[Home]History of OpenBSD

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Revision 5 . . (edit) December 4, 2001 11:49 pm by Arcade [*Removed 'more secure' and rewrote last part. 'more secure' is biased in this case.]
Revision 4 . . (edit) October 25, 2001 6:35 am by Anatoly Vorobey
Revision 2 . . (edit) July 28, 2001 2:48 am by (logged).186.19.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,5c1,5
Forked from the NetBSD project, and therefor sharing much of it's history, OpenBSD's hallmark is the priority given by its developers to careful auditing of system's code, which in turn contributes to the stability and security of that code.


Forked from the NetBSD project, and therefore sharing much of its history and portability, OpenBSD's hallmark is the priority given by its developers to careful auditing of system's code, which in turn contributes to the stability and security of that code. They also created OpenSSH. An open source and compatible alternative to SSH.


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