Moved from main page 2001-08-13. --loh
I've only recently discovered Wikipedia -- really cool. So far, my favorite thing to do is to just
wander around via
Random Page [URL], usually
fixing any minor errors that I see. I've made no significant contributions. -- loh (2001-05-19)
Au contraire, mon frère. Correcting existing entries is a double service, as it increases the
usefulness of Wikipedia twice as much, proportionally, as adding new data. You reorganization
of the FAQ is nice, too. --Lee Daniel Crocker
Thanks. I finally decided to heed, at least a little, the admonition to be bold in updating pages.
"I'm particularly fond of your succinct entry on Recursion which I just randomly stumbled into --loh"
Cheers ... and it only took three months for anyone to notice it
I'm glad LDC has already given great praise for correcting entries--I screwed up royally with the
Mississippi River entry in my rush to get at least something for a few of the rivers of North America's great central watershed.
Thanks for the correction. --dja
No problem; I'm sure I have/will provide the same opportunity for someone (heh). --loh
Good to see another
ISO 8601 user. --
Yeah, I wish it were used more; I'm easily enough confused as it is. --loh
Using the Date as the Title of a Page on Wiki has problems. In writing about say '11 September 2001' '11th September 2001' 'September 11th, 2001' etc it is possible for several authors to have created parallel pages all talking about the same topic. Would it not be better to recommend the usage of 2001-09-11 style formats especially so now that ANSI, NIST, W3C and others [LIST] are also recommending this anyway??
I've updated
LR parser and
LALR parser, can you take a look please? Don't forget to
be bold in updating pages. What is most obvious to me is the need to write more stuff! ([Lookahead LR]
?, [Simple LR]
?, [Canonical LR]
?, [context free grammar]
?, and somewhere to explain "rightmost derivation", and all the other stuff about grammars. Phew! --
- I'll look soon (about to crash right now). Before I forget though, some programming language tools probably need mentioning: lex? and flex?, yacc and bison; there was/is something called pccts?, I think; ... --loh