[Home]History of Vermont

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Revision 27 . . (edit) December 4, 2001 11:26 am by (logged).175.69.xxx
Revision 26 . . (edit) December 3, 2001 11:38 pm by (logged).191.188.xxx
Revision 25 . . (edit) December 3, 2001 11:37 pm by (logged).191.188.xxx
Revision 24 . . (edit) November 24, 2001 1:19 am by (logged).133.134.xxx
Revision 23 . . (edit) November 20, 2001 3:37 am by (logged).136.51.xxx
Revision 22 . . November 20, 2001 2:23 am by Eob
Revision 21 . . November 20, 2001 12:59 am by Eob
Revision 20 . . (edit) October 4, 2001 9:36 am by Sammy snake

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
The 14th state of the United States, famous for its beautiful scenery, dairy, maple syrup and moderate politics. Vermont borders New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts and the Canadian province of Quebec. Vermont is home to approximately 600,000 persons. The capital of Vermont is Montpelier?.
The 14th state of the United States, famous for its beautiful scenery, dairy, maple syrup and moderate politics. Vermont borders New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts and the Canadian province of Quebec. Vermont is home to approximately 500,000 persons. The capital of Vermont is Montpelier?.

Changed: 5c5
Vermont covers an area of approximately 25,000 km2 (9,600 square miles). The eastern border of the state is delineated by the Connecticut river. Lake Champlain, the sixth-largest body of water in the United States, separates Vermont from New York in the northwest portion of the state. The Green Mountains, so named because their relatively short stature gives them no timberline, form a north-south spine running the most of the length of the state, slightly west of its center. Roughly 77% percent of the state is covered by forest.
Vermont covers an area of approximately 25,000 km2 (9,600 square miles). The eastern border of the state is delineated by the Connecticut river. Lake Champlain, the sixth-largest body of water in the United States, separates Vermont from New York in the northwest portion of the state. The Green Mountains, so named because their relatively short stature gives most no timberline, form a north-south spine running the most of the length of the state, slightly west of its center. Several mountains have timberlines: Mount Mansfield, the highest mountain in the state and Killington are two. Roughly 77% percent of the state is covered by forest, the rest in meadow, uplands, lakes, ponds and swampy wetlands.

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Vermont is known for its brief summer and autumn, and particularly for its cold winters. The northern part of the state, including the rural northeastern section (dubbed the "Northeast Kingdom") is known for exceptionally cold winters, often averaging more than ten degrees (F) colder than the southern areas of the state. Snow is abundant in the winter, giving Vermont some of the East Coast's premier ski areas.
Vermont is known for its brief mud season in spring followed by cool summer and a colorful autumn, and particularly for its cold winters. The northern part of the state, including the rural northeastern section (dubbed the "Northeast Kingdom") is known for exceptionally cold winters, often averaging more than ten degrees (F) colder than the southern areas of the state. Snow is abundant in the winter, giving Vermont some of the East Coast's premier ski areas and cross country skiing.

Changed: 13c13
White, white, white.

Changed: 19c19
Of the remaining industries, dairy farming is the primary source of agricultural income. Vermont dairy is exported to the rest of the world by companies like [Ben and Jerrys]? Ice Cream and Cabot Cheese. Vermont's beauty and friendliness have also made it attractive to independent thinkers, unique companies and cottage industries such as The Vermont Teddy Bear Company and King Arthur Flour. Tourism and skiing also make up a large component of Vermont's income.
Of the remaining industries, dairy farming is the primary source of agricultural income. Vermont dairy is exported to the rest of the world by companies like [Ben and Jerrys]? Ice Cream and Cabot Cheese. Vermont's beauty and friendliness have also made it attractive to independent thinkers, unique companies and cottage industries such as The Vermont Teddy Bear Company and King Arthur Flour. Tourism, numerous summer camps, furniture making and skiing also make up a large component of Vermont's income. Trout fishing, lake fishing and even ice fishing pull the outdoorsman into the state as does the excellent hiking on the Long Trail. Several noteworthy horse shows are annual events. Golf courses are springing up with spas to service the weary client. One major fashion outlet mall isn't really a mall but the old town of Manchester gentrified.

Changed: 21c21
In recent years, Vermont has been deluged with plans to build condos and houses on relatively inexpensive, untouched land. Vermont's government has responded with a series of laws controlling development, and some pioneering initiatives to prevent the loss of Vermont's dairy industry.
In recent years, Vermont has been deluged with plans to build condos and houses on what was relatively inexpensive, untouched land. Vermont's government has responded with a series of laws controlling development, and some pioneering initiatives to prevent the loss of Vermont's dairy industry.

Changed: 29c29
Vermonters are known for their political independence and moderation. The Vermont government maintains a proactive stance with regards to the environment, social services and prevention of sprawl. The most recent controversy to stir up political feelings in the state was the adoption of [civil unions]?, a status which grants homosexual couples nearly all the rights and privileges of marriage (see marriage). In [Baker v. Vermont]? (1999) the Vermont Supreme Court ruled that, under the Vermont Constitution, the State of Vermont must either allow homosexual couples to marry, or provide a separate but equal status for them. The State legislature chose the second option; the bill was supported by about half of the state's voters, passed in the legislature, and signed into law by Governor Howard Dean. It was never put to a referendum as the state has no such ballot-initiative mechanism. Some Vermonters voiced their displeasure out loud and in the following Gubernatorial and State Senate elections.
Vermonters are known for their political independence and moderation. The Vermont government maintains a proactive stance with regards to the environment, social services and prevention of sprawl?. The most recent controversy to stir up political feelings in the state was the adoption of [civil unions]?, a status which grants homosexual couples nearly all the rights and privileges of marriage (see marriage). In [Baker v. Vermont]? (1999) the Vermont Supreme Court ruled that, under the Vermont Constitution, the State of Vermont must either allow homosexual couples to marry, or provide a separate but equal status for them. The State legislature chose the second option; the bill was supported by about half of the state's voters, passed in the legislature, and signed into law by Governor Howard Dean. It was never put to a referendum as the state has no such ballot-initiative mechanism. Some Vermonters voiced their displeasure out loud and in the following Gubernatorial and State Senate elections.

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