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Censorware is often proposed as a solution to the problem of hate speech on the Internet. Opponents of censorware point out that these tools not only block hate speech, but also block other content, either unintentionally, or as part of the political agenda of the manufacturers of the content filtering software.
Censorware is often proposed as a solution to the problem of hate speech on the Internet. Opponents of censorware point out that these tools not only block other content in addition to hate speech, either unintentionally, or as part of the political agenda of the manufacturers of the content filtering software, but also fail to block all the hate speech.

Censorware is a term used to describe [content filtering software]? by its opponents. They point out that content filtering software acts as a effective restraint on speech, and that government-driven mandatory installation of content filtering software is equivalent to censorship.

Censorware is often proposed as a solution to the problem of hate speech on the Internet. Opponents of censorware point out that these tools not only block other content in addition to hate speech, either unintentionally, or as part of the political agenda of the manufacturers of the content filtering software, but also fail to block all the hate speech.

Content filtering software products:

External links:

Content filtering software products (external links):

Antifiltering technologies:

Opinions for and against censorware:

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Last edited December 9, 2001 6:40 am by Taw (diff)