[Home]Wikipedia PHP script/The upload script

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Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 0a1,3
The script below is wrapped in "pre" tags for display.


Added: 141a145,146

The script below is wrapped in "pre" tags for display.
	print "<title>File upload page</title>\n";
	global $id , $instr , $removeFile ;

	if (isset($removeFile)) {
		if (is_dir("upload/$removeFile") ) {
			system ("rm -f /upload/$removeFile");
		unset ( $removeFile ) ;

	if (isset($Upload)) {
		$Upload_name = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $Upload_name);
		$abc = split("\.", $Upload_name);

		$num = exec ("df");
		$readata = substr($num,(strpos($num, "%")-2),2);

		if ($readata > 96) {
			print "<body bgcolor=white>\n";
			print "<br><b>Sorry, we are almost out of disk space. We can't let you upload any";
			print "files right now.</b>\n";

		if (!is_dir("upload") ) {
			system ("mkdir upload"); 
			system ("chmod 777 upload");       

		system ("cp $Upload upload/$Upload_name");
		system ("chmod 777 upload/$Upload_name");       

    $chec = mysql_query("select res_user from resumes where res_user='$username' and res_file_name='$Upload_name'
    and res_story_pk=$id");
    $nchec = mysql_num_rows($chec);
    if ($nchec == 0) {
      $input = mysql_query("insert into resumes (res_file_name, res_user, res_story_pk, res_update_date) values ('$Upload_name','$username', $id, current_date())");

    print "<script language=javascript>\n";
    print "  function winclose(name){\n";
    print "     str=\"Your file was successfully uploaded!\"\n";

    print "     alert(str);\n";
    print "  }\n";  
    print "</script>\n";

    print "<body bgcolor=white onload=\"winclose('$name')\">\n";


<body bgcolor=white>
<div align="center"><center>

    # Instruction on                                                   #
    global $id , $arean ;
    if ($instr != "off"){
	$instr = "on";
	print "<table border=1 cellpadding=2>\n";
	print "    <tr>\n";
	print "        <td><strong>Instructions:</strong><ul>\n";
	print "            <li><strong>Use this form to upload various files</strong></li>\n";
	print "            <li>To replace a previously-uploaded file (e.g., a\n";
	print "                new version of the article), simply re-upload the\n";
	print "                same file. But first look below and make sure you\n";
	print "                haven't changed the name.</li>\n";
	print "            <li><strong>Here's how to upload your file. </strong>Click\n";
	print "                "Browse..." to your find the file you\n";
	print "                want to upload on your hard drive. This will open\n";
	print "                a "Choose file" dialogue window.</li>\n";
	print "            <li>When you've found the file, click "Open."\n";
	print "                This will select the file and close the "Choose\n";
	print "                file" dialogue window.</li>\n";
	print "            <li>Then click "Upload." The file will\n";
	print "                start uploading. This may take some time, if it's\n";
	print "                a big file and you have a slow Internet\n";
	print "                connection.</li>\n";
	print "            <li>A message will tell you when the file has\n";
	print "                successfully uploaded.</li>\n";
	print "            <li>You can upload as many files you like. Please don't\n";
	print "                try to crash our server, ha ha.</li>\n";
	print "        </ul>\n";
        print "        <p><font size=2 face=Garamond><a href=$PHP_SELF?id=$id&arean=$arean&instr=off>TURN INSTRUCTIONS\n";
        print "        OFF</a> </font></p>\n";
	print "        </td>\n";
	print "    </tr>\n";
	print "</table>\n";
   else {
	$instr = "off";
        print "<p><font size=2 face=Garamond>\n";
	print "<a href=$PHP_SELF?id=$id&arean=$arean&instr=on>TURN INSTRUCTIONS ON</a></font></p>\n";
   print "</center></div>\n";

  print " <center>\n";
  print " <form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=$PHP_SELF?instr=$instr&id=$id&arean=$arean method=post>\n";
  print " <input type=hidden name=max value=20096>\n";
  print " <input name=Upload type=\"file\"><br>\n";
  print " <input type=hidden name=update value=1>\n";
  print " <input type=hidden name=step value=$step>\n";
  print " <input type=submit value=UPLOAD>\n";
  print "</form>\n";
  print " </center>\n";

	if (is_dir("upload")) {
		$mydir = dir("upload");
			while ($entry = $mydir->read()) {
			if ($entry != "." and $entry != "..")
				$file = "yes";

		if ($file == "yes") {
			print "<p align=center><b>Previously-uploaded files:</b></p>";
			$mydir = opendir("upload");
			$i = 0;
			print "<table>\n";
			while ($entry = readdir($mydir)) {
				if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') {
					print "<tr><td>" ;
					print "<a href=upload/$entry>$entry</a></td><td>".filesize("upload/$entry")." bytes</td>";
					print "<td><a href=\"$PHP_THIS?id=$id&instr=$instr&arean=$arean&removeFile=$entry\">Click here to remove $entry.</a></td>" ;
					print "</tr>" ;
		print "</table>\n";
		print "<p align=center>Click the left column to download the file.<br>Click the right column to remove the file.</p>\n";


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Last edited August 27, 2001 10:03 pm by CliffordAdams (diff)