Honorius III,
pope from 1216 to 1227, was the successor of Innocent III, whose uncompromising policy in the struggle between the
Papacy and the empire he had not firmness and vigour to continue. He consented to crown
Frederick II as Holy Roman Emperor in 1220, although the engagements made with his predecessors had not been fulfilled; the promises which he himself had extracted he was somewhat slow to urge, and it was left to his successor Gregory IX, to insist upon their accomplishment. He gave papal sanction to the
Dominican order in 1216, and to the
Franciscan in 1223; and during his pontificate also many of the tertiary orders first came into existence.
Original text taken from a paper copy of
the 9th edition EB; 1881
- preceded by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)
- succeeded by Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241)