[Home]History of Timecode

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Revision 20 . . (edit) December 5, 2001 8:20 am by Greg Carter [Spelling correction]
Revision 19 . . (edit) November 1, 2001 3:34 am by H.W.
Revision 17 . . November 1, 2001 12:11 am by (logged).203.83.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 3c3
Basic linear timecode contins binary-coded-decimal hour:minute:second:frame identification and a set of 32 binary-coded 'user bits', as well as drop-frame and colour framing flags and three extra 'binary group flag' bits used for defining the use of the user bits. The formats of other forms of LTC-derived timecodes are derived from that of linear timecode.
Basic linear timecode contains binary-coded-decimal hour:minute:second:frame identification and a set of 32 binary-coded 'user bits', as well as drop-frame and colour framing flags and three extra 'binary group flag' bits used for defining the use of the user bits. The formats of other forms of LTC-derived timecodes are derived from that of linear timecode.

Changed: 9c9
More complex time codes such as [/Vertical interval timecode]? can also include extra information in a variety of encodings. Time code can have any of a number of frame rates: common ones are
More complex time codes such as Vertical interval timecode can also include extra information in a variety of encodings. Time code can have any of a number of frame rates: common ones are

Changed: 20,24c20,24
*[/Linear timecode]?
*[/Vertical interval timecode]?
*[/Burnt-in timecode]?
*[/MIDI timecode]?
*[/AES-EBU embedded timecode]?
*Linear timecode
*Vertical interval timecode
*Burnt-in timecode
*MIDI timecode
*[AES-EBU embedded timecode]?

Removed: 34d33

Removed: 39d37

Removed: 41d38

Changed: 44,47c41



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