I need them for article on http://pl.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?Esperanto (some preliminary paragraphs about these are already there, but I'm not even sure if what I said is true or just my impression). Could you comment on these issues (in any language, my ability to read Esperanto is better than to write in it) or point me somewhere ? --Taw
The Esperanto Book by Don Harlow - http://www.webcom.com/~donh/eaccess/eaccess.book.html
Esperanto: A Language for the Global Village by Sylvan Zaft - http://members.aol.com/sylvanz/gvcont.htm
About Language Problems by Claude Piron - http://www.geocities.com/c_piron/
Some information about Esperanto in Polish can be found at http://www.esperanto.net/info/index_pl.html
I have one more question: were pronoun "ci" ever widely used or was "vi" used for singular from the begining ? --Taw