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Lately, I guess I tend to focus on nurturing and organizing the PoLitics section of the site, however my real love is HiStory?. I wrote the pages on OregoN, GladstoneOregon, and AlchemY. I am currently involved in copying in the 'A' articles in from the BritannicaPublicDomain text.

I couldn't help but notice your sliding Aaron of biblical fame into a BiblE/Aaron, and was wondering if you have any comments on how historical, biblical, and mythical figures should be handled. I wrote a quick AchillEus page, and would feel a lot better about his compatriots if they weren't taking up raw WikiNames? (notably Helen and Paris). But on the other hand, it makes wiki-linking a lot worse, doesn't it?

While I'm annoying you, I was wondering if you had any ideas on how subdivisions of histories should be kept. As noted, I'm considering moving the stuff on BronzeAge into things like BronzeAgeOfMiddleEast? or some such, while I correct them. But should it be a top-level thing, or kept under BronzeAge, or kept under MiddleEast??

Thanks, JoshuaGrosse

Wasn't me that did that... I merely pasted the EB/PG stuff into the AaroN page, and the put a link to it from BiblE/Aaron, that someone else set up. I think 'namespaces' are an important mechanism for reducing collisions, however they also have a tendancy to lead to complicated hierarchies and duplication of entries. These days, I tend to just store things flatly, and then build multiple hierarchical indexes to allow accessing the information in a variety of ways, but with the way linking works right now, this will result in a lot of collisions. Regarding where to put the middle east bronze age stuff, maybe it needs to be broken up more topically?

Lately, I guess I tend to focus on nurturing and organizing the PoLitics section of the site, however my real love is HiStory?. I wrote the pages on OregoN, GladstoneOregon, and AlchemY. I am currently involved in copying in the 'A' articles in from the BritannicaPublicDomain text.

Homepage: http://www.neptune.net/~bryce/ I work on the WorldForge? project, too: http://www.worldforge.org/

Lately, I guess I tend to focus on nurturing and organizing the PoLitics section of the site, however my real love is HiStory?. I wrote the pages on OregoN, GladstoneOregon, and AlchemY. I am currently involved in copying in the 'A' articles in from the BritannicaPublicDomain text.

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Last edited January 31, 2001 10:04 am by JoshuaGrosse (diff)