[Home]History of Meditation

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Revision 8 . . (edit) October 16, 2001 12:15 am by (logged).255.83.xxx
Revision 7 . . (edit) October 6, 2001 8:50 am by (logged).251.118.xxx
Revision 4 . . September 27, 2001 11:01 am by (logged).251.118.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,2c1
Meditation is the act of calming and focussing the mind while avoiding rationalistic thought processes and random fantasies.

Meditation is the act of calming and focussing the mind while avoiding rationalistic thought processes and random fantasies.

Changed: 6c5
In the samadhi or shamatha forms of meditation, the mind is kept closely focussed on a particular word, image, person, or idea. This form of meditation is found in the Hindu traditions including Yoga and modern [Transcendental Meditation]?, in Medieval Christianity, and in some modern metaphysical schools.
In the samadhi or shamatha forms of meditation, the mind is kept closely focussed on a particular word, image, person, or idea. This form of meditation is found in the Hindu traditions including Yoga and modern [Transcendental Meditation]?, in Medieval Christianity, and in some modern metaphysical schools.

Changed: 8c7
In vipassana meditation the mind is trained to notice each perception or thought that passes, but without "stopping" on any one. This is the characteristic form of meditation in Buddhism, especially Zen.
In vipassana meditation the mind is trained to notice each perception or thought that passes, but without "stopping" on any one. This is the characteristic form of meditation in Buddhism, especially Zen Buddhism.

Removed: 10d8

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