A Biographical Listing/B :
Biographical Listing
- Aaliyah
- Aaron
- d'Abacourt, Charles
- Abaris
- Abati (Niccolo Dell'Abbato)
- Abba Mari (Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph)
- d'Abbadie, Antoine Thomson
- Abbas II
- Abauzit, Firmin
- Abbot, Ezra
- Abbot, George
- Abbot, Robert
- Abbot, William
- Abbott, Edwin Arrott
- Abbott, Emma
- Abbott, Jacob
- Abbott, John Stevens Cabot
- Abbott, Lyman
- Abel, Karl Friedrich
- Abel, Niels Henrik
- Abel, Thomas
- Abgar
- Abraham
- Absalom
- Acker, Kathy, author
- Adalbert of Prague, saint
- Adamnan
- Adams, Douglas
- Adams, John
- Adams, John Quincy
- Adams, Scott
- Adenauer, Konrad
- Adler, Mortimer
- St. Adrian
- Adrian I
- Adrian II
- Adrian III
- Adrian IV
- Adrian V
- Adrian VI
- Aedesius
- Aegineta, Paulus
- Aefric
- Aelianus, Claudius
- Aelle of Sussex, Bretwalda
- St. Aelfheah (or Alphege)
- Agassiz, Louis
- Agnesi, Maria Gaetana
- Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius
- Ahlefeldt, Karl Gustav
- Akbar, Jellaladin Mahommed, Mogul emperor
- Albéniz, Isaac, Spanish composer
- Albert Of Aix
- Albert The Warlike of Bayreuth
- Albert I of Brandenburg
- Albert III of Brandenburg
- Prince Albert
- Albert I of Hapsburg
- Albert II of Hapsburg
- Albert of Mainz
- Albert of Prussia
- Albert III of Saxony
- Albert, Frederick Augustus of Saxony
- Albert The Degenerate
- Albinoni, Tomaso, Italian composer
- Alfred Ernest Albert
- Alcuin
- Alexander of Battenberg
- Alexander I of Epirus
- Alexander II of Epirus
- Alexander the Great of Macedon
- Alexander of Pherae
- Alexander of Poland
- Pope Alexander I
- Pope Alexander II
- Pope Alexander III
- Pope Alexander IV
- Pope Alexander V
- Pope Alexander VI
- Pope Alexander VII
- Pope Alexander VIII
- Alexander I of Russia
- Alexander II of Russia
- Alexander III of Russia
- Alexander I of Scotland
- Alexander II of Scotland
- Alexander III of Scotland
- Alexander Aetolus
- Alexander of Aphrodisias
- Alexander Balas
- Alexander Cornelius
- Alexander of Greece
- Alexander Jannaeus
- Alexander Obrenovich
- Alexander Severus
- Alexius I
- Alexius II
- Alexius III
- Alexius V
- Alfred the Great
- Algardi, Alessandro
- Algarotti, Francesco
- Alhazen (Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Alhasan)
- Ali Ben Abu Talib
- Alighieri, Dante
- Allacci, Leone
- Allen, Paul
- Allen, William
- Allen, Woody
- Allison, William Boyd
- Allix, Pierre
- Allori, Alessandro
- Almagro, Diego De
- St. Alphege
- Alphonso I of Aragon
- Alphonso II of Aragon
- Alphonso III of Aragon
- Alphonso IV of Aragon
- Alphonso V of Aragon
- Alphonso I of Portugal
- Alphonso II of Portugal
- Alphonso III of Portugal
- Alphonso IV of Portugal
- Alphonso V of Portugal
- Alphonso VI of Portugal
- Alphonso I of Spain
- Alphonso II of Spain
- Alphonso III of Spain
- Alphonso IV of Spain
- Alphonso V of Spain
- Alphonso VI of Spain
- Alphonso VII of Spain
- Alphonso VIII of Spain
- Alphonso IX of Spain
- Alphonso X of Spain
- Alphonso XI of Spain
- Alphonso XII of Spain
- Alphonso XIII of Spain
- Amara Sinha
- Alpini, Prospero
- Alsop, Vincent
- Alsted, Johann Heinrich
- Alston, William
- Alured of Beverley
- Alvarado, Pedro de
- Alvarez, Francisco
- Alypius of Antioch
- Amalaric
- Amalasuntha
- Amalric of Bena
- Amasis I, Pharaoh
- Amasis II, Pharaoh
- Ambros, August Wilhelm
- Ambrose
- Amis, Kingsley
- Ammianus Marcellinus
- Ampere, Andre Marie
- Amyntas I
- Anacreon
- Pope Anastasius I -- Pope from 399-401
- Pope Anastasius II -- Pope from 496-498
- Pope Anastasius III -- Pope from 911-913
- Pope Anastasius IV -- Pope from 1153 to 1154
- Roman Emperor Anastasius I -- (c. 430-518) Roman emperor
- Roman Emperor Anastasius II -- (d. 721) Roman emperor
- Anaximander
- Ancus Marcius
- Andersen, Hans Christian
- Anderson, Stikkan
- Andersson, Benny
- Andrew II of Hungary
- Andrews, Roy Chapman
- Andriscus
- Andriessen, Louis - Dutch composer
- Andronicus I -- (1100?-1185) Eastern Roman emperor
- Andronicus II -- (1260-1332) Eastern Roman emperor
- Andronicus III -- (c. 1296-1341) Eastern Roman emperor
- Andronicus of Cyrrhus -- Greek astronomer 100 B.C.
- Andronicus of Rhodes -- (c. 70 B.C.)
- Angilbert
- Ångström, Anders Jonas
- Annan, Kofi
- Annunzio, Gabrielle D'
- Antoninus Pius
- Antony, Mark
- Apuleius
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Arafat, Yasser
- Arduino, Giovanni
- Ariosto, Ludovico
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- Armstrong, Neil
- Arnold, Vladimir
- Ashoka
- Asimov, Isaac
- Astor, John Jacob
- Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal
- Atchison, David Rice, president of the U.S.A. March 4, 1849, only.
- Atlas, Natacha
- Atsumi, Kiyoshi
- August, Bille
- Augustus, Roman emperor
- Austen, Jane
- Avicenna
- Ayckbourn, Alan