[Home]History of Wiki As Fertile Soil

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Revision 6 . . September 30, 2001 5:06 am by (logged).21.189.xxx [Smart]
Revision 5 . . March 13, 2001 1:49 pm by Larry Sanger [OK, so the analogy was stretched inappropriately. Sorry. :-)]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 8c8,10
And finally -- to push the metaphor a bit too hard -- a wiki needs sunlight, which means that the active participants always talk in an open and sunny pleasant way about changes that are being made, disagreements that need to be resolved, etc.
And finally -- to push the metaphor a bit too hard -- a wiki needs sunlight, which means that the active participants always talk in an open and sunny pleasant way about changes that are being made and disagreements that need to be resolved.

So be smart. But be civil.

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