[Home]Roald Amundsen

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A large crater covering the Moon's south pole is named [Amundsen Crater]? after him.

Roald Amundsen (1872--1928) was a Norwegian explorer of Antarctica who led the first expedition in 1911--1912 to sucessfully reach the South Pole (on December 14). His party preceded the arrival of that of his bitter rival, Robert Falcon Scott of the United Kingdom, by over a month. Amundsen recounted his journey in the book The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the "Fram", 1910--1912. Amundsen died in 1928 in an airplane crash in the Arctic Ocean; he had been on a rescue mission. His airplane was never found.

A large crater covering the Moon's south pole is named [Amundsen Crater]? after him.

External References

An e-text? of Arthur G. Chater's 1912 English translation of The South Pole is available from Project Gutenberg:

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Last edited December 16, 2001 9:43 am by Bryan Derksen (diff)