AGAVE, a large botanical genus of the family Agavaceae. (At one point it as well as Amaryllis were placed among the Liliaceae, but have now definitely been placed in a separate order, the
Asparagales; however Agave and related forms have by most recent sources, notably Judd et al, been placed in a family Agavaceae separate from the Amaryllidaceae.)
The plants are chiefly Mexican, but occurr also in the southern and western United States and in central and tropical South America. The
plants have a large rosette of thick fleshy leaves generally
ending in a sharp point and with a spiny margin; the stout
stem is usually short, the leaves apparently springing from the
root. They grow slowly and flower but once after a number of
years, when a tall stem or ``mast'' grows from the centre of
the leaf rosette and bears a large number of shortly tubular
flowers. After development of fruit the plant dies down,
but suckers are frequently produced from the base of the
stem which become new plants. The most familiar species is
Agave americana (see fig.), a native of tropical America,
the so-called century plant or American aloe (the maguey of
Mexico). The number of years before flowering occurs depends
on the vigour of the individual, the richness of the soil
and the climate; during these years the plant is storing in
its fleshy leaves the nourishment required for the effort of
flowering. During the development of the inflorescence there
is a rush of sap to the base of the young flowerstalk. In
the case of A. americana and other species this is used by
the Mexicans to make their national beverage, pulque; the
flower shoot is cut out and the sap collected and subsequently
fermented. By distillation a spirit called mescal is
prepared. The leaves of several species yield fibre, as for
instance, A. rigida var. sisalana, sisal hemp (q.v.),
A. decipiens, false sisal hemp; A. americana is the
source of pita fibre, and is used as a fibre plant in
Mexico, the West Indies and southern Europe. The flowering
stem of the last named, dried and cut in slices, forms
natural razor strops, and the expressed juice of the leaves
will lather in water like soap. In the Madras Presidency
the plant is extensively used for hedges along railroads.
Agave americana, century plant, was introduced into Europe
about the middle of the 16th century and is now widely
cultivated for its handsome appearance; in the variegated
forms the leaf has a white or yellow marginal or central
stripe from base to apex. As the leaves unfold from the
centre of the rosette the impression of the marginal spines
is very conspicuous on the still erect younger leaves. The
plants are usually grown in tubs and put out in the summer
months, but in the winter require to be protected from
frost. They mature very slowly and die after flowering, but
are easily propagated by the offsets from the base of the stem.
Above is older text from a public domain text. Anyone who feels like replacing it should note that the classification of Agave varies. At one point it as well as Amaryllis were placed among the Liliaceae, but have now definitely been placed in a separate order, the
Asparagales; however Agave and related forms have by most recent sources, notably Judd et al, been placed in a family Agavaceae separate from the Amaryllidaceae.