This is just a stub article of topics that I think belong under this heading - or move it to hematology
? if that seems more sensible.
Move the headings around and add more - whatever makes more sense. I'm not a haematologist.
Blood is the common term used for the fluid in the circulatory system of animals, that is used to distribute oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body.
- blood cells
- formation of cells
- red blood cells
- anemia and [vitamin B12]?
- blood proteins
- Albumin?
- [Thyroxine-binding globulin]? (TBG)
- [[clotting factors]
- blood transfusion
- Landsteiner & [blood groups]?
- Rhesus factor
- Hepatitis?
Cultural aspects
- `Blood brother'
- `The blood is the life'
- Kosher
- `blood is thicker than water'
- `bad blood'
- blood as one of the four bodily humours in Renaissance medicine