[Home]How does one edit a page/Old version

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What you see in the text box will be mostly plain text, but you will see some special things the Wiki software uses to create links, lists, and other effects. The rest of this page is a demonstration of how to use these features. After the first few sections, you will have to "teach yourself" by pressing the "edit" link (above or below) to see for yourself how various effects were achieved! You can practice editing in the SandBox before taking on other pages if you like.

Adding links

Let's say that you're editing a page about sports, and you mention soccer. Well, there's probably a Wiki page about soccer (and if there isn't, there should be) and you want to make the word a link to that article. Simple: type double square brackets around it [[like this]] and continue editing. (Note for Everything users: that's double square brackets.) That's it! If the page already exists, a link will be made to it. If the page doesn't already exist, a link will be made that allows someone to create it. Add links liberally but make links relevant--links give Wikipedia its power. Note that because Wikipedia lacks the "soft links" that some similar systems have, you are encouraged to add "see also" links at the bottom.

There are a few rules about making these links that you might run into. Foreign characters and punctuation cannot be used in the text of a link, so if you want to make a link to "Plato's Republic", you'll have to leave out the apostrophe. Also, the Wiki software will link to a page title that is the same as the text of your link, except that the first letter will be uppercased, and spaces may be condensed. For example, if you type [[card game]],
it will be linked to a page entitled "Card game".

Older versions of the Wiki software only made one-word links LikeThis, and didn't require the brackets to make them links. You may encounter these as you edit older pages. Please don't create new links like that, but you may want to leave the existing ones in place until you're more comfortable editing pages to fix them. See Free Links for more information about those. The naming conventions page contains hints about useful page names. For example, it is handy to use singular words like "game" rather than "games", because that makes it easier to create links in other pages.

Finally, sometimes the text you would like to make into a link just doesn't make a good page title. In that case, you can specify both inside the brackets separated by a vertical bar like this: [[Page link|text of link]]. This will appear as "text of link", but will link to a page entitled "Page link".

Examples of Good links:

[[my new page]]
[[My new page]]
[[Platos Republic]]
[[Platos Republic|Plato's Republic]]
Bad links:
[[my_new_page]] (underscores not necessary)
[[My_new_page]] (underscores not necessary)
jimbowales (needs two capital letters or brackets)
[[Plato's Republic]] (will not link to the page you want it to link to)
See naming conventions when choosing names for pages!

Making a new page

There are two ways to make a new page:

  1. As mentioned above, while you're editing the text of an old page, you can just put something in brackets. For example, you would type: [[my page]]. When you save the page you're editing, if the link you included doesn't exist, you will see a question mark after the text. Click on that question mark and you will be taken to a newly-created page that you can edit. Replace "Describe the new page here." with whatever text you want to put on the page!
  2. Type the URL of the new page in the "address" line of your browser and hit return. The URL of the new page will be the text of a link, with the first letter uppercased and spaces replaced by underscores (see Wiki Canonization for more details about this). For example, in the URL above, you would replace

with the new URL
and then hit return.

See also how to start a page.

Making a page point to another one

Sometimes there will already be an article on the topic you want, but under a different name. For instance, there is an article on the Central Intelligence Agency, but people often use the abbreviation CIA. To set things up so that any wiki page containing a link to CIA will instead link the the Central Intelligence Agency page, when you edit the page for the abbreviation edit it to read as follows:

#REDIRECT [[Page you want to go to]]
For instance, the CIA page would say
#REDIRECT [[Central Intelligence Agency]]
Notice, for the redirection to work, the first letter after [[ must be uppercase.

Demonstration area

New paragraphs are made by simply pressing the "enter" or "return" key twice. If you press it just once, like this, a new paragraph will not be made (as you can see).

Here is
the proper way
to make single-spaced lines.

This line is indented.
This line is indented even farther.
Who knows how far it can go?

 This line is indented by using an initial space,
               but since I didn't use a colon ( : ) 
   at the beginning of the line, it appears as a monospace font such as "Courier".  
  In other words, if you begin a paragraph with spaces, that 
      line will be both indented and in a monospace font.
 This is very useful for importing monospace formatted tabular materials, especially from sources like 
 an unnamed encyclopedia from a project that puts out-of-copyright texts into the public domain. 
 Also note that space-indented lines will not wrap!  They will simply increase the width of your window.

This line is in italics. (Using double single quote marks!)
And so is this one! (Using good old html tags!)
And this! (Using still different code! How versatile! How confusing! But any of them will do.)

This line is bold. (Using triple single quote marks!)
So is this one! (Using the standard html tag!)

Here is a new style link: Larry Sanger (see Free Links)
Here is a (deprecated) old style link: HomePage
Consider not capitalizing your page names: definition of philosophy; see naming conventions
the text of this link is different from the name of the page it links to
it really doesn't MatterWhat youType in the...link description. It's all linkéd!
An external link: http://www.nupedia.com/about.shtml
Another external link: [Nupedia about page]

If you type in the URL of a picture, it will be displayed rather than linked to:

You don't have to create weird page titles, like Platos?, just to make the plural or possessive form of a name. Plato's? wouldn't work anyway. You can write: Plato's or (more cleverly) Plato's. In the old linking system you'd do it like this: JimboWales's homepage (using ""). (Just Say No to the old linking system; after all, you can now link to Jimbo Wales's homepage!) But it does look like you're stuck with Platos Republic, because [Plato's Republic]? doesn't work, as you can see, although if you want to type a bit more you can cleverly create Plato's Republic.

Here is a numbered list:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 8
 #Notice, this line isn't numbered because it is not flush left.
#Neither is this line

Here is a bulleted list:

but you can't combine bullets and numbers... sorry 'bout that...

You can make a horizontal "rule" (line) on a page:

Or two, if you wish:

There are three ways to display, rather than parse, wiki code:

  1. you can use the <code> tag
  2. you can use the <pre> tag
  3. you can use the <nowiki> tag
The difference between <code> and <pre> is that the pre tag preserves line breaks, while the code tag does not. The nowiki tag works like the <pre> tag except that it doesn't use a monospace font. (We made liberal use of the <code> tag on this page.)

You can create subpages: /Talk
Sorry, but you cannot create sub-subpages: /Talk/TalkAboutTalk?
You can link to other subpages: Charlize Theron/Filmography or even charlize Theron/Filmography.

We can do tables:

Item one Item two
Item three Item four

Fancy table:

Item one Item two
Item three Item four
Item five

Here's another way to make a table:

cell 1cell2cell 3
cell 1spanning 2 columns

(We haven't implemented that way of doing tables, as you can see.)

Very often you might need to use special characters, like these: ü À α
You can make left and right brackets with HTML numeric character entities: [ and ]
See Wiki special characters for what you should and shouldn't do.

You can make superscripts and subscripts and you can control the font size and color!

If you want to redirect traffic going to one page to another page (with a better title, for example), then use the command #REDIRECT [[pagename]] at the top of the page. See LarrysText for an example. We are planning to automate the conversion of links from the old style, LikeThis?, to the new style, like this. In the meantime, you can use the #REDIRECT [[pagename]] function. To look at the history of the old page, click on the "(redirected from OldPageName)" link at the top of the new page. The first letter of the pagename must be capitalized for the redirect to occur; and "#REDIRECT" must be in all-caps.

Practice editing pages in our SandBox!

Then, go forth and be bold in updating pages!

Here is a reorganized version /Alternate version

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Last edited October 20, 2001 1:51 am by Larry Sanger (diff)