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Pig Latin is a silly "language" created from any other language as follows: Is-thay is-way an-way example-way of-way Ig-pay Atin-lay. As-way ou-yay an-cay ee-say, its-way upid-stay, ut-bay ots-lay of-way un-fay or-fay ildren-chay. --ArrylayAngersay
Ice-nay escription-day, Octor-day Anger-say!!! Ig-pay Atin-lay is-way un-fay or-fay ome-say adults-ay. Ou-yay eem-say ite-quay uent-flay, I-way otice-nay.--OseRayArksPay?--
Question: is PigLatin primarily a phenomenon of children in English speaking countries, or are the same rules followed by children of other countries?

watashi wa nihongo no gakusei desu.
"I am a Japanese language student"

In Japanese language, I believe that the syllable is more of a fundamental unit that 'consonant' or 'vowel'. (Japanese characters, hiragana and katakana, form a syllabary rather than an alphabet.) So little kids in Japan would probably follow a different set of rules to create their own mock language.

I hope someone knows about this. I never thought of it before, and now I'm really interested.

I know nothing of this, but if I were a Japanese child, I would say your sentence something like;

Takushi-watsu wa-watsu hongo-nitsu notsu kusei-gatsu su-detsu...:-). Just guessing. But, yes, Japanese is SyllableCenetric?...ouch!!! For JimmyWales (Mi-Jitsu Resu-watsu san)-- from RoseParks (se-rotsu su-parutsu san)

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Edited February 18, 2001 3:32 am by RoseParks (diff)