[Hejmen]About This Page

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This part of Wikipedia is in Esperanto. For information about Esperanto the language, in English, see http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Esperanto. Also, free Esperanto courses are available at http://ttt.esperanto.org/espviva/ and http://www.pacujo.nu/esperanto/course/.

For the English-language Wikipedia, see http://www.wikipedia.com/. For other language wikipedias, see Internacia Vikipedio.

English speakers may notice that the "last names" of people in this site are capitalized. That is not an error. In Esperanto culture, it is typical for the family name to be capitalized, so someone from the United States might write their name like Chuck SMITH, where the family name is last. However, a Chinese person would put their family name first like [ZHU Xin]?. This way we know which name is a person's family name.

Please join [Intlwiki-L] to discuss how to organize this project!

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Redaktita March 12, 2002 11:10 pm by Chuck SMITH (diferencoj)