[Home]September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack/US governmental response

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Military response

The United States government has announced its intentions to engage in a protracted war against terrorists and states which aid terrorists in response to the attack. A likely target is the Taliban government in Afghanistan, if they do not turn over Osama bin Laden (prime suspect). There were some early indications that Iraq may have been involved, but nothing other than circumstantial evidence had been produced in the month following the attack. The United States has made it clear that this "war" will continue after dealing with whomever is responsible for the September 11 attack, but it is very unclear exactly what that means.

On September 19, 2001 the U.S. sent combat aircraft to Persian Gulf military bases.

There have been reports that U.S. and British special-forces soldiers were covertly landed in Afghanistan at some time after September 11, presumably for reconnaisance purposes, and that several of these troops were captured by the Taliban. As of October 1, all such reports had been officially denied by the U.S., British, and Afghani governments.

On October 7, at 12:30 PM EDT (9 PM local time), the United States, supported by Britain, began its attack on Afghanistan, launching bombs and cruise missiles against Taliban military and communications facilities and suspected terrorist training camps. See 2001 U.S. Attack on Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden warned Bush via satellite courtesy of Al-Jazeera, that if the US uses nuclear weapons, he might also use biochemical/nuclear weapons in response.

On November, 2001, the Northern Alliance won Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan over the Taliban forcing them to flee in Kandahar.

Domestic response

Investigations are going on through many branches of many governments, pursuing tens of thousands of tips. Hundreds of people have being detained, arrested, and/or questioned so far. The Justice Department wishes to interview 5000 young men from the Middle East. See Detentions.

$40 billion emergency bill has already been passed. A ~$20 billion bill to bail out the airline industry also passed. Laws are also being passed that would trim [civil liberties]? in the United States, to make it easier for the government to spy on what's happening within the country. USA PATRIOT Act passed.

On October 10, the FBI released its "FBI Most Wanted Terrorists" list.

See also World economic effects.

September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack - Full Timeline - Background history
Casualties - Missing Persons - Survivors - Give Blood - Personal experiences - Donations
Closings and Cancellations - Memorials and Services - US Governmental Response
Responsibility - Hijackers - World political effects - World economic effects - Airport security

See also: World Trade Center -- Pentagon -- New York City -- Washington, D.C. -- AA Flight 11 -- UA Flight 75 -- AA Flight 77 -- UA Flight 93 -- U.S. Department of Defense -- terrorism -- domestic terrorism -- Osama Bin Laden -- Taliban -- Afghanistan -- collective trauma -- racism -- September 11

External Links and References

[TURF BATTLES: Conflicting Visions of How to Rebuild Lower Manhattan, New York Times, 9/21/2001]
[briefing by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, 9/19/2001]
[THE MILITARY: Scarcity of Afghan Targets Leads U.S. to Revise Strategy, New York Times, 9/19/2001]
[MILITARY ANALYSIS: A New War and Its Scale, New York Times, 9/17/2001]
[THE WHITE HOUSE: Bush Warns of a Wrathful, Shadowy and Inventive War, New York Times, 9/17/2001]
[Broad New U.S. Strategy to Fight Terror Emerging, L.A. Times, 9/16/2001]
[MILITARY ANALYSIS: U.S. Force vs. Terrorists: From Reactive to Active, New York Times, 9/14/2001]
[NEWS ANALYSIS: No Middle Ground, New York Times, 9/14/2001]
[MOBILIZATION: Rumsfeld Asks Call-Up of Reserves, as Many as 50,000, New York Times, 9/14/2001]
[When Journalists Report for Duty, 9/20/2001]


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