The alismatids, a group of monocots. At one point there were various distinct orders, but it seems they tended to be polyphyletic, and so the whole group has been mushed into a single order. Families include
- Family Alismataceae?
- Family Limnocharitaceae?
- Family Butomaceae?
- Family Hydrocharitaceae?
- Family Najadaceae?
- Family Aponogetonaceae?
- Family Scheuchzeriaceae?
- Family Ruppiaceae?
- Family Cymodoceraceae?
- Family Posidoniaceae?
- Family Potamogetonaceae?
- Family Zannicelliaceae?
- Family Zosteraceae?
- Family Juncanginaceae?
The Triuridaceae? and Petrosaviaceae? have been placed here, but there actual affinities are not so clear. The alismatids as are the sister group of the Arales? and the latter have sometimes been included here.