[Home]September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack/Communications

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[An Unimaginable Emergency Put Communications to the Test, New York Times, 9/20/2001]

Cell phones and in-plane credit card phones played a major role during and after the attack, starting with hijacked passengers who called family or notified the authorities about what was happening. Passengers who made calls include

After the attack, the cell phone network of New York City was rapidly overloaded as traffic doubled over normal levels.

After the planes struck the World Trade Center, people inside made calls to loved ones; in many cases, the last ever heard from them.

AT&T eliminated any costs for domestic calls originating from the New York City area (212/718/917/646/347) in days following.

September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack - Full Timeline
Casualties - Missing Persons - Survivors - Give Blood - Personal experiences - Donations
Closings and Cancellations - Memorials and Services - US Governmental Response
Responsibility - Hijackers - World political effects - World economic effects - Airport security

See also: World Trade Center -- Pentagon -- New York City -- Washington, D.C. -- AA Flight 11 -- UA Flight 75 -- AA Flight 77 -- UA Flight 93 -- U.S. Department of Defense -- terrorism -- domestic terrorism -- Osama bin Laden -- Taliban -- Afghanistan -- collective trauma -- racism -- September 11

External Links and References

[An Unimaginable Emergency Put Communications to the Test, New York Times, 9/20/2001]

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Last edited September 21, 2001 10:43 pm by The Cunctator (diff)