in terms of the unit called the ampere. ( 487 lines )

Ampersand? -- AMPERSAND (a corruption of the mixed English and Latin phrase, "and per se and," of which there are many dialect ( 8 lines )

Amphiaraus? -- AMPHIARAUS, in Greek mythology, a celebrated seer and prince of Argos, son of Oicles (or Apollo) and Hypermestra, ( 37 lines )

Amphibia -- AMPHIBIA, a zoological term originally employed by Linnaeus to denote a class of the Animal Kingdom comprising crocodiles, ( 107 lines )

Amphibole? -- AMPHIBOLE, an important group of rock-forming minerals, very similar in chemical composition and general characters to the ( 41 lines )

[Anorthic Series]? -- ANORTHIC SERIES. Aenigmatite . . Na4Fe"9Al Fe" '(Si,Ti)12O38. ( 34 lines )

Amphibolite? -- AMPHIBOLITE, the name given to a rock consisting mainly of amphibole (hornblende), the use of the term being restricted, ( 111 lines )

Amphibology? -- AMPHIBOLOGY, or AMPHIBOLY (Gr. ampibolia), in logic, a verbal fallacy arising from ambiguity in the grammatical ( 8 lines )

Amphictyony? -- AMPHICTYONY (Gr. amfiktuonia, i.e. a body composed of amfiktiones, amfiktuones, "dwellers around"), ( 247 lines )

Amphilochus? -- AMPHILOCHUS, in Greek legend, a famous seer, son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle and brother of Alcmaeon. According to some ( 18 lines )

[Amphion And Zethus]? -- AMPHION and ZETHUS, in ancient Greek mythology, the twin sons of Zeus by Antiope. When children, they were exposed ( 13 lines )

Amphioxus? -- AMPHIOXUS, or LANCELET, the name of small, fish-like, marine creatures, forming the class Cephalochorda, of the ( 583 lines )

Amphipolis -- AMPHIPOLIS (mod. Yeni Keui), an ancient city of Macedonia, on the east bank of the river Strymon, where ( 28 lines )

Amphiprostyle? -- AMPHIPROSTYLE (from the Gr. amfi, on both sides, and prostulos, a portico), the term for a temple ( 4 lines )

Amphisbaena? -- AMPHISBAENA (a Greek word, from amfis, both ways, and bainein, to go), a serpent in ancient mythology, beginning ( 21 lines )

Amphitheater? -- AMPHITHEATRE (Gr. amfi, around, and theatron, a place for spectators), a building in which the seats for ( 202 lines )

Amphitrite? -- AMPHITRITE, in ancient Greek mythology, a sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus (or Oceanus) and wife of Poseidon. She ( 19 lines )

Amphitryon? -- AMPHITRYON, in Greek mythology, son of Alcaeus, king of Tiryns in Argolis. Having accidentally killed his uncle ( 37 lines )

Amphora? -- AMPHORA (a Latin word from Gr. amforeus, derived from amfi, on both sides, and ferein, to bear), a large ( 21 lines )

Ampliative? -- AMPLIATIVE (from Lat. ampliare, to enlarge), an adjective used mainly in logic, meaning "extending,' or "adding to that ( 5 lines )

Amplitude? -- AMPLITUDE (from Lat. amplus, large), in astronomy, the angular distance of the rising or setting sun, or other heavenly ( 13 lines )

Ampsanctus? -- AMPSANCTUS, or AMSANCTUS (mod. Sorgente Mefita), a small lake in the territory of the Hirpini, IO m. S.E. ( 10 lines )

[Odo William Leopold Russell Ampthill]? -- AMPTHILL, ODO WILLIAM LEOPOLD RUSSELL, 1ST BARON (1829-1884), British diplomatist and ambassador, was born in Florence on ( 132 lines )

Ampthill? -- AMPTHILL, ODO WILLIAM LEOPOLD RUSSELL, 1ST BARON (1829-1884), British diplomatist and ambassador, was born in Florence on ( 132 lines )

Ampulla? -- AMPULLA (either a diminutive of amphora, or from Lat. ambo, both, and olla, a pot), a small, narrow-necked, ( 27 lines )

Amram -- AMRAM (d. 875), a famous gaon or head of the Jewish Academy of Sura (Persia) in the 9th century. He was author ( 8 lines )

Amraoti? -- AMRAOTI, or UMRAWATTEE, a town and district of India, in Berar, Central Provinces. The district was reconstituted ( 25 lines )

Amravati? -- AMRAVATI, or AMARAVATI, a ruined city of India in the Guntur district of the Madras presidency, on the south ( 107 lines )

Amritsar? -- AMRITSAR, or UMRITSAR, a city and district of British India, in the Lahore division of the Punjab. The city has a ( 61 lines )

Amroha? -- AMROHA, a town of British India, in the Moradabad district of the United Provinces. It contains the tomb ( 5 lines )

Amrum? -- AMRUM, or AMROM, a German island in the North Sea, off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein to the south of ( 11 lines )

[Ibn Hujri Amru-ul-qais]? -- AMRU'-UL-QAIS, or IMRU'-UL QAIS, IBN HUJR, Arabian poet of the 6th century, the author of one of the Mo`allaat ( 29 lines )

Nicolaus Von Amsdorf -- AMSDORF, NICOLAUS VON (1483-1565), German Protestant reformer, was born on the 3rd of December 1483 at Torgau, on the ( 54 lines )

[Samuel Amsler]? -- AMSLER, SAMUEL (1791-1849), Swiss engraver, was born at Schinznach, in the canton of Aargau. He studied his art ( 17 lines )

Amsterdam -- AMSTERDAM, the chief city of Holland, in the province of North Holland, on the south side of the Y or Ij, an arm of ( 312 lines )

New Amsterdam -- AMSTERDAM (NEW AMSTERDAM), an uninhabited and almost inaccessible island in the Indian Ocean, in 37 deg. 47' S., and ( 14 lines )

[Amsterdam New York]? -- AMSTERDAM, a city of Montgomery county, New York, U.S.A., on the north bank of the Mohawk river, about 33 m. N.W. of ( 23 lines )

Amuck? -- AMUCK, RUNNING (or more properly AMOK), the native term for the homicidal mania which attacks Malays. A Malay will ( 52 lines )

Amulet? -- AMULET (Late Lat. amuletum, origin unknown; falsely connected with the Arab. himalah, a cord used to suspend ( 44 lines )

Amur? -- AMUR (known also as the Sakhalin-ula.) a river of eastern Asia, formed by the confluence of the Argun and the ( 30 lines )

Amur? -- AMUR (known also as the Sakhalin-ula.) a river of eastern Asia, formed by the confluence of the Argun and the ( 30 lines )

Amygdalin? -- AMYGDALIN (from the Gr. amugdale, almond), C20H27NO11, a glucoside isolated from bitter almonds ( 25 lines )

Amygdaloid? -- AMYGDALOID, a term meaning "almond-shaped," used in anatomy and geology.

( 2 lines )

[Amyl Alcohols]? -- AMYL ALCOHOLS (C5H11OH). Eight amyl alcohols are known: normal amyl alcohol CH3.(CH2)4.OH, isobutyl carbinol ( 46 lines )

[Amyl Nitrite]? -- AMYL NITRITE (isoamyl nitrite), C5H11.ONO, a liquid prepared by passing nitrous fumes (from starch and concentrated ( 22 lines )

Amymone? -- AMYMONE, in ancient Greek legend, daughter of Danaus. With her sisters, she had been sent to look for water, the ( 14 lines )

Amyntas I -- AMYNTAS I., king of Macedonia (c. 540-498 B.C.), was a tributary vassal of Darius Hystaspes. With him the history of ( 10 lines )

Amyntas II -- AMYNTAS II. (or III.), son of Arrhidaeus, great-grandson of Alexander I., king of Macedonia from 393 (or 389) to 369 ( 16 lines )

[Jacques Amyot]? -- AMYOT, JACQUES (1513-1593), French writer, was born of poor parents, at Melun, on the 30th of October 1513. He found his ( 60 lines )

Moses Amyraut -- AMYRAUT, MOSES (1596-1664), also known as AMYRALDUS, French Protestant theologian and metaphysician, was born at ( 112 lines )

Ana? -- ANA, a Latin neuter plural termination appropriated to various collections of the observations and criticisms ( 281 lines )

Anabaptists -- ANABAPTISTS ("re-baptizers," from Gr. ana and baptizo), a name given by their enemies to various sects which on the occasion ( 239 lines )

Anabasis? -- ANABASIS (anabasis, a march up country), the title given by Xenophon (q.v.) to his narrative of ( 6 lines )

Anabolism? -- ANABOLISM (Gr. ana, up, bole, a throw), the biological term for the building up in an organism of more complex from ( 4 lines )

Anacharsis -- ANACHARSIS, a Scythian philosopher, who lived about 600 B.C. He was the son of Gnurus, chief of a nomadic tribe ( 29 lines )

Anachronism? -- ANACHRONISM (from ana, back, and chronos, time), a neglect or falsification, whether wilful or undesigned, of ( 33 lines )

Anacoluthon? -- ANACOLUTHON (Gr. for "not following on"), a grammatical term, given to a defectively constructed sentence which does ( 18 lines )

Anaconda -- ANACONDA, a city and the county-seat of Deer Lodge county, Montana, U.S.A., situated in the mountains on the W. side of ( 24 lines )

Anaconda -- ANACONDA, a city and the county-seat of Deer Lodge county, Montana, U.S.A., situated in the mountains on the W. side of ( 24 lines )

Anacreon -- ANACREON, Greek lyric poet, was born about 560 B.C., at Teos, an Ionian city on the coast of Asia Minor. Little ( 103 lines )

Anacreontics? -- ANACREONTICS (from the name of the Greek poet Anacreon), the title given to short lyrical pieces, of an easy kind, ( 34 lines )

Anadyomene? -- ANADYOMENE ('Anaduoene), an epithet of Aphrodite (Venus), expressive of her having sprung from the foam of the ( 12 lines )

Anadyr -- ANADYR, (1) a gulf, and (2) a river, in the extreme N.E. of Siberia, in the Maritime Province. The gulf extends from Cape ( 12 lines )

Anaemia? -- ANAEMIA (from Gr. an-, privative, and aima, blood), literally "want of blood," a word used as a generic ( 6 lines )

Anaesthesia? -- ANAESTHESIA and ANAESTHETICS (Gr. anaisthesia, from an-, privative, and aisthesis, sensation), terms ( 426 lines )

Anagnia? -- ANAGNIA [mod. Anagni; pop. (1901) 10,059], an ancient town of the Hernici, situated on a hill (1558 ft.) above the ( 44 lines )

Anagram -- ANAGRAM (Gr. ana, back, and grafein, to write), the result of transposing the letters of a word or words in such ( 76 lines )

Anah -- ANAH, or `ANA, a town on the Euphrates, about mid-way between the Gulf of Alexandretta and the Persian Gulf. It ( 105 lines )

Anaheim? -- ANAHEIM, a city of Orange county, California, U.S.A., about 14 m. S.E. of Los Angeles, about 12 m. from the Pacific Ocean, ( 32 lines )

Anahuac? -- ANAHUAC, a geographical district of Mexico, limited by the traditional and vaguely defined boundaries of an ancient Indian ( 21 lines )

Analcite? -- ANALCITE, a commonly occurring mineral of the zeolite group. It crystallizes in the cubic system, the common form ( 53 lines )

Analogy? -- ANALOGY (Gr. analogia, proportion), a term signifying, (1) in general, resemblance which falls short of absolute ( 58 lines )

Analysis -- ANALYSIS (Gr. ana and luein, to break up into parts), in general, the resolution of a whole into its component elements; ( 54 lines )

Analyst? -- ANALYST, in modern times, a person professionally skilled in chemical analysis. He may be called upon, in the discharge of his ( 27 lines )

Analytic? -- ANALYTIC (the adjective of "analysis"' q.v.), according with, or consisting in, the method of separating a whole ( 7 lines )

[Anamalai Hills]? -- ANAMALAI HILLS, a range of mountains in southern India, in the Coimbatore district of Madras, lying between 10 deg. 13' ( 15 lines )

Anamorphosis? -- ANAMORPHOSIS (a Gr. word, derived from ana, back, and morpe, form: the second o in the Greek is long, ( 17 lines )

Ananda -- ANANDA, one of the principal disciples of the Buddha (q.v..) He has been called the beloved disciple of the ( 29 lines )

Ananias -- ANANIAS, the Gr. form of Hananiah, or Ananiah, a name occurring several times in the Old Testament and Apocrypha ( 19 lines )

Anantapur? -- ANANTAPUR, a town and district of India, in the Madras presidency. The town has a station on the Madras ( 24 lines )

Anapa? -- ANAPA, a seaport town of Russia, in the government of Kuban, on the N. coast of the Black Sea, 45 m. S.E. from the Strait ( 10 lines )

Anapaest? -- ANAPAEST (from Gr. anapaistos, reversed), a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first two short ( 7 lines )

Anarchism -- ANARCHISM (from the Gr. an-, and arche, contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of ( 848 lines )

Pope Anastasius I -- ANASTASIUS I., pope from 399-401. He it was who condemned the writings of Origen shortly after their translation into Latin. ( 3 lines )

Pope Anastasius II -- ANASTASIUS II., pope from 496-498. He lived in the time of the schism of Acacius of Constantinople. He showed some tendency ( 6 lines )

Pope Anastasius III -- ANASTASIUS III., pope from 911-913, was a Roman by birth. Practically nothing is recorded of him, his pontificate falling ( 4 lines )

Pope Anastasius IV -- ANASTASIUS IV. was pope from 1153 to 1154. He was a Roman named Conrad, son of Benedictus, and at the time of his ( 17 lines )

Roman Emperor Anastasius I -- ANASTASIUS I. (c. 430-518), Roman emperor, was born at Dyrrhachium not later than A.D. 430. At the time of the death ( 41 lines )

Roman Emperor Anastasius II -- ANASTASIUS II. (d. 721), Roman emperor in the East, whose original name was Artemius, was raised to the throne of ( 23 lines )

Anastomosis? -- ANASTOMOSIS (a Greek word in which the second o is long, from anastomoun, to furnish with a mouth or outlet), ( 8 lines )

Anatase? -- ANATASE, one of the three mineral forms of titanium dioxide. It is always found as small, isolated and sharply developed ( 59 lines )

Anathema? -- ANATHEMA (from Gr. anatithenai, to lift up), literally an offering, a thing set aside. The classical Greek form ( 49 lines )

Jacob Anatoli -- ANATOLI, JACOB (c. 1194-1256), Hebrew translator from the Arabic. He was invited to Naples by the enlightened ruler Frederick ( 6 lines )

Anatolia -- ANATOLIA (Gr. anatole, sunrise, i.e. eastern land), in ancient geography, the country east of the Aegean, i.e. Asia ( 8 lines )

Anatomy -- ANATOMY (Gr. anatome, from ana-temnein, to cut up), literally dissection or cutting asunder, a term always used ( 3578 lines )

Anatto? -- ANATTO (possibly a native American name, with many variants such as annatto, arnotto), a colouring matter ( 20 lines )

Anaxagoras -- ANAXAGORAS, Greek philosopher, was born probably about the year 500 B.C. (Apollodorus ap. Diog. Laert. ii. 7.) ( 115 lines )

Anaxarchus -- ANAXARCHUS (c. 340 B.C. a Greek philosopher of the school of Democritus, was born at Abdera. He was the ( 17 lines )

Anaxilaus? -- ANAXILAUS, of Larissa, a physician and Pythagorean philosopher, who was banished from Rome by Augustus, B.C. 28, on the charge ( 9 lines )

Anaximander -- ANAXIMANDER, the second of the physical philosophers of Ionia, was a citizen of Miletus and a companion or pupil of ( 54 lines )

Anaximenes of Lampsacus -- ANAXIMENES, of Lampsacus (fl. 380-320 B.C.), Greek rhetorician and historian, was a favourite of Alexander the ( 13 lines )

Anaximenes of Miletus -- ANAXIMENES, of Miletus, Greek philosopher in the latter half of the 6th century, was probably a younger contemporary ( 20 lines )

Anazarbus -- ANAZARBUS (med. Ain Zarba; mod. Navarza.) an ancient Cilician city, situated in the Aleian plain about 10 ( 34 lines )

Anbar -- ANBAR, originally called FIRUZ SHAPUR, or PERISAPORA, a town founded about A.D. 350 by Shapur (Sapor) II. Sassanid, ( 19 lines )

Ancachs? -- ANCACHS, a coast province of central Peru, lying between the departments of Lima and Libertad, and W. of the Maranon ( 19 lines )

Ancaeus? -- ANCAEUS, in Greek legend, son of Zeus or Poseidon, king of the Leleges of Samos. In the Argonautic expedition, after ( 15 lines )

[Duke of Ancaster And Kesteven]? -- ANCASTER AND KESTEVEN, DUKE OF, an English title borne by the well-known Lincolnshire family of Bertie from 1715 to 1809. ( 29 lines )

[Jacques Arsene Francois Polycarpe Ancelot]? -- ANCELOT, JACQUES ARSENE FRANCOIS POLYCARPE (1794-1854), French dramatist and litterateur, was born at Havre, ( 29 lines )

Ancestor-worship? -- ANCESTOR-WORSHIP, a general name for the cult of deceased parents and forefathers. Aristotle in his Ethics stigmatizes ( 306 lines )

Anchises? -- ANCHISES, in Greek legend, Trojan hero, son of Capys and Themis, grandson (according to Hyginus, son) of Assaracus, ( 21 lines )

Anchor -- ANCHOR (from the Greek agkura, which Vossius considers is from ogke, a crook or hook), an instrument of iron ( 211 lines )

Anchovy -- ANCHOVY (Engraulis encrasicholus), a fish of the herring family, easily distinguished by its deeply-cleft mouth, ( 65 lines )

[Ancien Regime]? -- ANCIEN REGIME, THE, a French phrase commonly used, even by English writers, to denote the social and political system ( 8 lines )

Ancient? -- ANCIENT AUTHORITIES.---Demosthenes, De Corona and De Falsa Legatione; Aeschines, De Falsa Legatione and ( 31 lines )

[Ancient Lights]? -- ANCIENT LIGHTS, a phrase in English law for a negative easement (q.v.) consisting in the right to prevent the ( 67 lines )

Ancillary? -- ANCILLARY (from the Lat. anicilla, a handmaid), an adjective meaning "subordinate to" or "merely helping," ( 6 lines )

Charles Ancillon -- ANCILLON, CHARLES (1659--1715), one of a distinguished family of French Protestants, was born on the 28th of July 1659, at ( 32 lines )

[Johann Peter Friedrich Ancillon]? -- ANCILLON, JOHANN PETER FRIEDRICH (1766-1837), Prussian historian and statesman, great-grandson of Charles Ancillon, ( 85 lines )

Ancon? -- ANCON, a small village and bathing-place on the coast of Peru, 22 m. N. of Lima by rail. The bay is formed ( 22 lines )

Ancon? -- ANCON, a small village and bathing-place on the coast of Peru, 22 m. N. of Lima by rail. The bay is formed ( 22 lines )

[Alessandro Ancona]? -- ANCONA, ALESSANDRO (1835- ), Italian critic and man of letters, was born at Pisa on the 20th of February 1835, of ( 20 lines )

Ancona? -- ANCONA, ALESSANDRO (1835- ), Italian critic and man of letters, was born at Pisa on the 20th of February 1835, of ( 20 lines )

[Ancren Riwle]? -- ANCREN RIWLE, a Middle English prose treatise written for a small community of three religious women and their servants ( 85 lines )

Ancrum? -- ANCRUM, a village on Ale or Alne Water (a tributary of the Teviot), Roxburghshire, Scotland, 2 m. W. of Jedfoot Bridge ( 17 lines )

Ancus Marcius -- ANCUS MARCIUS (640-616 B.C.), fourth legendary king of Rome. Like Numa, his reputed grandfather, he was a friend of ( 26 lines )

Ancylopoda -- ANCYLOPODA, or ANCYLODACTYLA, an apparently primitive extinct subordinal group of Ungulata showing certain resemblances to ( 43 lines )

Ancyra -- ANCYRA (mod. Angora, q.v.), an ancient city of Galatia in Asia Minor, situated on a tributary of the Sangarius. ( 89 lines )

Andalusia -- ANDALUSIA, or ANDALUCIA, a captaincy-general, and formerly a province, of southern Spain; bounded on the ( 120 lines )

Andalusite? -- ANDALUSITE, a mineral with the same chemical composition as cyanite and sillimanite, being a basic aluminium silicate, ( 53 lines )

Andaman Islands -- ANDAMAN ISLANDS, a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal. Large and small, they number 204, and lie 590 m. from the mouth ( 502 lines )

Andante? -- ANDANTE (Ital. for "moving slowly," from andare, to go), a musical term to indicate pace, coming between adagio ( 5 lines )

Anderida -- ANDERIDA, an ancient Roman fort at Pevensey, near Eastbourne in Sussex (England), built about A.D. 300 as part of a scheme ( 7 lines )

Andernach? -- ANDERNACH, a town of Germany, in the Prussian Rhine province, on the left bank of the Rhine, 10 m. N.W. of Coblenz by ( 26 lines )

Hans Christian Andersen -- ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (1805-1875), Danish poet and fabulist, was born at Odense, in Funen, on the 2nd of April ( 80 lines )

[Adam Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, ADAM (1692--1765), Scottish economist, was born in 1692, and died in London on the 10th of January 1765. He was a ( 8 lines )

Alexander Anderson -- ANDERSON, ALEXANDER (c. 1582-1620?), Scottish mathematician, was born at Aberdeen. In his youth he went to the continent ( 12 lines )

[Edmund Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, SIR EDMUND (1530-1605), English lawyer, descended from a Scottish family settled in Lincolnshire, was born ( 25 lines )

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson -- ANDERSON, ELIZABETH GARRETT (1836- ), English medical practitioner, daughter of Newson Garrett, of Aldeburgh, ( 46 lines )

[James Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, JAMES (1662-1728), Scottish genealogist, antiquary and historian, was born at Edinburgh on the 5th of August ( 28 lines )

[James Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, JAMES (1662-1728), Scottish genealogist, antiquary and historian, was born at Edinburgh on the 5th of August ( 28 lines )

[John Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, JOHN (1726-1796), Scottish natural philosopher, was born at Roseneath, Dumbartonshire, in 1726. In 1756 he ( 15 lines )

[Mary Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, MARY (1859- ), American actress, was born at Sacramento, California, on the 28th of July 1859. Her father, ( 21 lines )

[Richard Henry Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, RICHARD HENRY (1821-1879), American soldier, was born in South Carolina on the 7th of October 1821. Graduating ( 22 lines )

[Robert Anderson]? -- ANDERSON, ROBERT (1750-1830), Scottish author and critic, was born at Carnwath, Lanarkshire, on the 7th of January ( 21 lines )

Anderson? -- ANDERSON, ADAM (1692--1765), Scottish economist, was born in 1692, and died in London on the 10th of January 1765. He was a ( 124 lines )

Andersonville? -- ANDERSONVILLE, a village of Sumter county, Georgia, U.S.A., in the S.W. part of the state, about 60 m. S.W. of Macon, ( 51 lines )

Andes -- ANDES, a vast mountain system forming a continuous chain of highland along the western coast of South America. It is ( 470 lines )

Andesine? -- ANDESINE, a member of the group of minerals known as plagioclase felspars, occupying a position in the isomorphous ( 11 lines )

Andesite? -- ANDESITE, a name first applied by C. L. von Buch to a series of lavas investigated by him from the Andes, which has passed ( 124 lines )

Andijan? -- ANDIJAN, a town of Russian Turkestan, Province of Ferghana. eastern terminus of the Transcaspian railway, 84 m. by rail ( 12 lines )

Andiron? -- ANDIRON (older form anderne; med. Lat. andena, anderia), a horizontal iron bar, or bars, upon which logs are laid ( 23 lines )

Andkhui? -- ANDKHUI, a town and khanate in Afghan Turkestan. The town (said to have been founded by Alexander the Great) stands ( 18 lines )

Andocides -- ANDOCIDES, one of the "ten" Attic orators, was born about 440 B.C. Implicated in the mutilation of the Hermae ( 23 lines )

Andorra -- ANDORRA, or ANDORRE, a small, neutral, autonomous, and semi-independent state, on the Franco-Spanish frontier, and ( 112 lines )

Andover? -- ANDOVER, a market-town and municipal borough in the Andover parliamentary division of Hampshire, England, 67 m. W.S.W. ( 43 lines )

Andover? -- ANDOVER, a market-town and municipal borough in the Andover parliamentary division of Hampshire, England, 67 m. W.S.W. ( 43 lines )

[Diego De Paiva De Andrada]? -- ANDRADA, DIEGO DE PAIVA DE (1528-1575), Portuguese theologian, was born at Coimbra, son of the grand treasurer ( 23 lines )

[Bonifacio Joze Andrada E Sylva]? -- ANDRADA E SYLVA, BONIFACIO JOZE D', (1765-1838), Brazilian statesman and naturalist, was born at Villa de Santos, near Rio ( 19 lines )

Julius Andrassy -- ANDRASSY, JULIUS (GYULA), COUNT (1823-1890), Hungarian statesman, the son of Count Karoly Andrassy and Etelka ( 186 lines )

[John Andre]? -- ANDRE, JOHN (1751-1780), British soldier, was born in London in 1751 of Genevese parents. Accident brought him in 1769 to ( 91 lines )

Giovanni Andrea -- ANDREA, GIOVANNI (1275-1348), Italian canonist, was born at Mugello, near Florence, about 1275. He studied canon law at ( 26 lines )

Andrea Del Sarto -- ANDREA DEL SARTO (1487-1531). This celebrated painter of the Florentine school was born in Gualfonda, Florence, in ( 237 lines )

Andrea Andreani -- ANDREANI, ANDREA, Italian engraver on wood, in chiaroscuro, was born at Mantua about 1540 (Brulliot says 1560) and died ( 9 lines )

Karl Andree -- ANDREE, KARL (1808-1875), German geographer, was born at Brunswick on the 20th of October 1808. He was educated at ( 24 lines )

[Salomon August Andree]? -- ANDREE, SALOMON AUGUST (1854-1897?), Swedish engineer, was born at Grenna, on Lake Vetter, on the 18th of October ( 23 lines )

Francesco Andreini -- ANDREINI, FRANCESCO, Italian actor, was born at Pistoia in the last half of the 16th century. He was a member of the ( 25 lines )

[Antoine-Francois Andreossy]? -- ANDREOSSY, ANTOINE-FRANCOIS, COUNT (1761-1828), French soldier and diplomatist, was born at Castelnaudary, in Languedoc, ( 55 lines )

Juan Andres -- ANDRES, JUAN (1740-1817), Spanish Jesuit, was born at Planes in the province of Valencia, and became professor ( 17 lines )

Andrew -- ANDREW (Gr. Andreas, manly), the Christian Apostle, brother of Simon Peter, was born at Bethsaida on the Lake of ( 123 lines )

Andrew II of Hungary -- ANDREW II. (1175-1235), king of Hungary, son of Bela III., king of Hungary, succeeded his nephew, the infant Ladislaus III., in ( 52 lines )

Andrew of Longjumeau -- ANDREW OF LONGJUMEAU (Longumeau, Lonjumel, etc.), a French Dominican, explorer and diplomatist. He accompanied the ( 65 lines )

[John Albion Andrew]? -- ANDREW, JOHN ALBION (1818-1867), American political leader, "war governor" of Massachusetts, was born at Windham, Maine, ( 71 lines )

Lancelot Andrewes -- ANDREWES, LANCELOT (1555-1626), English divine, was born in 1555 in London. His family was an ancient Suffolk one; his ( 137 lines )

[James Pettit Andrews]? -- ANDREWS, JAMES PETTIT (c. 1737-1797), English historian and antiquary, was the younger son of Joseph Andrews, of Shaw ( 22 lines )

[Thomas Andrews]? -- ANDREWS, THOMAS (1813-1885), Irish chemist and physicist, was born on the 19th of December 1813 at Belfast, where his ( 31 lines )

Andria? -- ANDRIA, a town and episcopal see of Apulia, Italy, in the province of Bari; 35m. W. of the town of Bari by steam tramway, ( 18 lines )

Bertrand Andrieu -- ANDRIEU, BERTRAND (1761-1822), French engraver of medals, was born at Bordeaux. He is considered as the ( 8 lines )

[Francois Guillaume Jean Stanislas Andrieux]? -- ANDRIEUX, FRANCOIS GUILLAUME JEAN STANISLAS (1759-1833), French man of letters, was born at Strassburg on the 6th of May ( 42 lines )

Andriscus -- ANDRISCUS, often called the "pseudo-Philip," a fuller of Adramyttium, who claimed to be a son of Perseus, last king of ( 19 lines )

Androclus? -- ANDROCLUS, a Roman slave who lived about the time of Tiberius. He is the hero of a story told by Aulus Gellius ( 10 lines )

Andromache? -- ANDROMACHE, in Greek legend, the daughter of Eetion, prince of Thebe in Mysia, and wife of Hector. Her father and ( 23 lines )

Andromeda -- ANDROMEDA, in Greek legend, the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia (Cassiope, Cassiepeia), king and queen of the ( 54 lines )

Andron? -- ANDRON (Gr. andron), that part of a Greek house which was reserved for men, as distinguished from ( 4 lines )

Andronicus I -- ANDRONICUS I. (COMNENUS), emperor of the East, son of Isaac, and grandson of Alexius I. Comnenus, was born about ( 99 lines )

Andronicus II -- ANDRONICUS II. (PALAEOLOGUS) (1260-1332), eastern Roman emperor, was the elder son of Michael Palaeologus, whom he ( 18 lines )

Andronicus III -- ANDRONICUS III. (c. 1296-1341), eastern Roman emperor, was the son of Michael, son of Andronicus II. His conduct ( 17 lines )

Andronicus of Cyrrhus -- ANDRONICUS OF CYRRHUS, Greek astronomer, flourished about 100 B.C. He built a horologium at Athens, the so-called ( 9 lines )

Andronicus of Rhodes -- ANDRONICUS OF RHODES (c. 70 B.C.), the eleventh scholarch of the Peripatetics. His chief work was the arrangement of ( 10 lines )

Androphagi? -- ANDROPHAGI (Gr. for "man-eaters"), an ancient nation of cannibals north of Scythia (Herodotus iv. 18, 106), probably ( 12 lines )

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