[Home]History of New Age

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Revision 178 . . (edit) December 19, 2001 11:52 am by BF
Revision 177 . . (edit) December 19, 2001 11:49 am by BF [more]
Revision 176 . . December 19, 2001 3:12 am by BF [found 'All the Friends 'song title finally.]
Revision 175 . . (edit) December 17, 2001 4:11 am by BF
Revision 174 . . (edit) December 17, 2001 4:04 am by BF
Revision 173 . . (edit) December 17, 2001 3:59 am by BF
Revision 172 . . December 17, 2001 3:55 am by BF [adding onto spirituality subheading]
Revision 171 . . December 17, 2001 3:41 am by BF [+metaphysics & gnosis]
Revision 170 . . (edit) December 12, 2001 1:40 am by (logged).2.17.xxx
Revision 169 . . (edit) December 11, 2001 6:31 am by BF
Revision 168 . . (edit) December 4, 2001 5:31 am by Zundark [remove superfluous brackets]
Revision 167 . . (edit) December 4, 2001 5:29 am by Zundark [remove superfluous brackets]
Revision 166 . . (edit) December 4, 2001 5:26 am by BF
Revision 165 . . December 2, 2001 8:12 am by BF [NA inserted for New Age to remove pathetic redundancy]
Revision 164 . . December 2, 2001 5:56 am by BF [boom wikied]
Revision 163 . . November 27, 2001 1:04 am by BF [minor refactor, changed sentence order]
Revision 162 . . November 25, 2001 1:56 pm by Larry Sanger [This initial claim that New Age can't be defined is NOT the way to begin this article.]
Revision 161 . . (edit) November 25, 2001 12:14 pm by Bryan Derksen [made big list of links at the end a little more compact, at least]
Revision 160 . . (edit) November 25, 2001 12:10 pm by BF
Revision 159 . . (edit) November 25, 2001 8:58 am by BF
Revision 158 . . (edit) November 25, 2001 8:57 am by BF
Revision 157 . . November 25, 2001 8:55 am by BF [new intro]
Revision 156 . . (edit) November 24, 2001 7:33 am by BenBaker [*Tightening, wikifying]
Revision 155 . . November 24, 2001 4:30 am by BF [new age may be the influence or orbiting Tim Leary ashes that fell to earth...joke]
Revision 154 . . November 24, 2001 3:25 am by Stephen Gilbert [adding some material]
Revision 153 . . (edit) November 23, 2001 3:43 pm by BF
Revision 152 . . (edit) November 23, 2001 3:42 pm by BF
Revision 151 . . November 23, 2001 3:41 pm by BF
Revision 150 . . (edit) November 23, 2001 2:31 pm by Alex Kennedy
Revision 149 . . November 23, 2001 2:30 pm by Alex Kennedy [Added material.]
Revision 148 . . November 23, 2001 12:55 pm by BF [restored copyrighted excerpt granted with special permission. the author links to this wikipedia article ]
Revision 147 . . November 23, 2001 8:09 am by BF
Revision 146 . . November 23, 2001 2:04 am by (logged).128.91.xxx [Removed confusing references.]
Revision 145 . . November 20, 2001 5:43 am by BF [grammar refactoring. ]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
New Age is a general term for that which results from the interaction of pre-existing ideologies with mystical experiential phenomena. Being a dynamic container by nature, New Age is constantly redefining itself. To understand New Age one must examine its diverse attributes, old and new. These various parts, simultaneously in flux, synergistically enable the whole, known as the New Age movement. Although no rigid boundaries actually exist, New Age (abbreviated NA) perspectives on history, philosophy, religion, spirituality, lifestyle, and music may help those who wish to explore the subject further.
New Age can be expressed simply as: a new era, a vision of a new, better future, the beginning of a new Astrological Age, or even the anticipation of a new world replacing the old-- a new order of experience. Such a New Age results from the interaction of pre-existing older ideologies with newer, mystical, and experiential phenomena. Being a dynamic container by nature, New Age is constantly redefining itself. To understand New Age one must examine its diverse attributes, old and new. These wide-ranging parts, simultaneously in flux, synergistically enable the whole-- the New Age movement. Although no rigid boundaries actually exist, New Age perspectives on history, philosophy, religion, spirituality, lifestyle, and music may help those who wish to explore the subject further.

Changed: 5c5
Originally a disorganized coalition, the NA movement began as an offshoot of the 1960's pop culture anti-war movement "happening" in North America and Europe. NA challenged the widely accepted norms and beliefs of western society by offering new interpretations of science, written history, and the religion of the Judeo-Christian establishment. They were the younger generation later known as the baby boomers who were learning and experimenting.
Originally a disorganized coalition, the New Age movement began as an offshoot of the 1960's pop culture anti-war movement "happening" in North America and Europe. New Age challenged the widely accepted norms and beliefs of western society by offering new interpretations of science, written history, and the religion of the Judeo-Christian establishment. They were the younger generation later known as the baby boomers who were learning and experimenting.

Changed: 32c32
NA beliefs may emphasize oral tradition and revealed truth over existing views of established historians and scientists. Any new invention or philosophy that conflicts with established tradition has its skeptics. Some NA proponents note these skeptical reactions to their worldview, and point to the religious persecution suffered by scientists like Hypatia? of Alexandria(invented the astrolabe, headed the Neo-Platonist School, and murdered by Christians 415 AD), Galileo, and Martine de Bertereau du Chatlet(French minerologist accused of witchcraft and executed 1642 AD). Yet many others welcome skepticism as just another point of view.
New Age beliefs may emphasize oral tradition and revealed truth over existing views of established historians and scientists. Any new invention or philosophy that conflicts with established tradition has its skeptics. Some New Age proponents note these skeptical reactions to their worldview, and point to the religious persecution suffered by scientists like Hypatia? of Alexandria(invented the astrolabe, headed the Neo-Platonist School, and murdered by Christians 415 AD), Galileo, and Martine de Bertereau du Chatlet(French minerologist accused of witchcraft and executed 1642 AD). Yet many others welcome skepticism as just another point of view.

Changed: 34c34
Some NA adherents believe truth instead comes from a mystical energy shared by all forms of matter rather than derived solely from logic. This mystical idea compares with the religious precepts of [Holy Spirit]?, grace, Providence?, and karma. Followers of the NA movement often use and even redefine some of the vocabulary borrowed from various belief systems, which can cause some confusion for non-adherents as well as increase opposition from skeptics and traditional religions.
New Age adherents may believe truth instead comes from a mystical energy shared by all forms of matter rather than derived solely from logic. This mystical idea compares with the religious precepts of [Holy Spirit]?, grace, Providence?, and karma. People who form the New Age movement often use and even redefine some of the vocabulary borrowed from various belief systems, which can cause some confusion for non-adherents as well as increase opposition from skeptics and traditional religions.

Changed: 36c36
Metaphysics may have parallels to NA according to Diane Brandon, author of Invisible Blueprints: Insights of an Energy Reader. From her article [[EXPERIENTIAL SPIRITUALITY AND CONTEMPORARY GNOSIS]] she mentions:
Metaphysics may have parallels to New Age according to Diane Brandon, author of Invisible Blueprints: Insights of an Energy Reader. From her article [[EXPERIENTIAL SPIRITUALITY AND CONTEMPORARY GNOSIS]] she mentions:

Changed: 57c57
Unlike many traditional religions, New Age is not a belief system per se, but instead an aggregate of beliefs and practices (syncreticism), some of which come from established myths and religions.(see Egyptian Mythology and Hinduism) Inside the general concept NA form groups with established belief systems resembling religions and fixed belief systems. Examples of fixed belief systems are clubs, fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or any group that shares similar beliefs held in common.
Unlike many traditional religions, New Age is not a belief system per se, but instead an aggregate of beliefs and practices (syncreticism), some of which come from established myths and religions.(see Egyptian Mythology and Hinduism) Inside this general catch-all category, called New Age, form groups with established belief systems resembling religions and fixed belief systems. Examples of fixed belief systems are clubs, fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or any group that shares similar beliefs held in common.

Changed: 59c59
The NA movement believes that it does not contradict these traditional belief systems, but rather fulfills the ultimate truths contained within them, and separates these truths from false tradition and dogma?. On the other hand, adherents of other religions often claim that the NA movement has, at best, a shallow understanding of these religious concepts, and that NA attempts at religious syncreticism are vague and contradictory.
The New Age movement believes that it does not contradict these traditional belief systems, but rather fulfills the ultimate truths contained within them, and separates these truths from false tradition and dogma?. On the other hand, adherents of other religions often claim that the New Age movement has, at best, a shallow understanding of these religious concepts, and that New Age attempts at religious syncreticism are vague and contradictory.

Changed: 63c63
Many individuals are responsible for the recent popularity of the NA spirituality, especially in the United States. [James Redfield]? wrote The Celestine Prophecy in 1993, and many have claimed that this book changed their lives by providing an open ended system of philosophy on human thought. [Marianne Williamson]? updated A Course in Miracles when she penned her work A Return to Love.
Many individuals are responsible for the recent popularity of New Age spirituality, especially in the United States. [James Redfield]? wrote The Celestine Prophecy in 1993, and many have claimed that this book changed their lives by providing an open ended system of philosophy on human thought. [Marianne Williamson]? updated A Course in Miracles when she penned her work A Return to Love.

Changed: 65c65
The gnostic approach of experiential insight and revelation of truth may be closer to the NA methodology of prayers and spirituality. Due to the personal individualist nature of revealed truth, New-Agers often walk down the old road of gnosis, paved with modernized eclectic stone. Once again Diane Brandon writes in [[EXPERIENTIAL SPIRITUALITY AND CONTEMPORARY GNOSIS]]: "And this emphasis on spirituality and consciousness reflects an acknowledgment that we are, in essence, spiritual beings - and beings of pure energy, as consciousness is a form of energy - even though we are "in the body." As Wayne Dyer says, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Or, as Deepak Chopra says, our bodies are contained within our consciousness, not our consciousness contained within our bodies.
The gnostic approach of experiential insight and revelation of truth may be closer to the New Age methodology of prayers and spirituality. Due to the personal individualist nature of revealed truth, New-Agers often walk down the old road of gnosis, paved with modernized eclectic stone. Once again Diane Brandon writes in [[EXPERIENTIAL SPIRITUALITY AND CONTEMPORARY GNOSIS]]: "And this emphasis on spirituality and consciousness reflects an acknowledgment that we are, in essence, spiritual beings - and beings of pure energy, as consciousness is a form of energy - even though we are "in the body." As Wayne Dyer says, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Or, as Deepak Chopra says, our bodies are contained within our consciousness, not our consciousness contained within our bodies.

Changed: 83c83
A large number of individuals have adopted alternative methods of medicine that incorporate NA beliefs. Some of the techniques in this list include herbal medicine, acupuncture, iridology?, and the use of crystals? in healing therapy. Adoptees of these techniques find them helpful in treating illness. Their personal involvement in their own treatment increases, rather than merely acting as a passive spectator. Some rely on NA treatment exclusively, while others use them in combination with conventional medicine. For example, there is one noteworthy trial study in San Francisco on breast cancer in women. The tibetan doctor in charge prescribed tibetan herbs for treatments, yoga, special diets and prayer. Conventional medicine has recognised that a patient's state of mind is crucial in determining the outcome towards many diseases, and uses herbal medicine as a guide to help locate new scientficially-tested drugs.
A large number of individuals have adopted alternative methods of medicine that incorporate New Age beliefs. Some of the techniques in this list include herbal medicine, acupuncture, iridology?, and the use of crystals? in healing therapy. Adoptees of these techniques find them helpful in treating illness. Their personal involvement in their own treatment increases, rather than merely acting as a passive spectator. Some rely on New Age treatments exclusively, while others use them in combination with conventional medicine. For example, there is one noteworthy trial study in San Francisco on breast cancer in women. The Tibetan doctor in charge prescribed Tibetan herbs for treatments, yoga, special diets, and prayer. Conventional medicine has recognised that a patient's state of mind is crucial in determining the outcome towards many diseases, and uses herbal medicine as a guide to help locate new scientficially-tested drugs.

Changed: 85c85
NA medicine's popularity and criticism of conventional medicine has encouraged many medical practitioners to pay closer attention to the entire patient's needs rather than just her specific disease. Such approaches, termed "holistic medicine", are now becoming more popular.
New Age medicine's popularity and criticism of conventional medicine has encouraged many medical practitioners to pay closer attention to the entire patient's needs rather than just her specific disease. Such approaches, termed "holistic medicine", are now becoming more popular.

Changed: 89c89
A large percentage of NA music is instrumental, and electronic, although vocal arrangements are also common. Enya, who won a grammy? for her new age music, sings in Latin or other languages on many pieces. [Medwyn Goodall]?, not as widely known, relies mainly on electronic keyboarding effects, and includes acoustic guitar as well. To understand this musical category may help shed light on the NA perspective.
A large percentage of New Age music is instrumental, and electronic, although vocal arrangements are also common. Enya, who won a grammy? for her new age music, sings in Latin or other languages on many pieces. [Medwyn Goodall]?, not as widely known, relies mainly on electronic keyboarding effects, and includes acoustic guitar as well. To understand this musical category may help shed light on the NA perspective.

Changed: 91c91
Music labelled as NA often has a vision of a better future, expresses an appreciation of goodness and beauty, even an anticipation, relevant to any event. The genius of NA composition comes from its amateur aspect. Nearly anyone who plays a musical instrument can produce an inspired piece, and convey their feelings easily within this genre. Talent is in the ear of the listener, not in numbers-- either in amount of radio airplay, or in CD's sold. Rarely does NA music find a problem with this world or its inhabitants, yet it offers a peaceful solution for a better world. Often the music is celestial, when the title names stars or deep space explorations. Ennio Morricone wrote the entire score for the movie [Mission to Mars]? and the last piece playing while the credits flash is orchestral style new age.
Music labeled New Age often has a vision of a better future, expresses an appreciation of goodness and beauty, even an anticipation, relevant to any event. The genius of New Age composition comes from its amateur aspect. Nearly anyone who plays a musical instrument can produce an inspired piece, and convey their feelings easily within this genre. Talent is in the ear of the listener, not in numbers-- either in amount of radio airplay, or in CD's sold. Rarely does New Age music find a problem with this world or its inhabitants, yet it offers a peaceful solution for a better world, which basicly defines what New Age means. Often the music is celestial, when the title names stars or deep space explorations. Ennio Morricone wrote the entire score for the movie [Mission to Mars]?, and while the credits flash we hear All the Friends-- New Age orchestral style.

Changed: 93c93
We find a syncretic musical mixture of themes, not revisionist, in the music of NA. All genres of music considered as art are similar in this respect. The titles of NA music are often provocative, because the words used by the artists attempt to convey their version of truth, in a few short words. On listening to the music, one may understand the idea within the title. Examples of titles: "bond of union", "sweet wilderness", "shepherd moons", "animus anima", and so on.
We find a syncretic musical mixture of themes, not revisionist, in the music of New Age. All genres of music considered as art are similar in this respect. The titles of New Age music are often provocative, because the words used by the artists attempt to convey their version of truth, in a few short words. On listening to the music, one may understand the idea within the title. Examples of titles: "bond of union", "sweet wilderness", "shepherd moons", "animus anima", and so on.

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New Age lifestyles can be observed anywhere that people meet, congregate, and visit. To an outside observer, the eventful outcome of this meeting differs from other similar meetings she may have seen before, because something changes. Something clicks in people's behavior making them exchange information with everyone getting more out of the event than was individually put into it. This generally happens commonly in New Age lifestyles. Also, people may not even believe they are New-Agers, though they fit the general pattern.

* A typical conversation may begin in groups or in pairs, where the subject involves insights, deeply held truths, or even revelations, from a known or unknown origin. The result of this interaction may bond the people involved who share similar visions or outlooks. Feelings of deja vu may occur, with people feeling somehow, mysteriously, they have met before or known each other from a distant time in history.

* Shopping at a store dealing in herbal supplements, two people meet and sense there may be a hidden meaning, or reason why they just happened to be purchasing ginseng tea at that particular moment, in that particular place, at the same time. Rather than overlooking the event, tucking it away as a mere coincidence, they talk, more often about themselves to each other, and interact, a key component of this lifestyle.

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