(Is it read from publically in the Roman Catholic Church, or otherwise included in any standard western lectionaries?)
- Yes. In the Roman Catholic Church the Book of Revelation is read during the season of Advent - first coming, second coming typological order. By the way, it's quite clear that the reason the book of Rev. wasn't 'accepted' readily in the East and still isn't read had little to do with doubts about Johannine authorship - there aren't many significant doubters in the East about authorship - the problem is content. It's too eschatalogical for some. That was the main objection to it. I don't have any of this material at home, but the two best historains who write about this in English are Richard Landes and Bernard McGinn?. Landes is probably better on the history because he's not himself a specialist in apocalyptic literature for the sake of later apocalyptic groups so much as on the devleopment of early Christian and high medieval apocalyptic, especially chronological schemes. --MichaelTinkler
- I would tend to agree with you; the part I added didn't concern authorship, but I can see how it could be confused in the context of the full paragraph. My understanding was that Revelation could too easily be misinterpreted, which I don't think is too far different from what you're saying. Feel free to edit or correct to clarify the point. And I'll try to keep my questions out of the main text in the future. --Wesley