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The consistency of the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals can not be proved under ZFC.

Is that correct? I thought the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals can (provably) not be proved, while
it is open whether their non-existence can be proved.

In other words, "the consistency of the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals" has not yet been proved
while the consistency of their non-existence has been proved.

Yes, your version is correct. That existence of inacc. cardinals cannot be proved is a direct consequence of the 2nd incompleteness theorem (one observes that the set of all sets with rank less than that of an inacc. cardinal form a model of ZFC).

Incidentally, wouldn't it be better to have the main article at Cardinal number? "Cardinal" has a pretty well-defined religious meaning as well, and "cardinal number" is not outdated.

not to mention the bird. And the baseball team.--MichaelTinkler

Ok, I'm convinced. Cardinal number it is. --AxelBoldt

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Last edited August 22, 2001 7:07 am by Anatoly Vorobey (diff)