Medicine is something doctors do. It usually involves making people take pills and sticking them with needles. If you give people pills and stick them with needles, you may be a doctor. People do what doctors tell them to because of "doctor's orders". Doctors have stethoscopes, which is a useful way of indentifying them. They have helpers called nurses who wear nurse uniforms.
Medicine is different today then it used to be. This is because medicine has different tools to use. Today X-rays are part of medicine because we have X-ray tools. A long time ago this was not true. A long time ago stone drills were part of medicine, but new tools have come along since then. It is not possible to predict which new tools will come along, which suggests they simply come along at random.
Some people think there is a broad conceptual umbrella under which medical activites are understood in reference to goal-directed behavior such as the seeking of health. But this is an abstract way of looking at medicine, and is therefore way too confusing.
I assume this is a protest of some kind, but I think it would be better if you just stated your complaint directly. It doesn't do any good, and frankly is quite inaccurate, to make vague accusations of anti-conceptualism, if you aren't going to make specific arguments to back it up. --