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Zollern is the name of the Hohenzollern noble, royal, and imperial family started with [Tassilo von Zolorin]?.

Changed: 2,3c3,5
The Hohenzollern noble, royal and imperial family started with Tassilo von Zolorin.
Before 1025 Burchard von Zollern was born , who died about 1061. Burchard's son was Friedrich von Zollern, born before 1055, died 1114/15 .
[Burchard von Zollern]? was born before 1025? and died in 1061.

Burchard's son was [Friedrich von Zollern]?, born before 1055?, died 1114?/15? .

Zollern is the name of the Hohenzollern noble, royal, and imperial family started with [Tassilo von Zolorin]?.

[Burchard von Zollern]? was born before 1025? and died in 1061.

Burchard's son was [Friedrich von Zollern]?, born before 1055?, died 1114?/15? .

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Last edited December 15, 2001 8:16 am by Dreamyshade (diff)