[Home]Anthropic principle/Talk

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I strongly feel that the Anthropic Principle (or one version of the Anthropic Principle) is widely misunderstood. It is often stated as saying "the parameters of our Universe are (mysteriously) within narrow limits which allow the origination of planets, water, intelligent life, etc." However, this is backwards. The only type of Universe which can have intelligent observers is one with parameters within such limits.

It's not just me then who has a problem with

The universe appears to be "fine tuned" to allow the existence of life as we know it.

then...A less contentious phrasing is the exact reverse: Life as we know it is finely tuned to the universe. Are the shapes and positions of the human eyes, nose and ears "fine tuned" to allow the use of spectacles?

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Last edited December 4, 2001 9:52 pm by Malcolm Farmer (diff)