The Seleucid Empire, founded in 323 BC by [Seleucus I]?, controlled a large region including Mesopotamia, Persia (eastward to the Indus River), modern-day Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. The Seleucid Empire lost much territory just prior to and during the 2nd century BC; Gedrosia? on the coast of the Arabian Sea and Arachosia? on the west bank of the Indus were ceded to Chandragupta? in [303 BC]?; Bactria? asserted independence in [250 BC]?, followed by Parthia ten years later. [Antiochus III]? is considered the greatest of the Seleucid monarchs, but his campaigns in Greece in [192 BC]? attracted the attention of the Roman Empire, after which the Seleucids declined.
See Seleucid dynasty