[Home]Academy Awards/Art Direction

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Difference (from prior minor revision) (major diff)

Changed: 15c15
* 1989 Anton Furst; Peter Young (Set Decoration) - Batman
* 1989 Anton Furst; Peter Young (Set Decoration) - Batman

Changed: 126c126
* 1928 William Cameron Menzies - [The Dove]? and Tempest?
* 1928 William Cameron Menzies - [The Dove]? and Tempest?

This page should also list nominees for each year, instead of just listing the winners...

The films are listed with their production year, so the Oscar 2000 for best art direction went to a film from 1999.

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Last edited December 4, 2001 10:17 am by 130.243.97.xxx (diff)