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I'm not sure how to handle the "folklore" stuff. Certainly it's all nonsense (aside from being badly written), but if it's nonsense that some specific group of people believe, there's no reason not to report on that belief. I suspect that all of this comes from a single source, so that source should be named. Otherwise, there's no way to know whether this is actual folklore or just one man's ramblings. --Lee Daniel Crocker
yes, Lee - see my entry on Corvus's page. I think it's from a source. If Corvus is capitalizing this way himself, he's an exception. --MichaelTinkler.

What makes you say it's badly written?

No, it's not from one source, it's from several years' worth of research and study, and I wrote it myself --corvus13

"...leading to the general formula C10H16O": shouldn't this be "empirical formula"? Dweir

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Last edited November 18, 2001 7:54 pm by Dweir (diff)