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Changed: 25c25
def fixheap(array, heaplen, index, greaterthan):
def fixheap(array, heaplen, index):

Changed: 28c28

Changed: 30,34c30,34
if (lc < heaplen and greaterthan(array[lc], array[index]) and
(rc >= heaplen or
(rc < heaplen and not greaterthan(array[rc], array[lc])))):
(array[index], array[lc]) = (array[lc], array[index])
fixheap(array, heaplen, lc, greaterthan)
if (lc < heaplen and array[lc] > array[index] and
(rc >= heaplen or
(rc < heaplen and array[rc] <= array[lc]))):
array[index], array[lc] = array[lc], array[index]
fixheap(array, heaplen, lc)

Changed: 37,40c37,39
elif (rc < heaplen and greaterthan(array[rc], array[index]) and
greaterthan(array[rc], array[lc])):
(array[index], array[rc]) = (array[rc], array[index])
fixheap(array, heaplen, rc, greaterthan)
elif (rc < heaplen and array[rc] > array[index] and array[rc] > array[lc]):
array[index], array[rc] = array[rc], array[index]
fixheap(array, heaplen, rc)

Changed: 42c41
def makeheap(array, greaterthan):
def makeheap(array):

Changed: 44c43
fixheap(array, len(array), i, greaterthan)
fixheap(array, len(array), i)

Changed: 46,47c45,46
def heapsort(array, cmp=lambda x, y: x > y):
makeheap(array, cmp)
def heapsort(array):

Changed: 50,51c49
fixheap(array, i, 0, cmp)

fixheap(array, i, 0)

Heapsort is an optimization of selection sort, a sort algorithm. In general, a selection sort works as follows:

The naive algorithm, iterating through the list of unsorted data, has O(N2) performance. Heapsort optimizes the algorithm by using a heap data structure to speed finding and removing the lowest datum. It works as follows:

It can be performed in place with constant auxiliary storage; the "fixheap" routine given below uses tail recursion, and a good compiler or interpreter (such as any Scheme implementation) or a competent programmer can straightforwardly convert the algorithm to an iterative form. No other O(N lg N) sort can be performed with constant auxiliary storage.

Here's an implementation in the Python programming language:

def reverserange(n):
    list = range(n)
    return list

def fixheap(array, heaplen, index):
    lc = 2 * index + 1  # left child
    rc = lc + 1         # right child

    # if the left child is inside the heap and the max of the 3, move it up:
    if (lc < heaplen and array[lc] > array[index] and
            (rc >= heaplen or
            (rc < heaplen and array[rc] <= array[lc]))):
        array[index], array[lc] = array[lc], array[index]
        fixheap(array, heaplen, lc)

    # else if the right child is, move it up:
    elif (rc < heaplen and array[rc] > array[index] and array[rc] > array[lc]):
        array[index], array[rc] = array[rc], array[index]
        fixheap(array, heaplen, rc)

def makeheap(array):
    for i in reverserange(len(array)/2):
        fixheap(array, len(array), i)

def heapsort(array):
    for i in reverserange(len(array)):
        (array[i], array[0]) = (array[0], array[i])
        fixheap(array, i, 0)


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Last edited December 16, 2001 7:10 am by Taw (diff)