[Home]Larry Niven

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Laurence van Cott Niven (April 29 1938-), American science fiction author.

Niven is the author of numerous science fiction short stories and novels, beginning with his 1964 story "The Coldest Place" (which in the story was said to be the dark side of Mercury, which was thought to be [tidally locked]? with the Sun at the time it was written but which ironically enough was found to rotate in a 2:3 resonance just months before the story was published). His best-known work is perhaps his 1970 novel Ringworld, for which he received a Hugo award.

Many of Niven's stories take place in his Known Space universe, in which humanity shares the several solar systems nearest to Sol with a half-dozen alien species.

In recent years, most of his writing has been in collaboration with Jerry Pournelle and/or [Steven Barnes]?.

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