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Homepage: http://www.neptune.net/~bryce/ I work on the WorldForge? project, too: http://www.worldforge.org/

Bryce, about your notes on HistoryOfEurope...I didn't want to put these there, since it is a summary page. I removed the bit about Alex great conquering Greece, since that was his father, and about other civilizations probably experimenting with governments, since all evidence suggests they did not. But all in all, I was thinking such developments really belong on a HistoryOfTheMeditteranean? page, since that is where the center of the action is, not Europe. Didn't want to impose, 'course...thoughts? -- JoshuaGrosse

I don't think Roman and Greek history should be isolated from European history, since they're obviously so intricately tied. I'm not sure a HistoryOfTheMediterranean? page would be exactly what we need, but certainly something oriented to the ancient history of the western world would be good. I believe the topics already listed under HiStory? should cover that, though. Good catch on Alexander's father conquering Greece - I should have caught that.

Regarding other civilizations experimenting with other forms of government; well I guess I just wanted to point out some stuff Greece achieved, but without arrogantly claiming that no one else did too.

Anyway, the current page looks much better. The power of collaboration, ay? ;-)

To adequately summarize what is known about the History of Europe, I think we can agree that the page is going to get quite long. Maybe we should divide it up into some subsections like other pages have been. -- BryceHarrington

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Edited January 28, 2001 5:47 am by BryceHarrington (diff)