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Added: 10a11
esperu Hope!

Changed: 12c13,15
esperanto(n) Hoper - nominative (accusative) noun
esperanta(n) Hoping - nominative (accusative) adjective
esperantaj(n) Hoping - nominative (accusative) adjective
esperanto(n) Hoper - nominative (accusative) noun

Removed: 14,15d16
esperanta(n) Hoper's - nominative (accusative) adjective
esperantaj(n) Hopers' - nominative (accusative) adjective

Until someone who knows about the topic decides to replace what was taken down, this'll keep the page from being empty.

Most-spoken of the ArtificialLanguages. Created by LudovicLazarusZamenhof in 1887 as an attempt at a world language. So far, best attempt yet. An InflectedLanguage?, with no genders and two cases, nominative and accusative. The vocabulary draws mainly off RomanceLanguages, spelling is phonetic, and the morphology is of course extremely regular and easy to learn.

Approximately 1.6 million people speak Esperanto (to Foreign Service Level 3 ability) as of the year 2000.

   esperi             To hope
   esperas            Am, are, is hoping
   esperis            Was, were hoping
   esperos            Will be hoping
   esperu             Hope!

   esperanta(n)       Hoping - nominative (accusative) adjective
   esperantaj(n)      Hoping - nominative (accusative) adjective
   esperanto(n)       Hoper  - nominative (accusative) noun
   esperantoj(n)      Hopers - nominative (accusative) noun

   esperantino        Hoper, female
   esperantujo        Land of hopers

There was also another language, Ido, based on Esperanto that enjoyed a brief popularity in the early 1900s. If you speak Esperanto, you might be interested in the Esperanto wiki JerryMuelver hosts at http://unumondo.com.

Another useful link is http://www.esperanto-usa.org. US-ians can contact ELNA, PO Box 1129, El Cerrito CA 94530; 1-510-653-0998 (real person), 1-800-ESPERANTO (automated info and information requests).

See also news://soc.culture.esperanto.

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Last edited February 16, 2001 12:13 pm by JoshuaGrosse (diff)