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Revision 8 . . (edit) October 1, 2001 2:36 am by (logged).143.110.xxx
Revision 7 . . September 8, 2001 6:05 am by Larry Sanger
Revision 6 . . (edit) April 25, 2001 2:46 am by Larry Sanger

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 11c11
Make a project! Take a book and write a thorough chapter-by-chapter summary. Make pages for all the characters. Or do this with your favorite fictional universe (Star Wars, Middle Earth). Pick your favorite actor and review all his movies. Pick your favorite city and build pages for all its best attractions.
Make a project! Take a book and write a thorough chapter-by-chapter summary. Make pages for all the characters. Or do this with your favorite fictional universe (Star Wars, Middle Earth). Pick your favorite actor and review all of their movies. Pick your favorite city and build pages for all its best attractions.

Changed: 21c21
For more great Wikipedia advice, see Wikipedia policy and Wikipedia FAQ, which have links to all the important pages.
For more great Wikipedia advice, see Wikipedia policy and Wikipedia FAQ, most common Wikipedia faux pas, and what Wikipedia is not which have links to all the important pages.

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